Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Fairness Doctrine - No Way!

Boy oh, boy the wing-nuts, ditto-heads, whack-jobs or whatever you want to call them are sure in a twitter over the fact that, that pill popping [(boy lovin')?], never even within the same universe as correct on anything, fount of hate and intolerance lush dimblub has been polluting the people's airwaves for twenty years now.

Lucky for the rest of us we couldn't care less ... he was, is and always has been irrelevant to anyone with a functioning brain.

All over the right wing forum boards the troglodyte faithful are gushing and when someone with any intelligence dares to mention a needed return to the "fairness doctrine" that served this country so well until raygun and the first bunch of nazis fucked over this country and abolished it (along with a host of other social and political norms that served this nation well for many years) on their way to ruining this country - a job the current cabal have done so well in completing.

So, don't plan on seeing or hearing anything about 'fairness' from them even on forums that are supposedly open.

They are free to speak here ... but they won't because here we speak back and that is the single most important no-no among the Haters - no one speaks up to express any thought or idea contrary to the proscribed dogma.

It truly is a sad day when the likes of dimbulb even gets on the publi's airwaves much less the perversion of twenty years!

As of this moment ...

4,132 brave men and women are gone.

4,132 families have been destroyed
in the waste that is Iraq.

Support our troops ... bring them home now!