Thursday, September 20, 2007

Fortune Cookie Say ...

You will step on the soil of many countries!

(Heck, I already thought I had)

Daily Funny

One night a traveling salesman stopped on a farm and asked to spend the night.

To which the farmer agreed provided the salesman didn't mind sharing the room with the farmer's son.
The salesman said he didn't mind sharing the room with the ten year old.
But as he was getting in to bed he noticed the boy sitting by the side of the bed.
Thinking the boy was saying his evening prayers the salesman got down on his knees to try and set a good example for the boy and say his prayers also.
When he settled in and began to silently pray with his head bowed and eyes shut he heard the boy's voice saying, "Daddy'll be really mad at you mister, the pot is on this side of the bed."

And I Quote

A conservative is a man who believes that nothing should be done for the first time.

~ Alfred E. Wiggam

Daily Word

Today's Daily Word is:

Misfonge (mis - fonge') N - Misunderstand; take amiss.

Gospel of Mark

The gospel of mark (pictured) is one of the most mis-interpreted documens of all time almost as much as the entire collected anthology of fiction it is contained in.

As a result many wars have been fought - one of which is happening now.

We humans could do so much better.