Thursday, July 26, 2007
Any Sanity Left
If there is any sanity left in the United States this is your next president.
John Edwards is the only candidate that stands for the core values of the majority of Americans running from either of the two major parties. He is not the darling of corporate interests as are most of the other candidates in fact corporations tend to loath him.
He is truly a center grounded person ... as are most people in America ... that can think on his own ... again like most of the American people.
He is well liked by people, notable and non-notable alike here and around the world.
He is respected by people here and abroad.
He is a religious man who does not try and shove 'his' religion down your throat and respects differences.
He helps any that need and holds feet to the fire of those that need it as well.
In short he is a real man ... a Southern Man, to boot!
He is a maverick as well ( just as Kucinich and Paul are, only less boisterous about it), that is something this nation sorely needs right now after the nightmare of the cabal and rampant crony-ism run amok we have suffered the past 6 plus years.
Someone to stand up and say and do what truly needs saying and doing is what we have to have and if you watched the last debate or have seen the polls after you'll know Edwards does just that and he is viewed as the clear winner of that debate even with the neo-con/republican spin machine trying to convince everyone that Clinton was the winner and the de facto nominee thinking they could win if a woman was the Democratic nominee.
They're scared of Edwards, which means they are scared of the American people ... as well they should be.