Sunday, May 27, 2012

The Daily Drift

Sailing away 
Hey, since this post is titled 'The Daily Drift' why not have a picture of 'drifting'?

Today's readers have been in:
Vlissingen, Netherlands
Liege, Belgium
Tonsberg, Norway
Islamabad, Pakistan
Zurich, Switzerland
Kiev, Ukraine
Groningen, Netherlands
Pretoria, South Africa
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
George Town, Malaysia
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Ashtarak, Armenia

also in cities across the USA such as:
Willimantic, Mundelein, Parsippany, Rowlett, Norcoss

and for whatever reason people in Auburn, Alabama and Roberts, Wisconsin are spreading the word about CN amongst themselves because there are large numbers of readers from those two cities today

Today in History

1564 John Calvin, one of the dominant figures of the Protestant Reformation, dies in Geneva.
1647 Achsah Young becomes the first woman known to be executed as a witch in Massachusetts.
1668 Three colonists are expelled from Massachusetts for being Baptists.
1813 Americans capture Fort George, Canada.
1907 The Bubonic Plague breaks out in San Francisco.
1919 A U.S. Navy seaplane completes the first transatlantic flight.
1929 Colonel Charles Lindbergh marries Anne Spencer Murrow.
1935 The Supreme Court declares President Franklin Roosevelt's National Recovery Act unconstitutional.
1937 San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge opens.
1941 The German battleship Bismarck is sunk by British naval and air forces.
1942 German General Rommel begins a major offensive in Libya with his Afrika Korps.
1944 American General MacArthur lands on Biak Island in New Guinea.
1960 A military coup overthrows the democratic government of Turkey.
1969 Construction begins on Walt Disney World in Florida.
1972 President Richard M. Nixon and Soviet Communist Party chief Leonid Brezhnev sign an arms reduction agreement.
1999 The international war crimes tribunal indicts Yugoslav president Slobodan Milosevic for war atrocities.

Birther Zombies

Trump again says Obama born in Kenya, Romney refuses to repudiate

Death and Taxes and Zombies

The "death tax" is a tax that the government levied on the estate of the deceased - but what happens if that person is resurrected as a zombie? Is he still dead? Should a zombie pay taxes?
Law professor Adam Chodorow of the Arizona State University's Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law explains the tax implication of the zombie apocalypse:
The most pressing tax issue raised by a zombie apocalypse is the application of the so-called “death tax,” which imposes a tax on the transfer of the estate of a “decedent.” Zombies have been described variously as the “walking dead,” the “undead,” and the “living dead,” raising the question whether the estate tax should apply when a taxpayer becomes a zombie or, in the alternative, after a person’s zombie has been dispatched.
The definition of death, and therefore of a decedent, has generally been left to the states, each of which has its own definition. That said, there has been a recent trend away from a definition that focuses on heart function to one that focuses on brain function. Whether people who become zombies would be considered dead for state law purposes depends both on the definition used and the type of zombie involved.
It seems a stretch to conclude that those who transform seamlessly into zombies should be considered dead. They never lose heart or brain function, though they now function quite differently from before. While it might be tempting to declare them dead, significant line-drawing problems would arise as one tried to distinguish between zombies and those who have suffered some mental or physical breakdown. Declaring such zombies dead would open the door to declaring dead a wide range of people currently considered to be alive.

A $69,300 bank error not in man's favor

If you suddenly find an extra $69,300 in your bank account, don't spend it, whatever you do.
However, you can bet your sweet bippy that if you make an error it is in their favor, though!

