Monday, May 26, 2014

The Daily Drift

It is Memorial Day ...!
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Happy Memorial Day ... !
Today is  - Memorial Day

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Today in History

17 Germanicus of Rome celebrates his victory over the Germans.
1328 William of Ockham forced to flee from Avignon by Pope John XXII.
1647 A new law bans Catholic priests from the colony of Massachusetts. The penalty is banishment or death for a second offense.
1670 Charles II and Louis XIV sign a secret treaty in Dover, England, ending hostilities between England and France.
1691 Jacob Leiser, leader of the popular uprising in support of William and Mary's succession to the throne, is executed for treason.
1736 British and Chickasaw forces defeat the French at the Battle of Ackia.
1831 The Russians defeat the Poles at the Battle of Ostrolenska.
1835 A resolution is passed in the U.S. Congress stating that Congress has no authority over state slavery laws.
1864 The territory of Montana is organized.
1865 The last Confederate army surrenders in Shreveport, Louisiana.
1868 President Andrew Johnson is aquitted of all charges of impeachment.
1896 The last czar of Russia, Nicholas II, is crowned.
1938 The House Committee on Un-American Activities begins its work of searching for subversives in the United States.
1940 The evacuation of Allied forces from Dunkirk begins.
1946 A patent is filed in the United States for the H-bomb.
1958 Union Square, San Francisco, becomes a state historical landmark.
1961 The civil rights activist group, Freedom Ride Coordinating Committee, is established in Atlanta.
1961 A U.S. Air Force bomber flies across the Atlantic in a record of just over three hours.
1969 Apollo 10 returns to Earth.
1977 The movie Star Wars debuts.

Why Do We Love Rhymes?

Trace explains -- why our brains -- are drawn to rhymes -- evolved over time.

The Science of Misheard Song Lyrics

Your meaningful misheard lyrics are called 'mondegreens,' and their study can have real psychological significance.

How To Turn Any Interaction In Your Favor

9 Simple Conversation Hacks
Losing arguments with your spouse? Missing out on raises at work? Maybe you need to improve how you're approaching these conversations. Learn how you can use simple psychological tools to your advantage in nearly any conversation.

Does Breaking Rules Make You Cool?

Breaking certain rules can boost a product or person's cool factor. 

Could the clothes on you back halt global warming?

You may have heard it said that then most ecological car to drive is a used car, because it doesn’t have to be manufactured. The same concept goes for clothing. Wearing vintage clothing clothing means you are bypassing the manufacturing process, plus older pieces are often better-made and long-lasting -and is probably made of natural materials to boot! Lynda Grose is a pioneer of sustainable fashion, and the author of the book Fashion & Sustainability: Design for Change. She’s also a fan of vintage clothing.
To assess how to make clothing people will hold onto for years, Grose, her colleagues, and students look at “emotional durability.” “We all have garments in our wardrobes that we’ve kept a long time,” Grose says. “And why is that? It’s often because it reminds you of a person like your mother or a time or an experience you had. Steven Skov Holt at our college talks about ‘sensory empathy,’ meaning that there’s something about it that appeals to the senses, whether it feels good or it’s a finish, or it grows with the user. For example, leather gathers a patina, so it gets better over time. Denim gets faded over time, and it even takes in the patterns of use that you have, like my husband’s back-left pocket has the markings of his wallet. It might be the markings of your keys, or certain whiskering because of the shape of your body. They’re very particular to you, and that develops this kind of empathy with you and your garments. So how can we design things that evolve with the person over time?”
Collectors Weekly talked to Grose and several other proponents of vintage fashions about fashion and the “green” business of used clothing.

Oh the Irony ...

Oh the Irony: Pig Breed Serves as Ideal Model for Human Obesity Research

U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) researchers have conducted a series of […]

9 Myths About Seasonal Allergies

Myths about seasonal allergies seem to spread as easily as so many pollen grains on the wind. Here's the truth behind some of the common misconceptions about allergies. 

Gluten Sensitivity Might Not Be a Thing After All

Tara breaks down what gluten is, and why that discomfort in your stomach might just be in your head. 

How your gut feeling shapes fear

10 Questions Still Baffling Scientists

Science has done a terrific job of answering some of the world’s most difficult questions, but certain mysteries still elude researchers. How does gravity work? Can your pet fish really predict an earthquake? Why do we yawn so much? Here’s what we don’t know and how close we are to figuring it out.

