More muscle power means lower Alzheimer's risk

This is good news for me at least - all those years in the gym are still paying off:

Older people with stronger muscles are at reduced risk of developing Alzheimer's disease compared to their weaker peers, a new study shows.

More muscle power means lower Alzheimer's risk

Science News

In Science News

AIDS Leading Cause of Death For Women

In its first study of women's health around the globe, the World Health Organization said Monday that the AIDS virus is the leading cause of death and disease among women between the ages of 15 and 44.

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Murdoch: We’ll probably remove our sites from Google’s index

From the "Yeah, Right!" Department:

Rupert Murdoch has suggested that News Corporation is likely to make its content unfindable to users on Google when it launches its paid content strategy .

When Murdoch and other senior News Corp lieutenants have criticized aggregators such as Google for taking a free ride on its content, commentators have questioned why the company doesn’t simply make its content invisible to search engines.

Using the robots.txt protocol on a site indicates to automated web spiders such as Google’s not to index that particular page or to serve up links to it in users’ search results.

Murodch claimed that readers who randomly reach a page via search have little value to advertisers. Asked by Sky News political editor David Speers why News hasn’t therefore made its sites invisible to Google, Murdoch replied: “I think we will.”

Murdoch: We’ll probably remove our sites from Google’s index

Yeah, and the cow jumped over the moon, too.

Pigeon Impossible

In Lucas Martell's new animated film, Pigeon Impossible: "A rookie secret agent is faced with a problem seldom covered in basic training: what to do when a curious pigeon gets trapped inside your multi-million dollar, government-issued nuclear briefcase."

Human-shaped root

Roootboyyy Zheng Dexun, a farmer in southwest China's Sichuan Province, recently found this anthropomorphic root.
It's the tonic herb He Shou Wu, Chinese knotweed.

Cut health care spending in half

Ezra Klein at The Washington Post writes: If you leave everything else the same -- the volume of procedures, the days we spend in the hospital, the number of surgeries we need — but plug in the prices Canadians pay, our health-care spending falls by about 50 percent.

It's the truth - but is anyone listening?

Health Care Hell in America

If you think going to the hospital and living to talk about it is expensive ... get a load of this bullshit:
$29,186.50 hospital bill, for being pronounced dead

Like, we didn't know this already ...

The repugicans have finally come up with their ideas* for health care reform — letting insurance companies ignore regulations and rate controls.

*These 'ideas' wholly owned and operated by the Health Insurance and Pharmaceutical Industries.

Legal Schmegal

And on the idiot front ...

Charles Grassley (reptile-Iowa) has authored legislation to make it illegal to even consider legalization of pot.

This is a waste of perfectly good paper - legalize schmegalize ... it's all a bunch of hooey.
If someone wants to stink let them sooner or later they figure out they have no friends.
However if it was legal and taxed our nation would not be in quite the fiscal mess we're in.
Think about it.

Man Provides Photo For His Own Wanted Poster

Now here's a cheeky fellow ...

A British man on the run from police sent a picture of himself to his local paper because he disliked the mugshot they had printed of him as part of a public appeal to track him down.

Man Provides Photo For His Own Wanted Poster

The case against bodies suspect expands

Authorities are investigating whether a Cleveland, Ohio man whose home and yard harbored the remains of at least 11 people is connected to any killings in places he lived while in the military, including Japan, California and the Carolinas.

Case against bodies suspect expands

Veterans Day: our quietest holiday

Of the annual patriotic American holidays, Veterans Day is perhaps the most somber and low key. The weather isn’t conducive to Memorial Day or Labor Day style barbecues; the kids still have to go to school and most of us will go to work. I’ve never been invited to a ‘Veterans Day Dinner’ or turned on the television to watch a special Veteran’s Day parade or sporting event.