Techie secretly lives at AOL HQ for two months

An enterprising young fellow named Eric Simons secretly lived at AOL headquarters for two months. He was given a badge while working a short stint at AOL's Imagine K12 incubator event for young education entrepreneurs. He really enjoyed his visit, so he just stayed, and his badge kept working. He used the company showers and gym, slept on the company sofas, and worked on his business plan until he was finally busted by a security guard. Having since secured $50K for his startup, ClassConnect, he has found rental accommodation. Daniel Terdiman wrote for CNet:
Having spent several months legitimately working in the building, often quite late, Simons had noticed that although there were security guards with nightly rounds, there were at least three couches that seemed outside those patrols. Plus, they looked fairly comfortable. He claimed them.
This was his routine: He'd work until midnight or later, and then fall asleep around 2 a.m. on one of the couches. At 7 a.m. -- and no later than 8 a.m. so he'd be safely out of his field bed before anyone else arrived -- he'd wake up, go down to the gym for a workout and a shower, and then go back upstairs and scarf a breakfast of cereal and water or Coke. Then he'd work all day, finally waiting until everyone else in the building had gone home before returning to one of his three favored couches.
"I got a really good work ethic," he said, "and I got in shape, since I had to work out every morning."
But the real point was that he was spending next to nothing. The first month, he spent just $30, mainly on the occasional trip to McDonald's or for "random food expenditures when I got sick of eating ramen and cereal. I could have not spent a dollar, but I was going crazy."
Then, of course, there was Thanksgiving. That Thursday, to splurge, he grabbed dinner at a local Boston Market.

Toxic Bosses -- and How to Handle Them

She seemed nice enough in the interview. It all started out great-but now it's week 2 on the job, and you're quickly realizing you might have a boss-from-you-know-where situation on your hands.

Unfortunately, you're not the only one who could write a tell-all work memoir that would make The Devil Wears Prada seem like a bedtime story. Bad bosses are out there-in every industry, at every level, at every organization.

The good news? They usually come in one of a few identifi­able varieties. And by recognizing what kind of monster (er, manager) you have on your hands, you can come up with the right tactics for dealing (until you move on to the next job, that is). Check out our guide to the four common types of bad bosses, plus tips for managing the crazy.

1. The Slacker

The slacker spends Monday through Thursday online shopping, taking long lunches, and "networking" on her smartphone (a.k.a. brushing up on Words with Friends). Then comes Friday, and she's panicking about deadlines and projects that haven't gotten done-and calling on you to help pick up the pieces.

Try This
One of my high school teachers had a sign on her desk that said, "A lack of preparation on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine." Unfortunately, you probably shouldn't repeat this to the person who signs your paycheck. Instead, try looking at your boss's laziness as a way to advance your own career. Ask her if you can take the lead on a few projects that interest you. Chances are that your boss won't mind relinquishing the extra work, and you'll be fattening up your resume for future job opportunities.

2. The Land Mine

It's mid-afternoon, and you've been a model of productivity. Emails have been answered, projects are being completed ahead of schedule, and you're just getting ready to grab some well-deserved lunch, when-wham! Out of nowhere, your boss is at your desk yelling at you (in front of the entire office) for forgetting to submit your timesheet.

Try This
What's the best way to diffuse this bundle of human dynamite (short of anonymously leaving an anger-management flyer on her desk)? The key is to not set it off in the first place. Yes, there will always be unanticipated freak-out sessions, but do your best to control them by understanding what triggers a meltdown, and avoiding those things. For example, if your editor flips when you misspell a source's name, be sure to double and triple-check your notes. And if your boss starts foaming at the mouth if you arrive a moment after 8 AM, plan to get there at 7:45-Every. Single. Day.

3. The Egomaniac

She seems to think that the rules apply to everyone but her. She acts like everyone else (including you) exists only to confirm her awesomeness or make her life more convenient. She regularly takes all the credit for team projects, and passes blame for anything that goes wrong onto everyone else. Think the boss equivalent of Kanye West: You've got an egomaniac on your hands.

Try This
Short of changing jobs, the best way to deal with egomaniacs is to ignore their calls for validation as much as possible. You certainly don't want to disregard your boss, but feeding the ego monster with unnecessary compliments and attention will only reinforce bad behavior. Then, work on cultivating relationships with other people in the office. Look for someone else to act as a mentor, give you solid career advice, and serve as a reliable reference. And make sure to keep a paper trail of your accomplishments and projects so that you don't have to rely on your boss for recognition.

