Saturday, July 9, 2011

The Daily Drift

The Daily Drift
Today's horoscope says:
You are likely to be entering a more detached phase today, where birthday parties are less than interesting, a roller-coaster ride just doesn't seem like much fun, and a tear-jerky movie inspires a yawn.
This isn't boredom, and this isn't depression -- you're just feeling less emotional about the world around you. Use this time to reexamine some touchy issues.
You'll be able to get a new clarity about what you used to see through a fuzzy, emotional lens.

Some of our readers today have been in:
Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Rome, Lazio, Italy
London, England, United Kingdom
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Nice, Provence-Alpes-Cote D'Azur, France
Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom
Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
San Juan, Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico
Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
Chatswood, New South Wales, Australia
Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan, Malaysia
Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Manila, Manila, Philippines
Stoke On Trent, England, United Kingdom
The Hague, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Alicante, Comunidad Valenciana, Spain

as well as Slovakia, Malta, Bulgaria, Israel, Finland, Austria, Norway, Georgia, Mexico, Peru, Kuwait, Serbia, Bangladesh, Latvia, Greece, Scotland, Hong Kong, Denmark, Wales, Iran, Singapore, Poland, Taiwan, Sweden, Afghanistan, Belgium, Tibet, Croatia, Pakistan, Romania, Paraguay, Sudan, Vietnam, Argentina, Cambodia, Egypt, France, Estonia, Puerto Rico, Maldives, Qatar, Brazil, New Zealand, United Arab Emirates, Slovenia, China, Iraq, Ecuador, Nigeria, Colombia, Chile, Honduras, Paupa New Guinea, Moldova, Venezuela, Germany, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Ireland, Czech Republic, Vietnam, Norway, Finland

and in cities across the United States such as Long Beach, Beaverton, Newcomerston, Charlotte and more.

Today is:
Today is Saturday, July 9, the 190th day of 2011.
There are 175 days left in the year.

Today's unusual holiday or celebration is:
Bald In - Bald Out Day.
Don't forget to visit our sister blog!

President Obama's Weekly Address

Remarks of President Barack Obama
Weekly Address
July 9, 2011
Washington, DC
Earlier this week, we did something that’s never been done here at the White House – we had a Twitter Town Hall. I even sent my first live tweet as President. The questions at the town hall were sent in from across the country and covered all kinds of topics – from jobs and the economy to education and energy.
Lots of people also submitted different versions of another question. They’d start by saying that our politics has grown so contentious. Then they’d ask, When will both parties in Congress come together on behalf of the people who elected them?
That’s a really important question, and it goes to the heart of a debate we’re having right now in this country – and that’s the debate about how to tackle the problem of our deficits and our debt.
Now, there are obviously real differences in approach. I believe we need a balanced approach. That means taking on spending in our domestic programs and our defense programs. It means addressing the challenges in programs like Medicare so we can strengthen those programs and protect them for future generations. And it means taking on spending in the tax code – spending on tax breaks and deductions for the wealthiest Americans.
But I also know that Republicans and Democrats don’t see eye to eye on a number of issues. And so, we’re going to continue working over the weekend to bridge those gaps.
The good news is, we agree on some of the big things. We agree that after a decade of racking up deficits and debt, we finally need to get our fiscal house in order. We agree that to do that, both sides are going to have to step outside their comfort zones and make some political sacrifices. And we agree that we simply cannot afford to default on our national obligations for the first time in our history; that we need to uphold the full faith and credit of the United States of America
With a recovery that’s still fragile and isn’t producing all the jobs we need, the last thing we can afford is the usual partisan game-playing in Washington.  By getting our fiscal house in order, Congress will be in a stronger position to focus on some of the job-creating measures I’ve already proposed – like putting people to work rebuilding America’s infrastructure, or reforming our patent system so that our innovators and entrepreneurs have a greater incentive to generate new products, or making college more affordable for families.  And businesses that may be holding back because of the uncertainty surrounding the possibility of a default by the U.S. government will have greater confidence to invest and create jobs.
I know we can do this. We can meet our fiscal challenge.  That’s what the American people sent us here to do. They didn’t send us here to kick our problems down the road. That’s exactly what they don’t like about Washington. They sent us here to work together. They sent us here to get things done.
Right now, we have an extraordinary – and extraordinarily rare – opportunity to move forward in a way that makes sure our government lives within its means, that puts our economy on a sounder footing for the future, and that still invests in the things we need to prosper in the years to come. And I’m hopeful that we will rise to the moment, and seize this opportunity, on behalf of all Americans, and the future we hold in common. Thanks everyone, and have a great weekend.

Massive Mayan Gravesite Found In The State Of Tabasco

Mexican archaeologists have discovered a Prehispanic grave site they believe to be Mayan in the state of Tabasco. Estimated to be around 1200 years old and containing 116 bodies, this is the largest group of skeletons found in the region. The area was thought to have been used as a cemetery, with the elite buried in a separate area from their companions, and skeletons found with dental inlays, cranial deformation and other body modifications.

Read more about it at ArtDaily.

Clues to bible's bad guys

In other words - the Good Guys
Shards bearing the name of Gath's most notorious resident are found in southern Israel.  

Ol' Stump

380M-year-old tree stumps studied in NY
A dozen fossilized tree stumps from what many scientists say was the world's oldest forest are now part of the collection at the New York State Museum in Albany.

Aliens bleaching their hair?

