Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Daily Drift

The Daily Drift
Today's horoscope says:
Everything is right in front of you, waiting for you to just reach out and grab it.
The impulsive, cocky side of you says you should go for it and all will be fine.
But the cautious, humble side of you is telling you to stop for a moment to review the situation.
Listen to your cautious side today and don't get caught up in the moment.
Map out your plan of action -- things will go smoothly when you're prepared, so be patient.
Those golden opportunities aren't going anywhere.

Some of our readers today have been in:
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
London, England, United Kingdom
Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand
Ferrara, Emilia-Romagna, Italy
Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands
Copenhagen, Kobenhavn, Denmark
Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
Swindon, England, United Kingdom
Annecy, Rhone-Alpes, France
Montreal, Quebec, Canada

as well as Germany and in cities across the United States such as Chicopee, Senickley, Carrituck, Junaluska and more.

Today is:
Today is Thursday, October 14, the 287th day of 2010.
There are 78 days left in the year.

Today's unusual holiday or celebration is:
Be Bald and Be Free Day

Don't forget to visit our sister blog!

Doberman saves toddler from deadly snake

A neglected doberman adopted by a loving Australian family last week has saved their toddler from being bitten by a deadly king brown snake. Seventeen-month-old Charlotte Svilicic was playing in the garden of the family’s Atherton home on Monday when Khan the doberman grabbed her by the back of the nappy and threw her clear of the approaching snake. The heroic pooch was bitten by the snake after saving the toddler but is recovering after a dose of anti-venom.

Charlotte’s mother Catherine Svilicic said Khan had saved the child’s life and the family would be forever indebted. "If I had not seen it with my own eyes, I would never have believed it," Ms Svilicic said. "Khan was really concentrating and was acting aggressive towards Charlotte and kept trying to nudge her but it wasn’t working, so he grabbed her by the back of the nappy and threw her more than a meter. Charlotte looked pretty shocked and then Khan screamed.

"I realized quickly it was a snake and Khan had been trying to get in between her and the snake before he threw her." After being bitten, Khan ran inside and collapsed. He was given a shot of anti-venom by a vet and had a tough night on Monday but managed to survive and eat a large breakfast yesterday, despite the ordeal. Mrs Svilicic said the family had only had Khan for four days, and they were moved by Khan’s selfless and protective act.

"When Kerry Kinder (Doberinling Boarding Kennels owner) rescued him, he was starving, had broken ribs and had been beaten – he was an abused dog," she said. "It was borderline on whether or not he should be put down because he was in such a bad way." Mrs Svilicic said Khan would spend the rest of his life in luxury. "If Khan wants a gold bowl, Khan gets it. We owe him for the rest of his life,’’ she said.

Australia world's 'dumb blonde'

Australia is viewed as the ''dumb blond'' of the world, attractive but shallow and unintelligent, according to a visiting British branding expert.

Emergency Clown Nose

In case of a lack of laughing emergency, unscrew cap and place contents of jar strategically upon any proboscis. No prescription needed. This is the real thing, developed by professional clowns. Made from that infamous red squishy foam and packaged in a plastic jar.

House Wrapped In Newspapers


Built by Elis Stemnan, the mechanical engineer who invented the machine that makes paper clips, the Paper House of Rockport is one of the most fascinating tourist attractions in Massachusetts, USA. The Paper House was built in 1922, with a common wooden structure.

But like all amateur inventors, Mr. Stemnan was curious, so he decided to use his new house to find out if paper offered good enough insulation. He covered an entire wall with layers upon layers of rolled newspapers. One thing led to another, and Elis Stemnan ended up wrapping the whole house in rolled newspapers. The interior of the house is also completely made of paper.

Serbian boy woke up speaking English

Schoolboy Dimitrije Mitrovic baffled his family and teachers in Serbia when he woke up speaking only English - despite never being taught a word of the language. Mum Dragana says her son simply got out of bed one morning at the family home in Nis and began talking to her in perfect English.

