Saturday, November 28, 2009

The Military Budget Is Bleeding Us Dry. It's Time We Addressed That.

From Crooks and Liars

You know, between the crooks, the politicians and the payoffs, this issue shouldn't be a third rail anymore. Democrats need to decide which we can afford: Shoveling trillions of dollars into the military-industrial-congressional complex (and the pockets of defense donors), or rebuilding this country's economic and social infrastructure. David Sirota:

In 2000, the Pentagon admitted it has lost -- yes, lost -- $2.3 trillion. In 2003, the San Francisco Chronicle reported that a subsequent Department of Defense study said it was only $1 trillion. To put such numbers in perspective, contemplate what those sums could finance. $1 trillion, for instance, could pay the total cost of universal healthcare for the long haul. $2.3 trillion would cover universal healthcare plus the bank bailout plus the stimulus package.

Obviously -- obviously! -- these points are no cause for alarm and certainly no cause for defense spending reductions, right? All they must prove is that the archconservative Cato Institute, William Randolph Hearst's newspaper chain, National Journal employees and Pentagon officials are secretly America-hating liberals. And -- obviously! -- so are two of the most aggressive neoconservative hawks ever to hold government office, Sen. John McCain and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. After all, they’re the ones who issued those scathing statements about wasteful defense spending in the pop quiz above. That means they’re actually terrorist-appeasing lefties, right?

Really, how could anyone other than traitorous communists see the data and then consider backing the mildest Pentagon spending cuts? I mean, come on -- in a country whose paranoid conservative movement now makes a dead-serious ideology out of Stephen Colbert wisecracks, how dare any red-blooded American even think of pondering basic budgetary facts?

Of course here's a typical wingnut reaction:

Lost in all the typical liberal hyperventilating over increased defense spending during the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, is just how low current defense spending compared to the last 45 years.

Oh, well then! Quit yer griping!

Ho hum. Just another would-be domestic terrorist found with a bomb-making lab. Nothing to see here, just move along

From Crooks and Liars:

Gee, for some reason, this story hasn't managed to make it out of the local news and into the national headlines:

CUYAHOGA FALLS, Ohio – Following a pipe bomb explosion Monday night, police and federal law enforcement officials are trying to figure why a Center Avenue man turned his apartment into a bomb factory.

thumb_mediumMarkCampano_c3716.JPGPolice said no charges have been filed against Mark Campano, 56. Police found 30 completed pipe bombs in his apartment along with components to make more, plus 17 guns and hundreds of rounds of ammunition.

Campano is in an Akron hospital with injuries received when one of the bombs exploded.

As police and federal authorities puzzle over Campano's past and what he planned to do with the bombs, a former neighbor said Campano often railed against the government.

Barbara Vachon lived next door to Campano at the Center Park Place Apartments for several years and said he was a big reason she moved.

"He was always trying to get me and another neighbor to listen to anti-government tapes and watch anti-government videos," said Vachon. "I would never watch them. He was some kind of radical, and he didn't believe in the government."

She said there were other warnings.

"There were a few times I heard minor explosions from outside the apartment building, and he would scream that he had hurt himself," she said. "I never knew what he was up to."

Vachon said Campano seemed to be most active at night.

"There was a steady stream of creepy visitors going in and out of his apartment," she said.

The Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms is also investigating the case.

Of course, if this had been a Muslim extremist caught with such an arsenal, we'd be getting talk-show panels on Hannity featuring Michelle Malkin ranting at length about the threat of Islamic jihad, blah blah blah. Not to mention chatty discussion on Fox and Friends and Morning Joe.

But instead, because he's just a white anti-government extremist, hey, let's just give it a big shrug.

More on the case here and here.

Fresh claim for fossil life in Mars rock

The 1996 claim that a meteorite contains microbe fossils from Mars has been boosted by the rejection of a non-biological explanation for the minerals.

Early Snowball Earth may have melted to a mudball

If the icy tropics of 700 million years ago were covered in dust, this could have helped melt the ice.

