Saturday, July 21, 2007

Band Reunited

Just got off the phone with someone I haven't spoken to in 40 years. Damn, that's a long time! Mitchell and I were two of the best guitars players ever (or at least we thought so at the time) and our high school band ... not the marching kind, either ... was pretty darn good. We played the standard covers of the day as well as our own stuff, more so our own stuff which around here was something as every other band I can remember was strictly a cover band.

The music scene was up and coming over the horizon though and a few younger bands made it nationally and internationally in the years after our band parted for various endeavors. I went into the Corps and then to college until I received my PhDs (yes the 's' is correct); Mitchell went into the business world working for his father; Jason went straight to college and died of a drug overdose his freshman year; Susan got married to Eric and both are now grandparents as well.

The trip down nostalgia lane took six hours ... we had a lot to catch up on. But it boiled down to him wanting to get the band together to play for the next class reunion. I am not sold on the idea just yet, but I like the idea ... show those young whipper-snappers we 'fossils' can kick out the jams. Trouble is I haven't picked up any of my guitars in going on 19 years, as a matter of fact I sold all of them but one and my brother has it at the moment. Also without Jason we don't have a keyboard player, well we do but not like him. Susan and Eric want to, so I might as well do it too.

It would be good to hear the shout "Monarch Rules!" again as we knock their socks off.

Now if somebody will get me my Geritol!