Monday, August 6, 2007

Troglodyte Returns

One of the troglodytes on another forum has slithered from beneath its rock after a few weeks away and has picked up right where it left off.

How is it that some are just so flat-out stupid?

More importantly ... why do we allow them to procreate?

I mean ignorance is one thing and can be taught so that it is not ignorant.
Willful stupidity is a cause for severe bodily pain or it should be.

And this troll says it wants to teach children!

Be afraid, be very afraid!

More Headlines

Egyptologists Discover Cure For Egypt!

Casting Director Casts Self.

Conservationists Warn Of Dwindling Ham Population In Black Forest!

63% Of U.S. Implicated In New Scandal.

Corporate-Welfare Recipients: Are They Eating Steak And Driving Cadillacs?

Pudding Factory Disaster Brings Slow Creamy Death To Town Below!

Imaginary Brain Tumor Spreading Rapidly!

Heroic Man Rushes Into Movie Theater, Saves Four Seats!

For details on these Headlines and more go to The Onion and read all about them.

Missing Weapons In Iraq


Thirty percent of all the weapons we have given to Iraq are missing! That's 190,000 AK-47 assault weapons and 90,000 pistols, people.
Congressional Democrats quietly accomplishing campaign promises.

Check out this Report for details on these headlines and more.

Stupid Comments

Just a reminder.

Stupid comments by readers of this Blog WILL be published to expose their stupidity to the world.

However, stupid comments from those without the cajones to leave even their screen name will be 86'd.

This reminder was prompted by the first really stupid comment this Bog (actually her sister Blog), has received to date, but the commenter did not have the hutzpah to leave their screen name ... on a technical point it should be their real name, but allowances for the internet will be made on this point ... so it was deleted out of hand.

Turnabout Is Fair Play

Turnabout is fair play, I was always taught and the scene depicted above would be 'fair play' for Vick ... being treated as he treated.