4. The Michael Scott

Arrogant yet incompetent. Desperate for friendship but unintentionally offensive. Finishes other people's sentences with "That's what she said." Okay, so the last one might be a (slight) exaggeration, but the point is that the Michael Scotts of the world do exist outside of prime time television. These are the bosses who can't decide if they want to be your supervisor or your friend, and who, quite frankly, aren't very good at either.

Try This
The good news is that Michael Scott-type bosses tend to be pretty harmless. Usually, they're just lacking in confidence and social ability, and want nothing more than to be considered one of the guys-or girls. If you're stuck with a Michael Scott, take pity on him. Include him in office chit-chat or visit with him over lunch. And then, get back to work. Seeing good social skills in action can help your boss learn to act in a more "office-appropriate" manner.

Bedtime Habits that Are Ruining Your Sleep

Do you spend hours trying to fall asleep at night? 
Break the cycle by forgoing these habits. 
 By Danielle Schloffel

Going from Night Owl to Early Bird Who says bedtime is just for kids? Take extra care to maintain your sleep schedule, especially on the weekends. The body responds to routine. If your bedtime is sporadic -- 11 pm some nights, 1 a.m. others -- your mind won't be properly prepared to snooze on the weekdays.

Bringing Books to Bed

Reading before bed is a habit for many. Problem is, your body has likely adapted to that routine -- it won't go to sleep until you've logged a couple chapters. Retreat to a comfy couch or window nook instead for your literary fix. The bed should be off limits for anything other than sleep or sex.

Facebooking into the Wee Hours
The brightness of your computer screen stimulates the brain. Plus, it's difficult for your mind to stop fretting about your digital to-do list, even once you've logged off. Avoid late-night surfing and shut down your computer. Give yourself time to wind down without any electronics.

Skimping on a Good Bed
A good mattress will cost you anywhere from $500 to over $3,000. Consider it money well spent. A decent mattress -- do your homework! -- will give you a more restful sleep. The same is true for quality bedding and pillows. Opt for a soft pillow if you're a back or stomach sleeper. Buy a firmer pillow if you sleep on your side.
Setting a Bright Alarm Clock
The looming glare of your alarm clock can be distracting when trying to sleep. The goal is to have as dark a room as possible. Block the bright numbers with a book or consider buying a small travel clock. Your cell phone alarm may also do the trick.

Counting Sheep
When you just can't fall asleep, it's useless to stay in bed. If you've been trying to fall asleep for more than 30 minutes, the National Sleep Foundation suggests doing something mundane, like balancing a checkbook, reading or watching TV. An activity that demands marginal brainpower will lull your mind. Before you know it, you'll be crawling back into bed genuinely tired.

Exercising Late at Night
Daytime workouts will keep you invigorated for hours. That's why you don't want to exercise within three hours of hitting the sack. Intense physical activity raises your body temperature and pumps your energy level-both interrupt a calm transition into sleep.

Steps to a Good Night's Sleep

J. Ryan Roberts/Fitness MagazineHere's how to make eight hours of sleep a dream come true (before those dark circles get any more noticeable).

Step 1: Hit the Sheets
We know, we know -- the dog needs a bath, you've got 124 e-mails to answer, and you have to do two loads of laundry before you can call it a day. But here's the thing: The chores can wait. "Adequate sleep is as essential to a woman's health as eating and exercise. Stop feeling guilty about getting it," says Lawrence Epstein, MD, author of The Harvard Medical School Guide to a Good Night's Sleep.

Is that really possible? Yes, if you prioritize what has to get done right now, and what can wait. Try this simple exercise: "About an hour before bed, type up a to-do list of all the things you need to accomplish, print out the list, then ball it up and throw it in a wastebasket," says Patricia Smith, coauthor of Sleep Disorders for Dummies. "The physical act symbolizes that you don't have to worry about these things until morning -- they'll all be there safely on your computer and you can deal with them then."

