Friday, July 27, 2007


Another in the series of conversation snippets from my grandkids, particularly my youngest granddaughter.


The Mrs., called and spoke with our granddaughter the other day and it went like this ...

Mrs., "Hi, 'G' what you doing?"
'G',"I can't talk long grand-mommy my parents are really angry with me."
Mrs., "Why are they angry with you 'G'?"
'G', "I don't know grand-mommy."
Mrs., "Think hard, 'G'."
'G', "Well, I have not cleaned up my room today."
Mrs., "Have you known about cleaning up your room all day?"
'G', "No, not all day, just since I got woke up this morning."

(O.K., technically she is right the day begins at midnight and she woke up at 6am.
But her mom and dad weren't too interested in technicalities.)


Another phone conversation between the Mrs., and 'G'.

'G' "Grand-mommy my Daddy thinks I have an attitude today."
Mrs., "Well, 'G' do you have an attitude today?"
'G', "No, grand-mommy, I don't know what his problem is!"

And she is just seven years old. What wonders and stumpers will she come up with next?

Made It At The Wire

I had vowed to make at least one post a day on this blog and I just made it today with this post.