Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Trivial Things

Here are some things that could win you that next Trivia Contest at the local Pub on night.

Question: Smack and sampan are types of what?

Answer: They are types of boats.

Daily Funny

A bird in the hand is always safer than one overhead!

Big Catch

In what seems like it is right out of Jules Verne's 20,000 Leagues Beneath The Sea ...

Fishermen in New Zealand have caused a lot of excitement among the world's scientists over their recent catch- a 990 pound, 33 foot long adult colossal squid.
The squid, caught off the south coast of New Zealand, is believed to be the largest specimen ever found.
"This is going to draw phenomenal interest," said Steve O'Shea, a squid expert at the Auckland University of Technology.

Giant Squid are estimated to grow up to 46 feet (18 meters) long and are considered some of the most mysterious sea creatures in existence. Imagine what a Colossal Squid could grow to!
Normally found in Antarctic waters, this specimen has been sent to New Zealand's national museum, Te Papa, for scientific study.

To get an idea of the size of the squid take a look at the diagram to the right.

Shades of Jules Verne is right!

Scientists have long figured the existence of the Giant Squid from the numerous carcasses in Sperm Whales stomachs and recently - in the past decade or so have seen that 'figuring' become reality - the speculation that the 'Giants' had even bigger 'cousins' was been around for just as long - if not longer.
Ancient tales of sea monsters may have more than a grain of truth to them and look when Verne was writing his novels ... they weren't written last night.

2500 Readers

Carolina Naturally has 2500 regular readers with 1800 daily readers based on IP addresses.

Thanks everyone!

Head Lines

1) Micheal Vick and his three co-defendants have been indicted by the state of Virginia on state charges stemming from the dog fighting taking place in Virginia.

2) Bill O'Rielly steps in it again ... racist that he is.

3) UAW strike against GM may actually help GM and hurt UAW.

4) Polygamist Warren Jeffs was convicted on sex charges.

5) DeAngelo Hall will face fines, suspension or both by the Falcons.