Early Snowball Earth may have melted to a mudball

Please don't pass health care reform, lest we be healthier and have more

Put simply, the healthcare reform bill would make the United States more like western Europe. That may mean more security about healthcare, but it also means that future generations of Americans will likely spend more time enjoying leisure.

Oh, Yeah - Like we wouldn't want that to happen, now would we!?

Arctic ice conditions much worse than satellite images suggested

For some reason, the deniers in the US can't recognize that there is a problem.
Ignorance is truly bliss for the teabaggers.
University of Manitoba researcher David Barber said experts around the world believed the ice was recovering because satellite images showed it expanding, but the thick, multi-year frozen sheets have been replaced by thin ice that cannot support the weight of a polar bear.

"Polar bears are being restricted to a small fringe of where this multi-year sea ice is. As we went further and further north, we saw less and less polar bears because this ice wasn't even strong enough for the polar bears to stand on," said Barber, who returned from an expedition to the Beaufort Sea in September.

Health Care Hell in America

The day after Thanksgiving, Blue Cross 'members' get a " Love Letter " in the mail from the crooks at Blue Shield of California.
A notification to announce that as of 1-1-2010 :

"Blue Shield will no longer reinstate policies that are canceled for nonpayment of premiums. This means that if your premiums are not paid in full and received by the due date, your policy will be canceled and you will need to re-apply for coverage."

In other words - fuck you.

Banks, world leaders play down Dubai debt threat

World leaders expressed confidence in the global economic recovery on Friday despite fears about a debt default by Gulf emirate Dubai, while major banks played down their exposure to the debt.

Banks, world leaders play down Dubai debt threat

Science News

The death throes of the biggest star known to science have been observed by Europe's new space telescope, Herschel.

Caged 'cavemen' go on display at Warsaw zoo

Visitors to Warsaw's zoo are being greeted by two "Homo sapiens" peering out from a cage - humans in animal skins trying to spark interest in man's caveman ancestors.

Full Story

Tow truck driver arrested for illegal tow

Police say a tow truck driver purposely moved a woman's car from a legal parking spot to an illegal spot so he could tow her and collect money.

That driver, Jeremy Lee Blaine, is now charged with a crime.

"Where does it say you can't park here?" we asked Shannon Whitlowe outside a Family Dollar store in Gastonia.

"There is nothing right there that says you can't park here," she said.

Whitlowe admits the place where she parked isn't the most clearly defined parking spot.

But, there are no yellow lines or words screaming "no parking" here - like there are an aisle away - and she was just going to be a minute getting medicine.

"I had a sick child," Whitlowe said.

By the time she came out her car was gone.

Folks who work in the area say the tow truck driver camps out behind corners, waiting for a wrong move.

"The minute you walk in the store, they take off with your car and I think it's wrong," Whitlowe said.

So do police.

They arrested CRS Towing tow truck driver Jeremy Blaine and charged him with obtaining property by false pretense.

That's after a witness told police Blaine hooked up Whitlowe's car and allegedly moved it to an illegal spot, then took a picture of it there as if that's where he found it.

We asked police, what's the purpose of the picture?

"It would be to justify the means of the action which is, you know, shady," said Gastonia Police Sergeant Trent Conard.

Conard thinks greed is a reason for the illegal tow.

"They're preying upon people that, you know, times are rough on everybody and people don't need to be spending 100 dollar tow bills to get their cars out when they were legally parked to begin with," he said.

It's not thepolice department's first run in with local tow truck companies.

Conard says some companies put their signs up on city utillity poles, which is against city ordinance.

The signs get taken down.

Then, drivers say towing companies tell them too bad, they "were" there.

In fact, police say arguments over signs, locations and legalities are getting worse.

"And we're not going to put up with it," Conard said.

Whitlowe had to pay to get her car back from the towing company, even though police say the tow was illegal.

"It was 100 dollars cash and they would not let me pay by check or debit," she said.

The driver is due in court Monday.