Step 2: Do Z Math
"Most adults require seven to nine hours of sleep a night," says Helene A. Emsellem, MD, medical director of the Center for Sleep & Wake Disorders in Chevy Chase, Maryland, and author of Snooze...Or Lose! Since constant catch-up can make it hard to determine exactly how much your body needs, figure it out on your next vacation, when you're miles away from your alarm clock and jam-packed schedule. "You should reach a point where you're going to bed at the same time, rising at the same time, and feeling rested," says Clete Kushida, MD, PhD, director of the Center for Human Sleep Research at Stanford University. "That's your optimal sleep length." Once back home, make it a goal to stick to that amount, since skimping even a little can have a huge effect on your mood and concentration: "Studies have shown that if you cut back by about an hour just for one night, your alertness decreases by up to one-third," says Dr. Kushida.

Step 3: Zap Your Rest Robbers

Okay, you're ready to get your eight hours, but something else is keeping you up. In a word: pain. Backache. Headache. Cramps. "Pain is the number-one reason why people can't sleep," says Smith. If over-the-counter meds don't help, see your doctor. It sounds like a no-brainer, but, experts say, you'd be surprised how many people try to tough it out.

Other common sleep stoppers are easier to fix. For one thing, kick your kids, pets, computers, and any work-related reading out of bed. "Americans turn their bedrooms into Grand Central Station," says Smith. "Clear out the clutter." If your partner's snoring is the problem, turn on some white noise, such as a fan, to help drown out the racket. You should also send him to a sleep doctor. Loud snoring and twitching can be symptoms of serious disorders, including sleep apnea.

Step 4: Don't Skimp on Sleep in Order to Fit in Exercise "People often think the choices are between two things that are healthy -- sleep in or get up early to exercise," says Dr. Epstein. "You need the exercise and you need the sleep, but you probably don't need those back-to-back Entourage reruns." Or all that time spent surfing the Internet. See, we just bought you an extra two hours!

Step 5: Think Like a Kid
Yep, even adults need a routine. Here's yours (no binkie required):
• Hit the sack within 30 minutes of the same time each night, and try to wake up at about the same time each day -- even on weekends. Experts swear it works.
• A before-bed routine can also help you chill. Try a hot shower with a favorite, scented body wash; some evidence suggests that when your body temperature is elevated that way and begins dropping, it has a calming effect that can help you sleep more soundly, explains Dr. Epstein.
• Follow your tub time with a single chapter of a relaxing book, or listen to a few soothing songs on an iPod playlist.
• Put on a pair of socks before you hop in bed: According to that Swedish study, the blood vessels in the feet naturally dilate as the body begins to relax, and warming your feet facilitates the process.
• Finally, set the thermostat to about 68 degrees, close the blinds to block out light, and pull up the covers. Sweet dreams!

Healthy Habits the Hippies Got Right
By Elizabeth Goodman Artis

I grew up in Center City Philadelphia in the 1970s, an enclave of clog-wearing moms and bearded dads. I went to a school run by peace-loving Quakers, and even my own mother, more preppie than hippie, went through a phase of growing alfalfa sprouts on our kitchen counter. Of course I rolled my eyes at all of it, but looking back, many of the food and lifestyle choices these aging hippies espoused were spot on. Here are five ways the "me" generation got healthy living right:
Tofu burger
1. They dug tofu: The first time I ever had a tofu "burger" was at a backyard barbecue thrown by a friend's vegetarian parents. It was literally a slab of tofu an inch thick, thrown on the grill and then stuffed between a hamburger bun. While this was not the most creative way to make a burger substitute, you can't argue with its healthfulness, especially when compared to red meat.

