Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Daily Drift

The Daily Drift
Today's horoscope says:
Those unforeseen obstacles are still on the menu.
But if you can successfully navigate your way through today (which might be tricky, especially if a dear one's jealousy or resentfulness rears its ugly little head) and tomorrow (when you'll be working while you'd much rather be playing), you'll be golden.
Oh, just grin and bear it.
Let the others be as cranky as they like.
You don't have to encourage them.
Some of our readers today have been in:
Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia
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Chatswood, New South Wales, Australia
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as well as Hong Kong, France, and the United States in such cities as Marshfield, Fishers, Castle Rock, Norwood, Hickory and more.

Today is Sunday, March 28, the 87th day of 2010.
There are 278 days left in the year.

Today's unusual holiday or celebrations is:
Weed Appreciation Day

Fabrique aux Etats-Unis a partir de materiaux provenant des Etats-Unis ou d'ailleurs

As The World Turns

As The World Turns
Sixteen foreign nationals -- 12 Afghan and four Burmese -- have fled from the KL International Airport immigration detention depot where they have been sheltered as victims of human trafficking, Director-General of Immigration Datuk Abdul Rahman Othman said on Sunday.

They're kidding, right?!

Belgium bills ex-husband of child killer for court costs

The father of five children murdered by their mother has been stuck with the bill for her trial and conviction.

A Belgian court sentenced Genevieve Lhermitte to life in prison last year for killing her son and four daughters, aged three to 14, in 2007, while her then husband was on a trip to Morocco.

As Lhermitte is in jail and insolvent, the Belgian state has sought to recover court expenses and collect fines from Bouchaib Moqadem.

"I don't know what to say. I am disgusted and revolted that I, who was wrongly deprived of my children, am being asked to pay for the trial of my ex-wife, who was convicted of murdering my five children by cruelly slitting their throats," Mr Moqadem said.

The bill appears to conform with Belgian law, with the state seeking funds due to have been shared from the sale of their house under their divorce agreement.

However, Mr Moqadem's lawyer, in a letter to Finance Minister Didier Reynders, called for "administrative requirements to be balanced by decency" given the nature of the tragedy.

Teacher to go on trial for hitting pupil's thumb with Pritt Stick

An art teacher is accused of assaulting a special needs pupil with a tube of Pritt Stick, a court has heard. Lynda May, from Ty Segur in Neath, south Wales, has denied the charge of causing actual bodily harm and a lesser offence of common assault.

The court heard that the child, who cannot be named for legal reasons, has learning and emotional difficulties. May, 54, is accused of hitting the boy with the glue stick on September 14.

He is said to have sustained an injury to his thumb as a result of the alleged incident. Lisa McCarthy, prosecuting, said of the allegations: "The injuries are moderately minor."

May elected for her case to be heard at Swansea Crown Court, where a three day trial will be held from May 17. Judge Huw Davies granted the teacher bail.

Parents can be cruel when naming their kids or they can be just plain stupid ... not sure which one the following is just yet?!

Russian child named BOCh RVF 26062002 refused birth certificate

Moscow authorities have refused to issue a birth certificate to a six-year-old boy, whose parents named him BOCh RVF 26062002.

Registration officials refused to register the boy's name, which translates into a Russian acronym for Biological Human Object of the Voronin-Frolov Genus (DoB) June 6, 2002, to "protect the boy's own interests." The parents have insisted on registering the name.

"This case has been reviewed by several judicial agencies; however, the parents have been denied the right to register the child with that name," Tatyana Ushakova said. "This was done to protect the interests of the boy. His parents need to think about the boy and how he can live with a name like that and not think about their own ambitions."

Ushakova said that there is no legislation in Russia against giving children odd names. She also said that the parents referred their case to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg; however, the complaint was turned down. In 2008, a number of other odd names were registered in Russia, including the English equivalent of North, Dolphin, Wind, and Moon. In 2005 the names Leaf Salad, Aviation Dispatcher, Russia, Privatization, Cool, Viagra and Simply a Hero were registered.

The State Of The Nation

The State Of The Nation

Girl, 2, shoots herself with gun at home

A 2-year-old Port Richey girl is in critical condition after accidentally shooting herself with a .380 caliber semi-automatic handgun, and the boyfriend of her mother is under arrest, according to investigators.

McKenzie Smith was wounded at about 10:30 on Friday morning after finding a gun on the nightstand next to her mother's bed. Jessica Smith, 22, was home at the time. The owner of the weapon, 22-year old Ralph Ronzino, was at a nearby store.

Ronzino was arrested and charged with child neglect by culpable negligence. He is also charged with possession of marijuana. Both are 2nd degree felonies.

Pasco sheriff's spokesman Kevin Doll said Ronzino "left the handgun on the nightstand" after hearing a gun shot outside the house on Thursday night.

"It looks like the bullet went in through the abdomen and came out, a clean-through shot, they call it," Doll said.

