Friday, July 2, 2010

We're Back!
 We're Back!
Much to the delight of some and to the chagrin of others.

Carolina Naturally has been on an imposed hiatus for the passed two days due to service interuptus caused by the 'work' of a species known as Ignoramous technicus (sub-genus idious moronous).

When installing a new utility trunk line they severed the existing one - it was a pretty fireworks display though - and they were telling all of us they could not repair the old trunk line until Tuesday July 6th because of the long holiday weekend. And the new one would not be completed for another week after that.

As you can see 'they' did repair the old one or finished the new one because we are back online and the air conditioner is working again ... it might have been all those severely agitated phone calls from thousands of customers that changed their minds, I don't know. 
Our regularly scheduled posts shall return tomorrow.