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Architect of Ft. Hood Massacre Was Strip Club Devotee

Despite a desperate attempt on behalf of the establishment media to reinforce clichéd stereotypes to prop up the war on terror, by depicting the Fort Hood shooter as a devout Muslim fundamentalist, it turns out that just like the 9/11 pasty hijackers, Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan had a taste for the very much westernized sins of alcohol and strip clubs.

Ever since last week’s tragedy at Fort Hood, the establishment has been straining at the leash to portray Hasan as a radical jihadist who harbored a hatred for America, a disdain for western culture, and a common ideology with Al-Qaeda, even going so far as to claim that Hasan attempted to contact Al-Qaeda, which wouldn’t be a surprise bearing in mind that Al-Qaeda is little more than the CIA’s Arab legion.

Hasan’s description as a “devout Muslim, and one who had difficulty finding a wife who would wear a head scarf and would pray five times a day,” is contradicted by the revelation that Hasan was a frequent visitor at his local strip club, where he would drink alcohol and pay women to lap dance for him.

“Hasan sat at a table in the back corner of the club, to the left of the stage on which strippers dance around a pole, employees said,” reports Fox News.

“I remembered his face because it was the first lap dance I [gave] to a customer while working here,” said 31-year-old Jennifer Jenner. “When I saw his face [Friday] on TV, I jumped out of bed, I knew it was him.”

“Jenner said Hasan was dressed casually both nights he came to the club – in jeans and a T-shirt the first night and then wearing a baseball cap the next. She recalled that he arrived at about 6:30 p.m. and stayed until 2 a.m,” according to the report.

Hasan has been characterized as an “Islamic extremist” by all corners of the media since it emerged that he was upset about being deployed to Iraq. He is stereotyped in reports of being “a Muslim first and an American second,” and yet his behavior suggests the opposite.

Hasan’s penchant for strip clubs, which would be seen as complete abomination by fundamentalist Muslims, mirrors exactly the behavior of the 9/11 hijackers in the months before 9/11.

Many of the 9/11 hijackers not only frequented strip clubs and got regularly drunk, but they also purchased pornography, sex toys, gambled, and had sex with prostitutes. This type of behavior is consistent with these men being westernized Arabs who were being paid a lot of money to pose as fundamentalists, when in reality they spent their spare time indulging in activities that real fundamentalists would consider to be sins beyond repentance.

As soon as it became known that the Fort Hood shooter had an “Arab-sounding name,” Hasan’s entire motivation for carrying out the massacre was dutifully “explained” by the media in double-quick time. His characterization as a devout fundamentalist Muslim exacting his own personal jihad was relentlessly pushed by the network news shows.

However, as was also the case with the 7/7 bombing patsies who led westernized lives completely at odds with their portrayal by the media, Hasan’s strip club visits contradict the contrived notion that he was an Islamic fundamentalist seeking to inflict revenge upon the infidels at Fort Hood, since by the nature of his own behavior, Hasan was one of those very infidels.

Firefox Turns Five

The fabulous open-source alternative browser, Firefox, turned five years old today. On November 9th, 2004, Firefox launched to a world in which Internet Explorer owned 99 percent of the market.

My, how things have changed.

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London in 1927

This early (1927) color film shows 10 minutes of remarkable vintage London.

Catholic Bishops have become political operation fighting social justice

Who knew one of the most aggressive political operations in the U.S. in the year 2009 would be the Catholic Bishops?

Last week, Maine's Bishop, Richard Malone, gloated after his campaign to repeal Maine's marriage equality took away the rights of same-sex couples in that state. In Maine, the Bishop turned his church into a political operation.

This weekend, the Catholic Bishops are getting credit for undermining women's rights in the new health care bill through the Stupak amendment:
Both sides credited a forceful lobbying effort by Roman Catholic bishops with the success of the provision, inserted in the bill under pressure from conservative Democrats.
The Bishops also led a sustained campaign on this issue.
Beginning in late July, the bishops began issuing a series of increasingly stern letters to lawmakers making clear that they saw the abortion-financing issue as pre-eminent, a deal-breaker.

