Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Daily Funny

Louie the Lush says ...

I would rather have a frontal lobotomy than a bottle in front of me.
That's not right, is it?!

The pipes are calling.

Nothing is like the sound of the pipes massed.
Upon hearing them you must stand taller and straighter and walk with a sturdy and steady step, it's a galvanic body response in we Scots and can be learned (a Pavlovian) response in non-Scots.

Of course in some the galvanic response is abject terror (this is mainly an English affliction - but it was the Germans who coined the moniker 'Damen ab Holle' [Ladies from Hell] when referring to the Scots fighting to the swirl of the pipes).

The World's Languages Are Dying

There are at least 7000 languages spoken by humans today but that number is dropping at a rate of about 1 to 2 a week. The top 83 most spoken languages make up 80% of the languages as to numbers of speakers while the bottom 3500 make up .02%.

What is the tragedy here you ask? The loss of all the amassed knowledge of the language and the culture behind it is all. Most of the dying languages have never been written down and will leave no record of them when the last speaker of the language dies.

To find out more about this click here.

Fortune Cookie Say ...

Soon you will be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Talk LIke A Pirate

Today is International Talk Like A Pirate Day.

Can you say Arrgh?!