Studies show that tofu, which is produced from soy beans and is the only plant-based food that is a complete protein source, can lower risk of heart disease and improve bone health. Unfortunately, most Americans are still a little wary of the stuff: compared to the Japanese, who consume about 8 grams of soy protein daily, we only eat a gram.
Brown rice
2. They were big on brown: As a kid, everywhere I looked I saw the color brown: brown corduroys, brown shoes, and yes, brown food. The first time I ate brown rice I was bewildered by its chewiness-why was this so different from the boil-in-the bag stuff I had at my grandmother's house? The difference is that brown rice hasn't had its endosperm-the healthy outer coating-stripped away. This is where all the nutrients are, including the fiber and antioxidants that keep your heart healthy and reduce risk for diseases like cancer and diabetes.
They were vegetarians
3. They were vegetarians: That tofu burger wasn't the only non-meat meal I encountered growing up; odd, sesame-coated macrobiotic noodles, seaweed salad, and an oatmeal-colored dip someone told me was called "hummus," which would later become best friend to baby carrots and afternoon snackers everywhere.
In addition to the ethics and environmental benefits of eating a vegetarian diet, studies show vegetarians weigh less and have lower risk of all major diseases, including heart disease, stroke, cancer and diabetes. And more and more Americans are following a vegetarian or modified vegetarian diet-currently about seven million people in the US consider themselves vegetarian.
They understood the benefits of meditation.  
4. They meditated: When I was 11 years old, I joined a friend's family on a car trip from Philadelphia to Chicago . Every morning before we could get back on the road, we had to wait 20 minutes while the mom meditated. At the time we mocked it relentlessly, but looking back, it likely gave her enough patience to endure a long car ride with restless, bickering kids.
Meditation's value as a stress reliever and all around mood booster is impressive; extensive research has proven that it can lower risk of depression, beat anxiety, and improve mental health. And it doesn't take much. Studies show that people who practice mindful meditation-sitting quietly with your eyes closed and repeating a word or "mantra" over and over-for just 20 minutes a day reap significant benefits.
They let it mellow.
 5. They let it mellow: Anything yellow that is. This was such a common occurrence in my youth that I started to think Philadelphia had a serious plumbing problem. But resisting to the urge to flush saves three gallons of water each time. If a family of four flushes six times a day (the average amount an individual needs to pee in a day) that's 24 gallons of water wasted. While I must admit it's not a practice I particularly love, if you drink enough water so your pee is clear-which is a sign of proper hydration anyway-then nothing "yellow" need mellow.

The first artifical hamburger to cost 30 million

World’s first artificially prepared burger will become a part of our food in next few months. This burger is being prepared by artificial meat with the help of steam cells technology in the laboratory. At the moment more than thirty thousand dollars have been invested in producing it in a laboratory of Holland. But it is expected that when production of burger will increase, price of it will be reduce.
It is said in a report of UN that demand of food will increase by fifty percent by 2030. The scientist of Maastricht University of Holland, Dr. Mark Post believes that he has found the solution of this problem. Mark post says that this burger is prepared for common people. According to him this burger is a good alternative for the burger prepared by natural meat.
PETA (People for Ethical Treatment of Animals) The organization working for animal rights has announced the reward of ten million dollars for the people of six states of America who begin eating the artificial meat. But still the question is that how many people will be ready to eat this meat?

Culinary Delites

Best and Worst Choices at a Barbecue
 Best and Worst Choices at a Picnic 
By Nicci Micco
 Nicci Micco
This weekend marks the unofficial start to summer and that means it's time for picnics (or, depending on where you live, you might call your outdoor gathering a barbecue or a cookout). I love the traditional foods of summer: burgers and dogs, creamy salads, yummy desserts.

Unfortunately, these foods tend not to be the stuff that's going to win any nutrition awards. But you can partake at a picnic and still walk away with your shorts buttoned. It just means making the right choices--and no, you don't have to limit yourself to corn on the cob and watermelon.