At the funeral of Senator Edward M. Kennedy in August, Cardinal Seán O’Malley, the archbishop of Boston, stole a private moment with Mr. Obama to deliver the same warning: The bishops very much wanted to support his health care overhaul but not if it provided for abortions. The president “listened intently,” the cardinal reported on his blog.

Bishops implored their priests and parishioners to call lawmakers. Conservative Democrats negotiating over the issue with party leaders often expressed their desire to meet the bishops’ criteria, according to many people involved in the talks. On Oct. 8 three members of the bishops conference wrote on its behalf to lawmakers, “If the final legislation does not meet our principles, we will have no choice but to oppose the bill.”
The Bishops have made themselves into a political operation. That means they warrant the same kind of scrutiny every other political operation receives. No hiding behind the collars.

The Bishops want to take away people's rights. Members of Congress and the Obama administration have to decide just how closely they want to align with the protectors of pedophiles.

Domestic terrorist left American flags at the scene of both crimes

A man accused of shooting and killing a police officer in Seattle has ties to Alaska.

Police say Christopher Monfort, 41, killed one Seattle police officer and wounded another Halloween night.
Officials believe Monfort is also responsible for fire-bombing police vehicles in a maintenance yard on Oct. 22, and describe him as a domestic terrorist.
American flags were left at the scene of both crimes.

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Arab Children Killed Working in Smuggling Tunnels

No fewer than 32 children have been killed over the past three years while working in Gaza arms smuggling tunnels, according to a new report released in the Palestinian Authority.
The report, prepared by an organization called the Palestinian National Society for Democracy and Law, was released on Saturday.
It deals with the child abuse perpetrated on child laborers in the tunnels used to smuggle weapons, arms and other items from Egypt into Gaza.

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Peppered at MickeyD's

A pepper spray prank at a McDonald's restaurant in North Carolina sent six people to the hospital while 25 others were treated by emergency medical personnel at the scene.

McDonald's Pepper Spray Prank

Minnesota's 'DWI chair' sells for more than $10,000

Operating a motorized recliner while drunk apparently drives up the chair's value.

Full Story

Man beat family for 18 yrs to exorcise 'jinn'

Police in Saudi Arabia have arrested a man from Taif for subjecting his wife and children to physical abuse for 18 years to exorcise the spirit with which he believed they were possessed, the daily Saudi Gazette reported on Monday.

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Mysterious Porpoise Deaths Blamed On Berserk Dolphins

Marine biologists have figured out why a growing number of dead harbor porpoises have been found on California beaches in recent years: dolphin attacks.

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Extraterrestrial rafting

Do the moons of Jupiter and Saturn harbor life in their chilly oceans?
A flotilla of space probes is being lined up to haul anchor and find out.

Hunting off-world sea life

Unusual Holidays and Celebrations

Today is World Orphans Day.

Tonight is Kristallnacht.

Daily Almanac

Today is Monday, Nov. 9, the 313th day of 2009.

There are 52 days left in the year.

Today In History November 9

Our Readers

Some of our readers today have been in:

Brussels, Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest, Belgium
Markham, Ontario, Canada
Ambala, Haryana, India
London, England, United Kingdom
Wiesbaden, Hessen, Germany
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
New Delhi, Delhi, India
Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Bristol, England, United Kingdom
Leeds, England, United Kingdom
Manchester, England, United Kingdom
Gloucester, England, United Kingdom
Montpellier, Languedoc-Roussillon, France

as well as Portugal and the United States

Daily Horoscope

Today's horoscope says:

Whatever insight you've been taking from your dreams lately will serve you well today.
Follow your gut and do what you think you need too.
Certain images and issues are recurring themes in your life.
Your subconscious is keying you in to what you need to deal with first.
It's now time to confront things once and for all.
Getting to the heart of the matter as quickly as you can today will save you a lot of headaches later in the week.

Will do.