Hydrogen peroxide found in space
An international team of astronomers made the discovery with the Atacama Pathfinder Experiment telescope (APEX), situated on the 5000-meter-high Chajnantor plateau in the Chilean Andes. They observed a region in our galaxy close to the star Rho Ophiuchi, about 400 light-years away. The region contains very cold (around -250 degrees Celsius), dense clouds of cosmic [...]
Hydrogen peroxide found in space

Abandoned Prisons

The Creepiest Ones On Earth

Around the world there are many abandoned prisons, once cages for people - some criminals, some political prisoners. Many disused prisons have been left to rot and decay, while a few have been demolished.

No longer places for the incarcerated, many of these derelict landscapes are now the realms of urban explorers who document the abandonment and degradation of the former correctional institutions in pictures.

Man steals Picasso drawing this week, and other art thefts from history

On Wednesday, San Francisco police arrested a 31-year-old man who allegedly snatched a Picasso sketch, valued at $275,000, from a ritzy downtown art gallery. Pegged on that news, the excellent Bay Citizen presents a gallery of famous art crimes and the masterminds behind them. From the Bay Citizen:
Fd1M41No1Mas17Z7M5Le5Fqho1 400 In 1911 Vincenzo Peruggia worked at Paris’ famed Louvre museum, where he stole a little painting you might have heard of--the Mona Lisa. Peruggia hid overnight in the museum only to emerge in the morning when the museum was closed. Much like the suspected Picasso thief, Peruggia simply walked up to the painting, took it off the wall, stuffed it under his clothes, and exited the building.

Man dressed as banana attacks man dressed as gorilla

A giant banana jumped a gorilla in Strongville on June 29, according to a report.

The manager at Verizon, 14150 Pearl Rd., called police at about 3 p.m. to say someone in a banana costume had just tackled his gorilla mascot in front of the store.

The banana, accompanied by four other males, then ran south on Pearl. Officers checked the area, but "GOA (gone on arrival) on banana," the report said.

The employee in the gorilla suit was not injured, just a little embarrassed, police said.

Don't you know ...
Some days are just like that ...

Firing worker who took hot dogs unjustified

The Indiana Court of Appeals says a department store wasn't justified in firing a worker who took two leftover hot dogs from a company picnic, so it must pay him unemployment benefits.

Time to Clean the Refrigerator

You know when it's time to clean the fridge when:
The magnets are abandoning ship.
Your milk carton features an ad for the 1982 World's Fair
You have replaced your refrigerator lightbulb with a bug zapper.
Your Vegetable bin appears to be breathing.
Geraldo Rivera asks to lead an expedition into your fridge.
Your son can't find his science project in the fridge.
Your son's science project is the fridge.
Your freezer contains actual ice from the Ice Age.
Your lunch meat has petrified.

Eggs may help prevent heart disease and cancer

One of nature’s most perfect foods may be even better for us than previously thought. While eggs are well known to be an excellent source of proteins, lipids, vitamins and minerals, researchers at the University of Alberta recently discovered they also contain antioxidant properties, which helps in the prevention of cardiovascular disease and cancer.
Eggs may help prevent heart disease and cancer

Foods That Could Survive The Apocalypse

Here's 15 of them.

December 12, 2012 is right around the corner. If the coaxial rotation of the Earth does happen to shift, it'll probably be tough to get to the supermarket. So you better start stocking up on these 15 'apocalypse proof' foods now, just in case.

The Longsheng Rice Terraces

Truly Amazing

Village elders have a saying in Longsheng: where there is soil there is a terrace. Two hours ride from the city of Guilin in Guanxi province the problem of growing rice on steep hills was long ago solved. From the Yuan Dynasty at the end of the thirteenth century the colossal task of terracing the Longsheng hills to provide a rice harvest began.

Michigan Woman Faces 93 Days in Jail for Planting a Vegetable Garden

Photo Credit: Julie Bass
It just doesn't get more ridiculous than this.
Julie Bass of Oak Park, Michigan -- a mother of 6, law-abiding citizen, and gardener -- is facing 93 days in jail after being charged with a misdemeanor.
Her crime? Planting a vegetable garden in the front yard.

Article continues: Michigan Woman Faces 93 Days in Jail for Planting a Vegetable Garden

Giant Hogweed

Officials have noticed increased sightings of the plant called Giant Hogweed. It is found throughout North America, but if you see one, stay away. The sap from this plant will burn your skin and cause painful blisters that last for days, maybe months.

Russian trilobites

Fossil museum's "Russian Trilobites Image Gallery" is full of absolutely wonderful, bizarre specimens. 

Whales Adapted Appetites to Survive Ice Age

Whales Adapted Appetites to Survive Ice Age
Gray whales changed their culinary habits to survive lower sea levels during ice ages.  

Man finds frog that barks like a dog

A man in Owasso, Oklahoma, has filmed a barking frog using a video camera built into a ballpoint pen.

Ocelot's Spots

In Southern Arizona: Huachuca Mtns. camera gets shot of rare ocelot.
A camera placed in the Huachuca Mountains near Sierra Vista has snapped a photo of a rare, endangered ocelot.
It's the second photo record of the elusive species in the range this year.
"This is good news out of the Huachucas after all the bad news of the Monument Fire there" last month, said Mark Hart, a spokesman for the Arizona Game and Fish Department.
Hart said the photo was taken the night of May 26 by a remote camera placed in the range by hunters to observe wildlife movements.

Animal Pictures
OK, this 'planking' thing has got to stop!