Dimitrij - now 11 - is so word perfect that his family, friends and even his teachers can no longer understand him. "One day when he was only three years old, he just got out of bed and started to talk to me in English. I know some English so I could understand a bit but he was soon so good I had to get a translator to speak to him for me," explained his mum.

By the time he was five, Dimitrije was reciting entire Harry Potter novels to his pals in English and now he rarely speaks his mother tongue unless he has to. "I dream in English, speak it, and if stub my toe I'll curse in English too," he said.

Baffled medics believe Dimitrije may have acquired some sort of autistic talent for the language. "He is absolutely normal in every other way and a very nice young boy. He just seems to think he's English," said mum Dragana. English language expert Professor Tatjana Paunovic from Nis University explained: "It is fascinating. We have talked to him for an hour in English and he speaks the language better than we do, like he was born speaking it."

Man survives mile-and-a-half-long trip through sewage system

Firefighters who rescued a contract worker from a Raymore sewage drain say he's lucky to even be talking. Twenty-seven-year-old Daniel Collins spent two hours in raw sewage after a harness he was wearing fell apart. He was then swept away by a torrent of raw sewage down a narrow pipe. That pipe was just 27 inches wide. As for what's in the pipe, a Raymore engineer described it as whatever you brush or flush.

"It was really nasty," said Antonio Smith, the firefighter who rescued Collins. "Once you pop the cover, the methane gas just comes up to you, kind of stings you a little bit." Raymore's Director of Public Works said Collins fell in the manhole at 615 Foxwood Drive. The sewage, running three thousand gallons a minute, forced Collins, a man weighing 130 pounds, through the narrow pipe and took him past 27 manhole covers. Firefighters found Collins a mile and a half away next to Creekmore Lake.

Firefighters described his body as banged up, battered and bruised. "We asked him if he could get up, and he kind of stumbled to the ladder," Smith said. "By then his knees were buckling, so we knew he was kind of weak." Collins was shivering and suffering from hypothermia. Firefighters worked to get his soiled, wet clothes off while they waited for the air ambulance.

Raymore's Director of Public Works said the crew, out of Springfield, was finishing up about a month-long project of relining 4,000 feet of sewer. There were expected to finish this week. OSHA is investigating the accident. Collins is being treated for hypothermia and is being given antibiotics to ward off any bacteria he may have picked up.

There's a news video here.
Mo. man survives mile-plus trip through sewer

Waiter, There's A Hair In My Soup

The US Food and Drug Administration uses the Defect Levels Handbook to establish maximum levels of natural or unavoidable defects in foods for human use that present no health hazard.

For example, it's not considered unhealthy when peanut butter contains insect fragments to a maximum of 30 per 100 grams, or 1 rodent hair per 100 grams. Canned tomatoes may contain a maximum of 10 fly eggs per 500 grams, or 1 maggot per 500 grams. And popcorn may contain 1 rodent excreta pellet per pound.

More than 500,000 denied health insurance

Big Insurance does this because their friends in Washington helped them get away with it. Who doesn't have some sort of pre-existing condition?

Financial Times:
The four largest health insurance companies in the US denied coverage to more than half a million individuals because of their pre-existing conditions from 2007 to 2009, according to a congressional investigation.

On average, the four companies – Aetna, Humana, UnitedHealth Group and WellPoint – denied one out of seven applicants’ coverage based on conditions such as pregnancy, angina, diabetes and heart disease.

The investigation found that the number of people who were denied coverage increased about 49 per cent from 2007 to 2009. In that period, the groups refused to pay 212,800 claims for individuals who were already insured based on their previous medical conditions.

O'Reilly comment enrages 'View' co-hosts

Appears that ol'Swill O'Really is trying to reclaim the fucking batshit crazy wingnut crown back from his fellow asshole Glenny boy.
Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar angrily walk off the set after their guest's loaded on-air rant.

Need more proof ...

84 additional foreign companies caught donating over $800k to Chamber of Commerce acct. used for US elections

Yesterday, the Chamber’s chief lobbyist Bruce Josten, who has been spoon-feeding much of the media distortions about our report, went on Fox News (whose parent company donated $1 million to the Chamber recently for its ad campaign) to again try to dilute the issue by dissembling about the Chamber’s fundraising and membership. “We have probably 60 or so foreign multi-national companies in our membership that we have had for decades, many of which have been in the United States for half a century or a century,” said Josten.

