Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Face of the New Liberals

Look into the face of a New Liberal.

Jack Cafferty as forever been a conservative type but listen to him this days and he is sounding more and more like a Liberal sort.

How is such a transformation possible you ask?!

The shrub and the cabal. The answer is that simple, the shrub and cabal.


Now there's something you don't see everyday ... neon colored Katydids.
The kicker is they are real and alive in the picture and not some plastic kid's toys.

Umberto Promises Rain

Tropical Storm Umberto promises to bring rain to an already rain-soaked state - Texas, while we in the Carolinas haven't seen enough rain to even remember what it looks and feels like since April.

My floating dock is now a hanging dock the lake is so low because of the drought.

Tropical Storm Gabriella didn't so much as raise a cloud in the skies here when she came ashore the other day.
While it was good to dodge a harsh storm during hurricane season, damn it we need the rain.

Damn those greedy Texans!

Daily Funny

Laugh and the whole world laughs with you.
Cry and ... you have to blow your nose.


Lordy, lordy, lordy, it seems I have a 'cyberstalker' or 'stalkers' on another forum and they are talking out of school about me.

What will I do?!

Well right now I am sitting down shortly to a roast turkey dinner with all the trimmings and after that I quite possibly will go to sleep with a full belly. I know it's not that time yet, but, hey, I cooked so I'm going to eat it.

Oh, back to the 'cyberstalking', maybe I'll just belch and be done with it. I mean if some one is so insecure and immature as that they are of no consequence and as such beneath notice - which is all they crave anyway ... notice ... deny them that and they go away, they may go away mad but they go away.