Just skip (most of) the worst choices; the best ones are often just as satisfying.

Here's your guide:
1. Main Dish to Skip: A cheeseburger. A quarter-pound beef burger with a slice of cheese will set you back 510 calories (26 grams of fat). Skipping the cheese will save you about 100 calories. But if you love a good burger, go for it. It's an excellent source of iron.
Main Dish to Choose: A hot dog is lower in calories than you might think. Enjoy one on a roll with your favorite toppings (with lower-cal toppings like mustard, relish or just a little ketchup) and you'll come out around 300 calories, 17 g fat.

2. Side Dish to Skip: Potato salad. There's nothing inherently bad about potatoes--they're actually a great source of vitamin C and fiber--but they contain more calories than other veggies. Plus, most potato salads are smothered in way too much full-fat mayo and will cost you about 360 calories and 20 or so grams of fat per cup.

Side Dish to Choose: Coleslaw can satisfy a craving for something creamy for far fewer calories (83, with 3 grams of fat per cup). Low-cal cabbage is also a rich source of isothiocyanates, compounds that amp up the body's natural detoxifying enzymes.

3. Appetizer to Skip: Potato chips with French onion dip. A large handful of chips delivers about 150 calories and 10 grams of fat. Add to that 60 calories and 4.5 grams of fat from 2 tablespoons of dip. Tortilla chips and guacamole deliver about the same calories (about 140 calories, 7 grams of fat, plus 50 calories and 4.5 grams of fat in the guac). The problem with these snacks isn't so much how many calories one serving delivers, but rather how darn hard it is to stop there.
Appetizer to Choose: Veggies with hummus. You can have a full cup of sugar snap peas for 60 calories (0 grams of fat). Add 2 tablespoons of hummus (50 calories, 3 grams of fat) and you have a nice fiber-rich (read: über-filling) snack for just a little more than 100 calories.

4. Drink to Skip: Margarita (or most other cocktails). Between the alcohol and mixers, a small 3.5-ounce drink packs about 160 calories (0 grams of fat). If you're staying away from alcohol, you might want to stay away from soda, too: a 12-ounce can delivers about 150 calories-all from added sugars.
Drink to Choose: Light beer. A 12-ounce bottle generally has a little less than 100 calories. Or go for the best choice of all: zero-calorie flavored seltzer or water.

5. Dessert to Skip: Strawberry shortcake. Just because it contains fruit doesn't mean it's the healthiest or lowest-calorie choice. Between the cake and the loads of whipped cream that typically tops this summer favorite, you get a lot more calories than you may be bargaining for: about 425 (and around 20-25 grams of fat).
Dessert to Choose: A frozen fruit bar (100 calories, 0 grams of fat). Or even a scoop of vanilla ice cream: 140 calories, about 5 grams of fat.
What are your favorite picnic foods?

Lady Gaga, Queen of Demon

Muslim women hold posters during a protest objecting to U.S. singer Lady Gaga's Indonesian concert, at Jakarta's business district May 24, 2012. Pop star Lady Gaga has been refused a permit to perform in the Indonesian capital on June 3 over security concerns, police said last week. Three Islamic groups have expressed their opposition to the concert, demanding it be stopped, national police spokesman Saud Usman Nasution said by telephone. More on the controversy: WSJ, AFP, Washington Post, NYT, AP, Jakarta Post
How about just cancelling the show because of a lack of talent instead of all this 'religious' bullshit?

Ex-Mexican officer pleads guilty in cartel case

A Mexican police officer pleaded guilty Friday in a drug smuggling case and admitted he hired a fellow officer to run a hit squad on behalf of a Tijuana-based drug cartel, prosecutors said.

Man used toilet seat to steal gum

A Lancaster, Pennsylvania, man was sent to prison after he allegedly broke in to a city store, police reported. Police were dispatched at 2:34 a.m. on Wednesday for a burglary at Medinas Market, 640 S. Queen St., city police said in a criminal complaint.

