Saturday, May 10, 2008
Fingerprints for ID demanded from a woman without arms
News of the Stupid
From the Johannesburg , South Africa, office:
The department of home affairs has failed to put in place a system that will help people with disabilities to get identity documents, the SA Human Rights Commission said.
Spokesman Vincent Moaga said the commission was concerned the department had requested that a woman with no arms could not get an ID unless she was fingerprinted.
Victoria Modise, 37, of Diepkloof Zone, Soweto, who lost her ID last year, applied for a replacement but was told she needed to be fingerprinted.
Moaga said the commission was deeply concerned by this incident.
He said the department should refer to international practice and follow suit.
“Home Affairs should look at international practices and see what system can be put in place to assist people with disabilities to get their IDs.”
Moaga said despite the commission meeting the department of home affairs last year to discuss these issues, not much had been done.And to think incidents such as these are actually commonplace everywhere. That is scary.