Sunday, September 30, 2007

Sage Wisdom Has It

A consensus means that everyone agrees to say collectively what no one believes individually.

Say it ain't so.

Just when you'd think all the nausea from the "Brady Bunch" had gone away you find out that Marsha was 'doing' Jan.

I don't know about you but I didn't need to know about that - personally don't care how they got their teenage jollies, just didn't need to know that.

But I guess Maureen (aka Marsha) needs to promote her new book somehow.

Tis Faire Tyme

It is RenFaire time again. Opening cannon is this next Saturday at 10AM. Now is the time all the hard work and long hours pay off.

Seven weekends of people trying to speak with enough of an English accent to pass for bad actors.
That is why I speak with my own Scots accent (O.K. so I do 'thicken' the Brogue a wee bit for the masses - too many preachers around here to bother conjugating Thee and Thou correctly anyway ... I can and could, but why bother?!).

Com' th' morn o'th' dae me bea see'n ye tae faire an' saf' hom' agin'. Till me see ye anon, hale an' farewell.