1. Why Do People Spontaneously Combust?

Here’s what we know: Humans really do spontaneously combust. One of the first people recorded to have gone up in smoke is a poor Italian knight who burst into flames after drinking strong wine in the mid–17th century. The cause of the mysterious fireworks befuddles scientists, but they’re certain that each instance is less spontaneous than it seems. Over centuries, 120 cases of spontaneous human combustion have been reported, but because most of the cases involve smokers, a common hypothesis is that an outside flame is involved. The theory is that a cigarette scorches the skin and breaks it deep enough to force body fat to seep rapidly from the wound into burning clothing; together they act like candle wax and a wick.
It’s far more probable than the competing idea—that methane gases build up in the intestines and are sparked from inside the body by a mix of enzymes. But there’s a problem with testing both theories: Researchers can’t just walk around setting people on fire. They may have found a substitute that will answer the question, though. Pig tissue combusts in a way that’s consistent with the “wick effect,” and samples are far easier to obtain. Who knew bacon would help solve the mystery of one of Spinal Tap’s drummers?

2. Why Do We Yawn?

Theories about why we yawn are as common as grumpy toddlers at nap time, but two explanations seem plausible after experimental tests. One is that yawns help cool the brain and optimize its performance. Psychologists at the State University of New York at Albany say it explains why we yawn when we’re drowsy: Like the fan in a computer, the yawn kicks in when our performance starts lagging.
But if yawns are our brains’ way of kick-starting their efficiency, why is yawning contagious? The brain-cooling camp suggests that it’s a way to maintain group vigilance and safety. When a member of a pack yawns, signaling that he is not functioning at his best, the whole group may need to yawn for a collective cognitive boost.
That’s not the only theory floating around, though. Another explanation contends that contagious yawning builds and maintains empathy between yawners. A sympathetic yawn signals an appreciation and understanding of someone else’s condition and subconsciously says, “Me too, buddy.” So which story is the accurate one? Scientists aren’t ready to declare a winner yet—they need a little time to sleep on it.

3. Why Do Placebos Work?

When a new drug enters clinical trials, researchers need a control group against which to compare its effects. Members of this group are given what they’re told is the drug but is actually a pill containing no active ingredients, a placebo. Frequently, though, the control subjects feel the drug’s effects. Or at least they say they do. What actually happens to placebo poppers is still unsettled. Some studies have found objectively measured effects that are in line with a real drug’s results. Others have found that the benefits are only subjective; patients said they felt better after taking the placebo, regardless of their actual improvement. This mixed bag of evidence could support any number of explanations. There could be an actual physiological response, Pavlovian conditioning (a patient expects to feel better after medicating), positive feelings from patient-doctor interactions, an unconscious desire to “do well” in a clinical trial, or even a natural improvement in symptoms.
Whatever the cause, pharmaceutical companies are keen to figure out the placebo effect given its potential to throw clinical trials into disarray. Real drugs often can’t compete against the effects of fakers, and about half get scrapped in late-stage trials. For the researchers who’ve spent nearly 10 years trying to bring their drugs to market, that’s a bitter pill to swallow.

4. What Was Life’s Last Universal Common Ancestor?

A whale and a bacterium or an octopus and an orchid don’t seem to have much in common, but deep down they’re all the same. Research reveals that most of life’s tiniest components, like proteins and nucleic acids, are nearly universal. The genetic code is written in the same way across all organisms. A small core of genome sequences is also similar across major branches of life’s family tree. All this suggests that every living thing made of cells can trace its lineage back to one source, a universal common ancestor.
In theory, this idea makes a lot of sense. Getting this ancestor to show up for a paternity test is tougher. Scientists estimate that the last universal common ancestor (LUCA) split into microbes and later eukaryotes (animals, plants, and the like) around 2.9 billion years ago. The fossil record from that era is scant, and by now, the genes that have traveled down the family tree have been lost, swapped, or shuffled around.
But some features of proteins and nucleic acids encoded by these genes—such as their three-dimensional structure—have been preserved throughout time. A survey of these molecular traits offers a glimpse at what the last universal common ancestor might have looked like. Researchers have found that tiny organelles (specialized subparts of cells) as well as their associated enzymes are shared by all major branches of life, meaning that they must have been present in the last universal common ancestor. This and other evidence suggests that the LUCA was as complex as a modern cell—which doesn’t make our forebear all that visually impressive. But on the plus side, until scientists get to the bottom of this question, we can all save money on Father’s Day cards for the granddaddy of all life on Earth.

