Monday, September 15, 2008

And I Quote

"In this 20th century, every great step forward has come during Democratic administrations.
Every movement backward has come under Republican auspices, and it is the people who have
paid dearly...Too much is now at stake--here and throughout the world--to take the wrong path now.
There is one way to stop the forces of reaction. Get every vote out on election day, and make it count.
You can't afford to waste your votes this year. I'm not asking you just to vote for me.
Vote for yourselves!...
Vote for the standard of living that you have won under a Democratic administration!
Get out there on election day, and vote for your future!"

~ Harry Truman, 1948

(As true today as it was 60 years ago, if not more so)

Palin named a liar

"She's not telling the truth when she told ABC neither she nor her husband pressured me to fire Trooper Wooten," said Walt Monegan, the Alaskan official whose dismissal by Sarah Palin is the focus of a state investigation known as "Troopergate". "And she's not telling the truth to the media about her reasons for firing me."

Palin has seen dinosaur fossils with human footprints in them

Okay, I am going out on a limb here by saying ... the beotch is freakin' looneytunes.

Read the latest on this misanthropic wacko here.

Mickey Mouse must die, says Saudi Arabian cleric

Sheikh Muhammad Munajid claimed the mouse is "one of Satan's soldiers" ...


Damn, how he did know?!


Some days it does not pay to have a functioning brain ... stories like this give me a headache.

Read the Telegraph story here.

Palin won't meet with 'Troopergate' investigator

A campaign spokesman says Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin won't speak with an investigator hired by lawmakers to look into the firing of her public safety commissioner.

The campaign insists the investigation has been hijacked by Democrats. It says it can prove Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan was fired because of insubordination on budget issues — not because he refused to fire a state trooper who had divorced Palin's sister.

"The campaign insists the investigation has been hijacked by Democrats."


Of the 5 members of the investigation panel, 3 are Republicans.

The tortured logic of the McPain campaign is truly astounding!

Read the entire article here.

The film is shutting down

A tragic comedy of mistruths and outright falsehoods from fanatsyland where sane people shake their heads and avert their eyes from the horrors of a senile old coot and a smarmy harridan copulating in public in an orgy of hate and denial.

Thankfully this film is leaving your local theaters shortly

Newly-discovered ant

New Ancient Scientists have dubbed this newly-discovered ant Martialis heureka, implying that it's so odd it could have come from Mars. Found in the Brazliian rainforest, it has no eyes, and its "mouth" is like a pair of long forceps. According to University of Texas at Austin evolutionary biologist Christian Rabeling, Martialis heureka is from the oldest ant lineage still living.

From Science News:
Its DNA may be even more interesting. Genetic analysis puts the new ant so far from other species that it deserves its own subfamily, Martialinae, Rabeling and his colleagues report in an upcoming Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. It’s the first new subfamily described for a living ant since 1923, the discoverers say...

“The fact that a single ant ‘rediscovered’ in the rainforests of Brazil can tell us so much about the evolution of the ants highlights how little we know about the diversity of life on the planet,” says (Corrie Moreau, ant specialist at Chicago's Field Museum.)

Witchcraft claim leads to deadly riot

A riot broke out at a soccer match in the Congo yesterday, apparently after one of the players was accused of using witchcraft. Thirteen people were killed, most of whom were teenagers.

From the Associated Press:
Radio Okapi said police tried to control the violence at Matokeo stadium by firing into the air to protect their commander, who was hit in the head and wounded by fans.

The two local clubs involved were Socozaki and Nyuki System, the radio said.

Dozens of teenagers marched through Butembo's dirt streets Monday in protest, and the regional governor, Julien Mpaluku, paid a visit to the hospital.

Everyone is calling him a liar

It seems that all those lies on top of lies on top of lies on top of lies are being recognized for what they are by everyone except the wing-nuts ... go figure.

Feds: Was Text Messaging involved?

Federal officials investigating a commuter rail collision that killed 25 people said they want to review cell phone records to determine if an engineer blamed for running a stop signal before the crash may have been text messaging at the time.

What with the rudeness of those text-ing around here all the time and ignoring all that is happening around them while doing so, I would not doubt the engineer was text-ing at the time of the wreck.

But we will see in time.

Black Monday on Wall Street

Now everyone is going to feel the screwing they have been getting for the last seven plus years and they well not be able to ignore it.

In one of the most dramatic days in Wall Street’s history, Merrill Lynch agreed to sell itself to Bank of America for around $44 billion to avert a deepening financial crisis while another prominent securities firm, Lehman Brothers, hurtled toward liquidation after it failed to find a buyer, people briefed on the deals said. - New York Times

James K. Galbraith had this to say ... "The world will not be a better place with two free-standing investment banks—Goldman [Sachs] and Morgan [Stanley]—and a half-dozen major commercial banks, if that, running everything. Further, there is a risk that the unraveling will become disorderly and out of control from this point, as assets hit the market in fire sales and do not find takers. this will affect pension funds and greatly compound the collapse of the wealth position of the middle class.... the collapse of Wall Street will hit Main Street like Ike hit Houston."

