Friday, December 11, 2009

Woman, 93, survives fall from fourth floor

An elderly Chinese woman fell out of the window of her fourth floor apartment Thursday … and lived.

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'Law & Order' scene angers O'Reilly

Oh, like we give shit what swill does or doesn't like ...

'Law & Order' scene angers O'Reilly

An exchange on "Law & Order: SVU" sends the Faux News host into a tirade.

And just what was it that sent ol'swill off on his latest tangent? It was this truthful dialogue on the television drama:

Garrison, Limbaugh, Beck, O'Reilly, all of them. They are like a cancer spreading ignorance and hate. They have convinced folks that immigrants are the problem, not corporations that failed to pay a living wage, or a broken health care system.

Anti-Science Noisemakers Have Failed: Americans Believe in Global Warming, Support Clean Energy Reform!

From Treehugger:

americans climate change photo

This is a relieving bit of news: a new poll has shown that Americans still believe that global warming is occurring--and the majority still want clean energy reform. Yes, even in the face of all of the noisy, ridiculous charges that a handful of emails somehow disprove a scientific consensus formed over decades of meticulous research, Americans are still smart enough to see the forest for the trees. A new poll offers these, and other encouraging results--and restores some of my faith in humanity in the process.

Jenny Sanford files for divorce

Jenny Sanford files for divorce

South Carolina's first lady officially splits from Gov. Mark Sanford months after he confessed an affair.


Frazetta's son busted for trying to steal his father's art


Police report that Alfonso Frank Frazetta (pictured) was caught red handed stealing 90 of his famous father's paintings. They said he and an accomplice had broken into the Frank Frazetta museum in rural Pennsylvania and were loading the paintings, worth $20 million, into a trailer.

Alfonso, 52, told the police his father had instructed him to "enter the museum by any means necessary to move all the paintings to a storage facility." But Frazetta, who is 81 and was in Florida at the time of the alleged theft said he did not give his son permission to remove the paintings from the museum.

English anti-terror cops ask nursery school workers to watch 4 year olds for signs of "radicalization"

This has gotten to the pathologically psychotic point folks ...

England's West Midlands counter-terrorism unit is putting nursery schools on notice to check out their four-year-olds to make sure that they're not being "brainwashed" into "Islamic extremism."
Arun Kundnani, of the Institute of Race Relations, contacted the officer and said he was told that officers had visited nursery schools. Mr Kundnani added: "He did seem to think it was standard. He said it wasn't just him or his unit that was doing it. He said the indicators were they [children] might draw pictures of bombs and say things like 'all Christians are bad' or that they believe in an Islamic state. It seems that nursery teachers in the West Midlands area are being asked to look out for radicalisation. He also said that targeting young children was important because they would be left aware of what was inappropriate to say at school. He felt that it was necessary to cover nurseries as well as primary and secondary schools. He said it was a precaution and that he wasn't expecting to come back with a list."
Now, I'm no fan of parents instilling racial intolerance in their kids, but if "All Christians are bad" is the gold standard for telling whether a kid is being "radicalized," then I quake for all the Jewish kids I grew up with hearing things like "A shikker is a goy" (gentiles are drunks). I'm likewise pretty certain that there are many Christian kids being brought up on messages like "Jews are all cheap" and "Muslims are all terrorists."

Biological passport to catch sports cheats

The composition of an athlete's blood can now be used as evidence of illegal doping, even if no substance is found.

Biological passport to catch sports cheats

The perfect way to slice a pizza

Ever concerned you're not getting your fair share?
Mathematicians have finally found the answer.

The perfect way to slice a pizza

Plastic bags recycled into nanotubes

Waste polyethylene from shopping bags and other sources can easily be converted into carbon nanotubes suitable for use in batteries.

Plastic bags recycled into nanotubes

Ocean acidification at fastest rate in history

This is yet another negative result of CO2 in the environment.
A report by more than 100 of Europe's leading marine scientists, released at the climate talks this morning, states that the seas are absorbing dangerous levels of carbon dioxide as a direct result of human activity. This is already affecting marine species, for example by interfering with whale navigation and depleting planktonic species at the base of the food chain.

Ocean acidification – the facts says that acidity in the seas has increased 30% since the start of the industrial revolution. Many of the effects of this acidification are already irreversible and are expected to accelerate, according to the scientists.

The study, which is a massive review of existing scientific studies, warns that if CO2 emissions continue unchecked many key parts of the marine environment – particularly coral reefs and the algae and plankton which are essential for fish such as herring and salmon – will be "severely affected" by 2050, leading to the extinction of some species.

Massive iceberg closes in on Australia

Giant iceberg heading toward Australia

A giant iceberg that broke off from the Antarctic 10 years ago is slowly heading toward Australia and is the largest such iceberg to have been spotted in the area in a century.

Massive iceberg closes in on Australia

Authorities issue a shipping alert as an enormous ice shelf drifts toward the country's southwest coast.


Minister, Wife Charged With Modern Day Slavery

An Ellenwood minister and his wife were arrested and charged after authorities said they made a woman work for them and their friends for little or no money.

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Coke 'sorry' for swear security code on Web site

Fizzy drinks giant Coca-Cola has apologized after its website produced a security code that read: "U F * * K R".

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U.S. Retail Sales Rise Strongly in November

Sales at U.S. retailers rose more than expected in November as consumers spent more on gasoline and a wide range of other goods, data showed on Friday, raising hopes of a self-sustaining economic recovery.

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Israel arrests Palestinian barrier protest leader

A leader of the most persistent Palestinian protest movement against Israel's West Bank separation barrier was asleep in his home when troops broke down his door and arrested him.

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Body of Cyprus president stolen

Grave robbers have dug up the coffin of former Cyprus President Tassos Papadopoulos and stolen his corpse, police said Friday.

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FBI and Pakistani agents interrogate five American Muslims

Men, aged 19 to 25, believed to be travelling to Afghanistan to fight with Taliban

FBI agents and their Pakistani colleagues have interrogated five young American Muslims suspected to be on their way to Afghanistan to fight with the Taliban against US-led forces, Pakistani officials said. The five, aged 19 to 25, from northern Virginia, were detained this week in the city of Sargodha in Punjab province, 120 miles south-east of the Pakistani capital, Islamabad. .

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Daily Almanac

Today is Friday, Dec. 11, the 345th day of 2009.

There are 20 days left in the year.

Today In History December 11

The Jewish Festival of Lights, Hanukkah, begins at sunset.

Our Readers

Some of our readers today have been in:

Lisbon, Lisboa, Portugal
Valencia, Comunidad Valencia, Spain
Milano, Lombardia, Italy
Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan, Malaysia
Perth, Western Australia, Australia
Santa Fe De Bogota, Distrito Federal, Colombia
Whitby, Ontario, Canada
London, England, United Kingdom
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Kiev, Kyyiv, Ukraine
Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom
Manchester, England, United Kingdom
Brussels, Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest, Belgium
Strasbourg, Alsace, France

Daily Horoscope

Today's horoscope says:

You can get ahead professionally if you take the initiative to press forward with your ideas.
You've laid all the groundwork and only have to convince others you're on the right track.
If you need help, just ask.
Others will be eager to lend assistance and support.
If you encounter any resistance, looking at it objectively will give you the means to overcome it.

We shall overcome ...