Thursday, July 19, 2007

Night Funny

Sign explaining the mechanics of sex at a Math Geek's Convention reads:

1d plus 1c equals 1B

Real Age

I took one of those online 'test' yesterday ... yeah I know, but it was fun.
This one took your chronological age and calculated your "Real Age" using health and lifestyle as a means of analysis.
Using a whole lot of different aspects of my health and lifestyle it said while my 'calendar' age is 56.6 years my "real" age is 38.3 years.
Wow, damn near twenty years younger! I can live with that.

You know there might be something to that old adage "You're only as young as you feel" after all?!

Nordmannen Omgangssprak

Motte en fyren naturlig pa sykehuslege dags dato.
Vi var snakker om mange ting og komme til fine ut han har nert det identisk utdanning pedagogisk miljoet.
Idet det ma du gjerne ha gjettet han er Norsk siden JEG bruker nordmannen omgangssprak i denne stolpe.
Det er virkelig forbloffende det to mannskap fra to annerledes land ha faktisk det interesserer og oppdrasselse.

Glede seg over snakker med du dags dato, Arie.

(English Translation for non-Nordmann sprakerer, with apologies for the lacking grammer in the post above)

Met a fellow naturist on the internet today.
We were chatting about many things and come to find out he has almost the identical educational background.
As you may have guessed he is Norwegian since I am using the Norwegian language in this post.
It is truly amazing that two men from two different countries have virtually the same interests and education.

Enjoyed chatting with you today, Arial.

The Gathering

The first Gathering of the Clans to be held in Scotland since the Battle at Culloden in 1748 will be on the weekend of July 25 - 26, 2009. Be there.
Make your plans to be in Edinburgh, Scotland as the Tartan banners fly in the wind for the first time en masse in over two hundred years.

When the Tartans flew the English quivered with fright
struck dumb with fear at the sight.
They trembled at the Flower of Alba's might
for the wrongs they would put to right!

To find out more details you can contact Lord Sempill, Director of the Gathering, at:

The Gathering 2009 Ltd.
27 Queen Charlotte Street
Edinburgh EH6 6AX, Scotland
Telephone: +44131-561-1323
Email: or

See you there!
Suas Alba!