And let us not forget who has given us this screwing - and not even a kiss before either - with this truism ... "The republicans always figure out a way to bring about economic despair for the normal people!" ... which any person alive now knows as did their grandparents when the last time the republicans fu_ked up the economy bringing on the GREAT DEPRESSION as did their grandparents when the republicans fu_ked up the economy bringing on the Panic during the 1880s. The whole reason for the party's existence is to fu_k up the economy so a select few can become richer and everyone else become poorer and has been from the start.

What others are saying about this:

"This is indeed the most severe financial crisis since the Great Depression and occurring at a time when the US is falling in a now severe consumer led recession. The vicious interaction between a systemic financial and banking crisis and a severe economic contraction will get much worse before there is any bottom to it. We are only in the third inning of a nine innings economic and financial crisis. And the only light at the end of the tunnel is the one of the incoming train wreck." ~ Kontent News

"Suddenly, the term "too big to fail" is off the table. With Lehman Brothers likely to go into bankruptcy, Wall Street is preparing for a very rocky trading day. We'll get a hint of what's in store in a few hours when Asian markets open for business. Already, there's been an emergency trading session at the International Swaps and Derivatives Association to "reduce risk associated with a potential Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. bankruptcy." The ISDA was allowing customers to make trades and unwind positions linked to Lehman." ~ LA Observed

McPain went 'too far'

The Original and Slimiest King of Sleazy Lies, Karl Rove says McPain lies like a rug ... and he should know!

Read the full story here.

As one has put it ... Those chickens are coming home to roost - and how!

Republicans for Obama

Republicans for Obama has this wonderful video playing on the net.

Garrison Keillor: The ‘bums’ try for an end run

“So the Republicans have decided to run against themselves. The bums have tiptoed out the back door and circled around to the front and started yelling, “Throw the bums out!” They’ve been running Washington like a well-oiled machine to the point of inviting lobbyists into the back rooms to write the legislation, and now they are anti-establishment reformers dedicated to delivering us from themselves. And former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani is an advocate for small-town America. Bravo.

They are coming out for Small Efficient Government the very week that the feds are taking over Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, those old cash cows, and in the course of a weekend $20 billion or $50 billion (pick a number) go floating out the Treasury door. Hello? Do you see us out here? We are not fruit flies, we are voters, we can read and write, we didn’t just fall off the coal truck.

It is a bold move on the Republicans’ part—forget about the past, it’s only history, so write a new narrative and be who you want to be.

Sen. John McCain has decided to run as a former prisoner of war and a maverick, a maverick’s maverick, rather than President Bush’s best friend, and that’s understandable, but how can he not address the $3 trillion that got burned up in Iraq so far? It’s real money, it could’ve paid for a lot of windmills, a high-speed rail line in Ohio, some serious R&D. The Chinese, who have avoided foreign wars for 50 years, are taking enormous leaps forward, investing in their economy, and we are falling behind. We’re wasting our chances. The Republican culture of corruption in Washington hasn’t helped.

And a former mayor of Wasilla, a town of about 8,500, who hired a lobbyist to get $26 million in federal earmarks is now running against the old-boy network in Washington who gave her that money to build the teen rec center and other good things so she could keep taxes low in Wasilla.


And if you question her qualifications to be the leader of the free world, you are an elitist. This is a beautiful maneuver. I wish I had thought of it back in school when I was forced to subject myself to a final exam in higher algebra. I could have told Miss Mortenson, “I am a Christian and when you gave me a D, you only showed your contempt for the Lord and for the godly hard-working people from whom I have sprung, you elitist battle-ax you.”

In school, you couldn’t get away with that garbage because the taxpayers know that if we don’t uphold scholastic standards, we will wind up driving on badly designed bridges and go in for a tonsillectomy and come out missing our left lung, so we flunk the losers lest they gain power and hurt us, but in politics we bring forth phonies and love them to death.

I must say, it was fun having the Republicans in St. Paul and to see it all up close and firsthand. Security was, as one might expect, thin-lipped and gimlet-eyed, but once you got through it, you found the folks you went to high school with—farm kids, jocks, the townies who ran the student council, the cheerleaders, some of the bullies—and they are as cohesive now as they were back then, dedicated to school spirit, intolerant of outsiders, able to jump up and down and holler for something they don’t actually believe.

But oh, Lord, what they brought forth this year.

When you check the actuarial tables on a 72-year-old guy who’s had three bouts with cancer, you guess you may be looking at the first woman president, a hustling evangelical with ethics issues and a chip on her shoulder who, not counting Canada, has set foot outside the country once—a trip to Germany, Iraq and Kuwait in 2007 to visit Alaskans in the armed services. And who listed a refueling stop in Ireland as a fourth country visited. She’s like the Current Occupant but with big hair. If you want inexperience, there were better choices…”

NFL Predictions

Oh, by the way the Panthers won again! Beating the Bears 20 to 17 in Charlotte.

That makes my running predictions for the season 100% thus far - something I hope to maintain ... knock on wood.

For all those on that old forum still predicting the games - sorry I am not there, but I am in a larger group including several former NFL coaches and players and the competition is fierce but I am holding on to the lead on the board which is hard considering most of the predictors are over 90%.