The anniversary of the end of slavery was remembered by a tea
party leader by admonishing African Americans to stop complaining their
ancestors were indentured servants.
Human beings like to commemorate or celebrate a past important event
that occurred on the same date of the year as the initial event to
either remind themselves of something they never want to repeat, or
fondly recall a better time in their lives. This past week an
anniversary came and went that should be a reminder of a shameful
practice that lingered in America 89 years after Founding Father Thomas
Jefferson wrote that “
all men are created equal,” and the day should have celebrated that slavery finally came to an official end. The 13
Amendment ended slavery in America in 1865, and the day was remembered
by a teabag leader who admonished African Americans to stop complaining
their ancestors were indentured servants.
Americans are typically not welcoming to immigrants to this country,
and many different groups who came seeking a better life were
discriminated against whether they were Italians, Asians, Russians,
Hispanics, Germans, or Irish, but they were never bought and sold, kept
as property, or treated like Africans who did not come to this country
of their own accord or to seek a better life. Despite historical records
documenting the horrid treatment of Africans captured in their native
lands, shipped to America, and sold to Americans who literally treated
them worse than draft animals, there has always been a segment of the
population attempting to delegitimize the horrors of slavery. Indeed,
there are still racists in America who regard African Americans as
inferior, and they celebrate and mourn their loss in the Civil War the
Confederacy fought to preserve their right to keep other human beings to
buy, sell, and toil to increase the wealth of white people.
Last Wednesday, on the anniversary of the official end of slavery in America, a teabag leader from New Mexico sparked a minor
when she suggested that African Americans take advantage of the horrid
legacy of slavery to garner some kind of benefits from the rest of
America, probably the government as if it is owed to them. The
teabagger, Glynis Racine of the Lincoln County tea party patriots took
to social media outlet Twitter to send a message via
an image suggesting that African Americans “
bitch and moan about how the world owes them a living”
because their ancestors were slaves. She also had the temerity to state
Irish immigrants’ experience in America was worse than African slaves.
The Tweet read, “
American history month. Forgotten facts,” and was accompanied with an image that read, “
White Irish slaves were treated worse than any other race in the U.S.,” and then “
When is the last time you heard an Irishman bitching and moaning about how the world owes them a living?”
Racine deleted the Tweet fairly soon after posting it, but the damage
was already done and exposed her as a racist. The implication that
African Americans, all African Americans, “
bitch and moan” about
the world owing them a living is as outrageous as it is racist and
infuriating. To make matters worse, Racine responded to her detractors
and reiterated that Irish immigrants were treated worse than African
slaves and said, “
It’s time to move on.” Sadly, her sentiment is
not isolated to racist teabaggers and is the kind of fear-mongering and
race-baiting Faux News and every repugican candidate for president
parroted throughout the primary season in 2012.
Some respondents to the Tweet remarked it is no surprise teabaggers
are having difficulty attracting people of color to their racist
political tent, but it extends to repugicans as well who have made it
their raison d’ĂȘtre to demean President Obama as “
the other,” “
not one of us,” or that he should “
learn to be an American” which is code for “
he’s not white.”
The sentiment that African Americans believe anyone owes them something
was Willard Romney’s message throughout his campaign for the White
House and he took great pride in telling the NAACP that “
if they wanted more free stuff, vote for the other guy.”
The majority of Americans are sick to death of the racial animus repugicans, former Confederate states, and particularly teabaggers are
polluting this nation with. Many Americans believed, errantly, that the
election of the first African American as President was a major turning
point in this country’s long history of racism, particularly towards
African Americans, but the only turning point was bringing the lingering
hatred toward African Americans back to life. Whether it is Faux News
and Lush Dimbulb stoking racist hatred toward the people’s choice for
President, or the rise of hate groups, white supremacists,
secession-minded former Confederate states, or calls for assassinating
the President, this vile racism must be addressed and reported by
corporate-controlled wingnut media outlets.
Main-stream media is just as culpable as racists at Faux News’
promoting racial animus for not reporting the blatant racism permeating repugican and teabagger ranks; particularly in the former Confederate
states. The repugicans in Congress, particularly the leadership, are just
as guilty as any white supremacist because their obstruction, even of
their own ideas, is based on little else than opposing, at any cost,
the African American sitting in the Oval Office. Indeed, the repugicans have assailed this President as an “
imperial president,” “
dictator,” and “
for having the temerity to issue executive orders they never complained
about when white presidents, even Democratic white presidents, issued
them and at a higher frequency than President Obama.
Racine said “
it’s time to move on” and she is right. It is
time for teabagger racists, repugican white supremacists, and ignorant
Confederates to move on and get over their hatred of people of color
whether they are Hispanics, Asians, or African Americans, because the
only people “
bitching and moaning that the world owes them anything” are racists in the wingnut movement who think the world owes them a racially pure, and white, America.