Arriving officer Chris McCormick saw Galen Lee Esch, 36, walking north in the block and noticed that he matched a description of a suspect provided by a witness, police said. The witness had allegedly seen the suspect crawl through a broken window and leave the store carrying various items, police said.

The items included at least three packs of Big Red gum. The witness positively identified Esch as the suspect, police said. Esch had used a toilet seat to break the front window of the store.

Police charged him with burglary, criminal attempt at theft and criminal trespass before District Judge Cheryl Hartman. Esch was arraigned and sent to Lancaster County Prison in lieu of $50,000 bail, police said.

The Russian North In Photographs

Amazing photographs from a National Geographic contest "Russian North". 

World’s Oldest Music Instrument

Researchers have identified the earliest music instrument: a 42,000-year-old flute carved from mammoth ivory, found at the Geissenkloesterle Cave in Germany.
"Geissenkloesterle is one of several caves in the region that has produced important examples of personal ornaments, figurative art, mythical imagery and musical instruments."
Musical instruments may have been used in recreation or for religious ritual, experts say.
And some researchers have argued that music may have been one of a suite of behaviors displayed by our species which helped give them an edge over the Neanderthals - who went extinct in most parts of Europe 30,000 years ago.
Music could have played a role in the maintenance of larger social networks, which may have helped our species expand their territory at the expense of the more conservative Neanderthals.


    FluteEarliest music instruments found

    Researchers excavating a cave in Germany identify what they say are the oldest-known musical instruments in the world.

    Park of animatronic dinosaurs opening in NJ

    A new family attraction featuring more than 30 animatronic dinosaurs opens this holiday weekend on 20 acres of woods and grass in northern New Jersey.

    First Contact

    CMGW Photography snapped this beautiful shot, "First Contact," in which a young girl and a manatee share a moment through a pane of glass.

    Whales Have A Sensory Organ Unlike Anything We've Ever Seen

    It's possible that whales can sense things that no other living creatures can. Scientists have discovered a grapefruit-sized mass of vessels and nervous tissues located in whales' chins, and they believe it's an entirely new kind of sensory organ. It's possible the organ is what allows these massive creatures to eat using a lightning-fast mouth movement called 'lunge feeding.'

    Cows Crash Party, Drink Up

    A dozen humans were having a party late Sunday night in Boxford, Massachusetts when several cows charged them, drove them off, then drank up the beer that they left behind. Police came to rescue the precious suds before they completely disappeared:
    “I saw one cow drinking the beer on its way down as it spilled off the table,” Lt. Riter reportedly said. “Some of the cows were also picking through the empties in the recycling bin… They just went in and helped themselves.”
    The cows’ owner came and herded them back home. The cows went peacefully, which is good, because cows tend to be angry drunks.

    Mysterious white fox spotted on Kent farm

    Buss Farm in Kent has become a stomping ground for a mysterious white fox. The albino creature's coat is so white that the farm's owner thought it was a lamb until he saw it chasing down rabbits in his field.
    Roger Holmes, 59, has owned the farm in Bethersden, Kent since 1972. 'I looked out of the window and thought it was a lamb at first,' he said. 'Then I looked a bit closer and thought it must be a dog and so got the binoculars out and saw that it was a fox.

    Photo from SWNS.

    'It stayed there for about 10 minutes and then ambled off. Then about two hours later it came back again.' Wildlife expert Owen Leyshon, from the nearby Romney Marsh Countryside Partnership, said although he had heard reports of albino badgers and squirrels, he had never heard anyone mention an albino fox before.

    'Albino goes through all creatures. Though a white fox is a rarity, it’s not unheard of,' he said. 'They have a slightly weaker genetic make-up and they tend not to live as long, so if there’s one in a litter of four, it tends to be the one that perishes first. They can still live for a number of years but obviously the fur doesn’t help when it comes to hiding from predators - it would stick out like a sore thumb.'