Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Want to know medical secrets?

Thirteen per cent of US medical schools reported that students had posted confidential information about patients on blogs or social networking websites.

Did you know ...

More than half of computer users use Firefox, the fabulous, free browser, though Microsoft's clunky, ad-friendly, and crash-prone - not to mention hacker and virus loving, Internet Explorer remains Numero Uno due to nothing more than sheer inertia.

In case you hadn't noticed ...

The Iranians are still furious about their nation’s stolen election, and still raising more of a stink about it than anyone in America made about ours in 2000 and 2004.

Top Ten

Top Ten reasons President Obama agreed to appear on the Late Show with David Letterman

Mealtime tricks

Mealtime tricks from moms

Getting your kids to ditch junk food and eat healthfully may be easier than you think.

Scientists Catch Giant Squid Off Louisiana Coast

Scientists have captured a 19.5-foot, 103-pound giant squid off the coast of Louisiana, only the second known giant squid caught in the Gulf of Mexico since 1954.

Big surprise with tentacles hauled up

The size of the squid scientists have found isn't the only thing that makes it unusual.

Mayor bans cop foot chases

The mayor of a small South Carolina town says she banned her police officers from chasing suspects on foot after an officer was hurt running after a man.

Full Story

Beware the Bearsharktopus

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water:


Bearsharktopus is from this thread over at Reddit.

Jack Kirby estate will wrest copyrights back from Disney-Marvel

The heirs of Jack Kirby -- the comics legend who made Marvel what it is today -- are seeking to employ a little-used copyright rule that lets them wrest Kirby's creations away from Marvel (soon to be Disney-Marvel) and put them back under the estate's control. If they succeed, it will be awfully weird and deadlocked, though, as there will be trademarks covering the characters that still belong to Disney-Marvel; and the collectively created characters, stories, art and situations will be jointly held by two hostile parties: Disney-Marvel and the Kirbys.

My guess is that the Kirbys will end up with the economic right to the characters -- a share of the profits -- but not the moral right -- the right to veto various uses and licenses.

The legal notices expressed an intent to regain copyrights to some creations as early as 2014, according to a statement from Toberoff & Associates, a Los Angeles firm that helped win a court ruling last year returning a share of the copyright in Superman to heirs of the character's co-creator, Jerome Siegel.

Reached by telephone on Sunday, Mr. Toberoff declined to elaborate on the statement. A spokeswoman for Marvel had no immediate comment. Disney said in a statement, "The notices involved are an attempt to terminate rights seven to 10 years from now, and involve claims that were fully considered in the acquisition." Fox, Sony, Paramount and Universal had no comment...

Sony has the film rights to Spider-Man in perpetuity, for instance, while Fox has the X-Men and the Fantastic Four. Paramount has a distribution agreement for Marvel's next few self-produced movies, including a second "Iron Man" film. Meanwhile, Hasbro has certain toy rights and Universal holds the Florida theme park rights to Spider-Man and the Incredible Hulk, among other characters.

Astronomical Daily Picture of the Day

See Explanation.  Clicking on the picture will download  the highest resolution version available. Aurora Over Yellowknife
Credit & Copyright: Yuichi Takasaka (Blue Moon Promotions)

'Naked' Cancer Cure?

They might be bald and ugly, but these rodents never get cancer – and we may have found out why.

Naked mole rats may help cure cancer

Musical Pyramids

Rain reveals that Mexican pyramids could have been built to be musical instruments for the gods.

Mayans 'played' pyramids to make music for rain god

Better World

Better world: Offset your emissions

If you must fly or indulge in other carbon-intensive activities, carbon offsetters promise redemption

Better world: Consume sceptically

Does your money end up in the pockets of farmers, or factory owners who use slave labor?

Floods wreak havoc in Southeast

Floods wreak havoc in Southeast

Rising waters from days of torrential rain wash out highways and bridges and claim lives.

The recession's social impact

The recession's social impact

Delayed marriages are just one way the recession is disrupting American life, a new study reveals.

How to Celebrate Mabon

In many modern pagan traditions, Mabon is the name given to the autumnal equinox, which is celebrated as one of the eight major sabbaths, or holidays.
This holiday occurs in late September in the northern hemisphere, and is the second of the three harvest festivals, which begin with Lughnasadh and end with Samhain or Halloween.
Traditionally, festivals celebrated at this time of year were also known as Harvest Home or Thanksgiving.

Full Story.

Unusual Holidays and Celebrations

Today is

Dear Diary Day,
Elephant Appreciation Day,
Hobbit Day,
National White Chocolate Day.

It is also

The Autumn Equinox
and the Festival of Mabon

Daily Almanac

Today in History Today is Tuesday, Sept. 22, the 265th day of 2009.

There are 100 days left in the year.

Today In History September 22

Our Readers

Some of our readers today have been in:

Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
Algiers, Alger, Algeria
Tabor, Jihocesky Kraj, Czech Republic
Pune, Mahrashtra, India
Kuwait, Al Kuwayt, Kuwait
Chimbote, Ancash, Peru
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Rome, Lazio, Italy
London, England, United Kingdom
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Heerlin, Limburg, Netherlands
Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands
Paris, Ile-De-France, France
Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa
Lige, Lige, Belgium

Daily Horoscope

Today's horoscope says:

If work were a camping trip, you'd be in charge of the grill.
For one thing, everybody trusts you when it comes to handling fire.
You can light it, you can keep it burning, you can make sure it doesn't get so big that is sets the paper plates and tablecloths on fire.
Further, people trust you to distribute the hot dogs fairly, equitably and fully cooked.
Yep, it's no wonder you're the office equivalent of the grill chef -- who else is as trustworthy as you?

Aw shucks! Now ya gone and done made me blush.