The Chamber is being deceptive. In addition to multinational members of the Chamber headquartered abroad (like BP, Shell Oil, and Siemens), a new ThinkProgress investigation has identified at least 84 other foreign companies that actively donate to the Chamber’s 501(c)(6). Below is a chart detailing the annual dues foreign corporations have indicated that they give directly to the Chamber (using information that is publicly available from the Business Council applications and the Chamber’s own websites)...
Again, the information above documents the fact that foreign donations that go directly to the Chamber without any intermediary, like an “AmCham” or another Chamber affiliate organization. In fact, a Chamber spokesperson acknowledged the foreign funds go into the Chamber’s general account. Any responsible reporter should have to note these direct donations given to the Chamber, which the Chamber has refused to discuss. Or, reporters should contact us directly if there is any confusion about our report.

Culinary DeLites

Using ground turkey in meatballs will reduce calories, fat, and cholesterol.
As junk-food bans backfire, schools turn to subtler techniques to change kids' habits.  
Pasta carbonara, crispy chicken, stuffed zucchini blossoms, and shepherd's pie were never so easy.  

New evidence that fat cells are not just dormant storage depots for calories

Scientists are reporting new evidence that the fat tissue in those spare tires and lower belly pooches — far from being a dormant storage depot for surplus calories — is an active organ that sends chemical signals to other parts of the body …

Florida State study finds watermelon lowers blood pressure

No matter how you slice it, watermelon has a lot going for it — – sweet, low calorie, high fiber, nutrient rich — — and now, there’s more.
 Evidence from a pilot study led by food scientists at The Florida State University suggests that watermelon …

Life Cycle
What goes around - comes around.
Bubba is about to find out just exactly what that ol'proverb means ...

Bronze Age Civilization Spotted in Old Photographs aerial photographs of Russia's Caucasus Mountains revealed clues to the ancient civilization.

Human Ancestors Hunted by Prehistoric Beasts

Human AncestorEarly humans appear to have occupied a much lower link of the food chain than their modern counterparts. Read more 

Earliest Traces of a Disabled, Aged Human Found

Elderly HumanEarly humans must have taken care of this elderly member of their group, providing some of the first evidence of compassion.

The Year’s Best Fossil Finds

October 13th was National Fossil Day!

In commemoration, Wired Science has a gallery of recent discoveries that show how, no matter how much we dig, there’s always something new to learn about our past. Shown is a mysterious organism that lived about 2.1 billion years ago. Scientists haven’t determined whether the five-inch-wide life form was a colony of cells or an early animal.

Ten Incredible Castles Around The World

Everyone knows about the Palace of Versailles in France, the Tower of London in England and the Forbidden City in China. These famous estates are awe-inspiring works of architectural mastery, not to mention historical goldmines.

Although these sites are some of the most famous, they're not the only destinations deserving recognition. Look past the tried-and-true and you may find other amazing structures. From Dracula's Castle in Romania to the Hearst Castle in California, here are 10 palatial spaces that are sure to inspire.

The Breathtaking Beauty of Lexiaguo In China

Lexiaguo (Luo Xia Gou) is the capital city of Yunnan province in China. Because of the remoteness and lack of infrastructure it is usually not listed on tourist maps. But for those who have seen the pictures of the Red land, no one can resist its beautiful scenery.

Find Out What Web Sites Know About You

Kim Komando, host of the American talk radio show with the same name wrote a column for USA Today where she explains what you're revealing when you go online.

Did you ever wonder about those ads on a web site that specifically mention your hometown? You also see ads for products you looked at online, but never purchased. And some online ads seem frighteningly tailored to your likes.

By simply visiting a Web site, you reveal more than you probably realize. They know where you're located and other sites you've visited. Sites can even learn intimate details about you, like medical conditions.

Find out what you reveal to the sites you visit.