Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Liars and Fools

Liars and Fools

"Joe the Plumber" (who is not 'Joe' and not a plumber) says he'd like to ‘beat the livin’ tar’ out of Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi
Trouble is he couldn't beat his way out of an imaginary paper bag (much less a real one) so Nancy has nothing to be concerned with from this lunatic.

Rick Santorium lying that President Obama is un-AmericanAlign Center
Coming from a real un-American pervert this is hilarious.

The Washington Times defends their "Fact-Based" editorials comparing Obama to Nazis
The Washington Times and facts - Never shall the twain meet.

Michael Savage is still lying that Obama is planning martial law
Michael just needs to take his head out of Mickey's (as in Mouse) ass so he can breath.

Faux News still spreads the lie that Obama wants to kill seniors
Nope that's the goal of the repugicans and they're lying their way toward that end.

Violating protocol (that never applies to repugicans [or at least they think it does not apply to them] - another repugican) Mike Huckabee criticizes the President on foreign soil
Treason is the word for it - plain and simple.

Bank Auctions Wrong House, Evicts Legal Owner

For once, the U.K., which frequently gets the shaft in technology cost comparisons vs. the U.S., is going to do better than the U.S. Quite a bit better, at least for now, with C|Net discovering that they're getting a 50% price advantage on Windows 7.

Full Story

U.S. life span reaches new high

U.S. life span reaches new high

Americans are living longer, but still lag behind 30 other countries in life expectancy.

Hurricane Bill gaining strength

Hurricane Bill gaining strength

Hurricane Bill becomes a Category 4 storm and forecasters warn it may get even stronger.

Why we lie so much

Why we lie so much

Not only do we lie more often than we realize, we also easily fall for deception, research finds.


Picnic that changed the course of history

Picnic that changed the course of history

20 years ago today, a picnic along the Austria-Hungary border put a fatal crack in the Iron Curtain.



Unusual Holidays and Celebrations

Today is
Aviation Day
"Black Cow" Root Beer Float Day

Daily Almanac

Today is Wednesday, Aug. 19, the 231st day of 2009.

There are 134 days left in the year.

Today in History, August 19th.

Our Readers

Some of our readers today have been in:

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Tehran, Esfahan, Iran
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Quebec, Quebec, Canada
London, England, United Kingdom
Ipswich, England, United Kingdom
Budapest, Budapest, Hungary

as well as Spain, Scotland, and the United States

Daily Horoscope

Today's horoscope says:

Taking two steps backward for every one step forward is an exasperating way to spend your day.
Sometimes, though, despite making your best efforts, events conspire to send you back to the drawing board again and again.
Does your plan need modification?
Perhaps you're being too ambitious or trying to bite off more than you can comfortably chew in one session.
Look for ways to simplify -- but don't give up.
You're on the right track.

Can do.