Saturday Jam

Today's Saturday Jam is all about the Sun:

Walking On The Sun
Smash Mouth

Walking On Sunshine
Katrina and the Waves

Steal My Sunshine

President Obama's Weekly Address

Prepared Remarks of President Barack Obama
Weekly Address
Thursday, November 26, 2009

For centuries, in peace and in war, in prosperity and in adversity, Americans have paused at this time of year to gather with loved ones and give thanks for life’s blessings. This week, we carry on this distinctly American tradition. All across our country, folks are coming together to spend time with family, to catch up with old friends, to cook and enjoy a big dinner – and maybe to watch a little football in between.

As always, we give thanks for the kindness of loved ones, for the joys of the previous year, and for the pride we feel in our communities and country. We keep in our thoughts and prayers the many families marking this Thanksgiving with an empty seat – saved for a son or daughter, or husband or wife, stationed in harm’s way. And we say a special thanks for the sacrifices those men and women in uniform are making for our safety and freedom, and for all those Americans who enrich the lives of our communities through acts of kindness, generosity and service.

But as much as we all have to be thankful for, we also know that this year millions of Americans are facing very difficult economic times. Many have lost jobs in this recession – the worst in generations. Many more are struggling to afford health care premiums and house payments, let alone to save for an education or retirement. Too many are wondering if the dream of a middle class life – that American Dream – is slipping away. It’s the worry I hear from folks across the country; good, hard-working people doing the best they can for their families – but fearing that their best just isn’t good enough. These are not strangers. They are our family, our friends, and our neighbors. Their struggles must be our concern.

That’s why we passed the Recovery Act that cut taxes for 95 percent of working people and for small businesses – and that extended unemployment benefits and health coverage for millions of Americans who lost their jobs in this turmoil. That’s why we are reforming the health care system so that middle-class families have affordable insurance that cannot be denied because of a pre-existing condition or taken away because you happen to get sick. We’ve worked to stem the tide of foreclosures and to stop the decline in home values. We’re making it easier to save for retirement and more affordable to send a son or daughter to college.

The investments we have made and tough steps we have taken have helped break the back of the recession, and now our economy is finally growing again. But as I said when I took office, job recovery from this crisis would not come easily or quickly. Though the job losses we were experiencing earlier this year have slowed dramatically, we’re still not creating enough new jobs each month to make up for the ones we’re losing. And no matter what the economists say, for families and communities across the country, this recession will not end until we completely turn that tide.

So we’ve made progress. But we cannot rest – and my administration will not rest – until we have revived this economy and rebuilt it stronger than before; until we are creating jobs and opportunities for middle class families; until we have moved beyond the cycles of boom and bust – of reckless risk and speculation – that led us to so much crisis and pain these past few years.

Next week, I’ll be meeting with owners of large and small businesses, labor leaders, and non-for-profits from across the country, to talk about the additional steps we can take to help spur job creation. I will work with the Congress to enact them quickly. And it is my fervent hope – and my heartfelt expectation – that next Thanksgiving we will be able to celebrate the fact that many of those who have lost their jobs are back at work, and that as a nation we will have come through these difficult storms stronger and wiser and grateful to have reached a brighter day.

Thank you, God bless you, and from my family to yours, Happy Thanksgiving.

Unusual Holidays and Celebrations

Today is International Aura Awareness Day.

As well as Eid-Al-Adha.

Daily Almanac

Today is Saturday, Nov. 28, the 332nd day of 2009.

There are 33 days left in the year.

Today In History November 28

Our Readers

Some of our readers today have been in:

Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
Seoul, Kynoggi-Do, Korea
London, England, United Kingdom
Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
Leiden, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
Bristol, England, United Kingdom
Delhi, Delhi, India
Paris, Ile-De-France, France
Bratislava, Bratislava, Slovakia
Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
Berlin, Berlin, Germany

Daily Horoscope

Today's horoscope says:

Flex your muscles a little bit today -- it's been too long since you reminded yourself how powerful you really are, especially in a group or team environment.
You have a lot of good ideas to contribute, and it's high time you became more of a leader.
People around you are going to be very receptive to any suggestions you make now, and they are looking for the new ideas you are sure to have.
Push things in the direction you want them to go.

All Right!