Deputies said they confiscated two other handguns and an AK-47 from the home, which they say were also "easily accessible" to the child.

Man stabs meat in supermarket frenzy

A knife-wielding man was arrested earlier this week in what police called a meat massacre at a south-central Indiana supermarket. Several people called 911 on Wednesday morning to report a man with a knife in the Jay C Food Store. “We have a gentleman here cutting into the meat and throwing it onto the floor,” one caller said. "Got a man with a knife who's doing things,” another caller said.

When officers arrived, they found meat scattered everywhere in what Edinburgh police called one of the most bizarre cases they had ever investigated. Police said Anthony Coffman, 28, used a hunting knife to cut through meat packages, throwing open containers of raw beef on the floor. He then poured dog food over some of the meat in hopes of contaminating it so it couldn’t be sold, Edinburgh police Deputy Chief David Lutz said.

Coffman told police that he is a vegetarian and gets upset when others consume beef, telling the employee that God sent him to ruin the meat and that he was trying to save little girls from food he believes would make them “chubby.” "He thought if he could save one chubby girl, he's done his job," Lutz said.

Employees tackled Coffman outside the store and held him until police arrived. Coffman was taken to a hospital for a mental evaluation. He faces charges of criminal recklessness with a deadly weapon, criminal mischief and disorderly conduct.

There's more on this page.

Upping the cute factor

Baby squirrel enjoys a tickle:Nice.

In Matters Of Health

In Matters Of Health

10 ways health care reform will affect you

In four years, you won't ever be denied coverage under the law signed by President Obama. 

And I Quote

Against the assault of laughter nothing can stand. 

~ Mark Twain

Lunatic Fringe

Lunatic Fringe
Repugicans: 'Don't blame us for what we caused'
Hi, boys and girls! As a public service, I've prepared the following statement for repugican leaders to use when some disgruntled opponent of health care reform injures somebody - or worse.

An OpEd piece:

She is a annoying buffoon with ZERO credibility. It is actually pathetic that some people don't have enough sense to recognize that fact.

Reminder: Repugicans Were For Obama's Health Insurance Rule Before They Were Against It
Repugicans were for President Barack Obama's requirement that Americans get health insurance before they were against it.
The obligation in the new health care law is a repugican idea that's been around at least two decades. It was once trumpeted as an alternative to Bill and Hillary Clinton's failed health care overhaul in the 1990s. These days, repugicans call it government overreach.
Mitt Romney, weighing another run for the repugican presidential nomination, signed such a requirement into law at the state level as Massachusetts governor in 2006.
Liars and Fools
Eric Cantor (reptile-Virginia) is featured speaker on conference call from the S.T.O.P. Obama Tyranny National Coalition
Perfect time - they'll all be in one place at the same time - the arrests will be easy

Referring, apparently, to cap and trade legislation, Faux's Glen Brick lies "It's 9/11 all over again except we didn't have the collapsing buildings". 
Someone get him back on his Meds.

Fat blowhard Lush Dimbulb lies shouting health care reform a "death threat against the country". 
Just leave asshole ... you promised you would - but then when has your word ever been good?!

Hey, Newt we ain't upset, deeply or otherwise by the way the Democrats have behaved. repugicans, now ...

An idiot looking into the mirror again

Little boy lover Lush Dimbulb lies shouting beating the Democrats is "the only hope the country has". 
Again, Leave! The NAZIS failed in Germany and they failed here get over it.

Sarah Palin (reptile-Alaska) publishes, and commits treason (yet again), a "reload" map with crosshairs targeted at House Democrats
Put her behind bars where she belongs!

Michele Bachmann (retard-Minnesota) calls President Obama "Anti-American"... again
This bitch is so batshit crazy she makes Glen Brick look sane!

No violence on the wingnutt's part, oh no

Letters, they get letters ... Threatening letters, that is!

From: The AP

U.S. Representative Vic Snyder of Arkansas says a letter saying he's a target for assassination was intercepted by U.S. Capitol police.

Snyder says he was told about the letter Tuesday by capitol police. it was postmarked in a western state - not Arkansas - and misspelled his name as "Vic Synder."
Snyder read from a copy of the original saying: "It is apparent that it will take a few assassinations to stop Obamacare. Militia central has selected you for assassination. If we cannot stalk and find you in Washington, D.C., we will get you in Little Rock."
At least 10 members of congress have reported similar threats.
Nice misspelling, baggers!
If it weren't so serious, we'd make a "Return to Synder" joke right about here.

And I Quote

If your morals make you dreary, depend on it , they are wrong. 
~ Robert Louis Stevenson

Interesting In General

Interesting In General

Oxymoron, paradox, or contradiction?

The words have similar meanings, so it's helpful to know their subtle differences.  

How to prevent your next breakdown

Many tire problems result from one issue you can easily fix yourself.  
That's our government for you!

Phony products trick fed energy program

A gasoline-powered alarm clock is among 15 nonexistent items labeled "energy efficient."