5. How Does Memory Work?

For a long time, neuroscientists thought a memory was stored in a scattered group of neurons in either the hippocampus or in the neocortex. Last year, researchers at MIT proved that theory for the first time by causing mice to remember or forget an event by activating or deactivating the associated neurons.
It’s an essential piece to the puzzle, but to recall a memory on its own, the brain has to activate the correct assortment of neurons. And how exactly the brain pulls off that trick isn’t fully understood. Studies on rodents and brain imaging in people suggests that some of the same neurons that the original experience affected are involved. In other words, remembering something may not just be a matter of grabbing it from its storage space but re-forming the memory each time it’s pulled out.

6. Can Animals Really Predict Earthquakes?

The idea that our furry and feathered friends could warn us about impending doom is a nice one, but it’s been hard for scientists to prove. Pet owners have noted how their animals acted funny just before an earthquake since the days of ancient Greece. There’s no shortage of reports, but almost every one is anecdotal, based on opinions of what’s “normal” and “funny” for an animal. And the stories are generally reported long after the fact.
It’s not out of the question that animals may sense and react to some environmental change that we don’t notice—anything from seismic waves to changes in electric or magnetic fields. However, it’s not clear that earthquakes even produce such precursors. Plus, whatever the proposed cause, it’s nearly impossible to test. If we can’t predict earthquakes, we don’t know when to observe animals, and it’s even more difficult for researchers trying to reproduce the experiment later. The few “lucky” cases where quakes happened during animal experiments provide conflicting evidence. If you’re going to rely on a cat for earthquake advice, consult one with a degree in seismology.

7. How Do Organs Know When to Stop Growing?

Every mammal starts out as a single cell before growing into trillions of them. Usually, there’s tight control over the number and size of cells, tissue, and organs, but sometimes things go very wrong, resulting in anything from cancer to a leg that’s larger than its partner. So what’s sending the “stop growing” signal?
Four proteins that make up the core of what’s known as the Salvador-Warts-Hippo signaling pathway appear to help regulate growth for a number of organs. Shutoff signals sent down the pathway deactivate the protein that promotes growth, but that’s where scientists’ knowledge stops. Where these signals originate and which other elements are affecting SWH is unknown. Scientists continue to learn how to manipulate the pathway, discovering new triggers and working their way to the source, but there are still a lot of mysteries—including how we may be able to “turn off” cancer.

8. Are There Human Pheromones?

Can you actually smell someone’s fear? Or sniff out a rat? Plenty of animals communicate with chemical signals called pheromones, but whether humans are part of that club is a contentious issue. There’s some evidence of people making behavioral and physical changes in response to chemosignals, but scientists haven’t been able to figure out which chemicals trigger these responses. And despite what the labels on pheromone-infused colognes and hair gels will tell you, no compound has been identified as a human pheromone or linked to a specific response.
Moreover, if people are giving off pheromones, scientists aren’t sure how others are detecting them. Many mammals and reptiles have what’s known as a vomeronasal organ that detects pheromones. While some human noses contain the tiny organ, it may not be functional; sensory neurons have little or no connection with the nervous system. So for now, the answer to this question remains “maybe.” And that uncertainty truly stinks.

9. What’s the Deal With Gravity?

Of the four fundamental forces of nature, gravity is the runt of the litter. It holds the universe together, but it’s weaker than its three siblings: electromagnetism, weak nuclear forces, and strong nuclear forces. How much punier is it? The next step up, weak nuclear, is 10^26 (100,000,000,000,000,000,000, 000,000) times stronger. Gravity’s relatively feeble pull makes it hard to demonstrate with small objects in the lab.
Gravity doesn’t play well with the other forces either. Try as they might, scientists can’t use quantum theory and general relativity to explain gravity on small scales. And this incompatibility leaves us short of physicists’ grandest goal: a unified theory of everything.
Worse still, scientists can’t even figure out what gravity is made of. The other fundamental forces are all associated with particles that help carry them, but no one’s been able to detect the gravitational particle—the hypothetical graviton—even with the most super of supercolliders! And while some scientists are frustrated by its elusive nature, others know it’s just gravity’s way—the force has a reputation for bringing us down.

10. How Many Species Are There?

Taxonomists have been finding, naming, and describing species in an organized manner for more than 200 years, and they’re probably nowhere close to being finished. It’s not that they’re slacking off on the job either. In the last decade alone, scientists have reported more than 16,000 new species per year; in total, they’ve cataloged 1.2 million. It’s anybody’s guess how many are left undiscovered, though. Going out and finding every single species would take the 300,000 working taxonomists a lifetime, so they have to make educated guesses.
Making these kinds of extrapolations presents serious logistical hurdles. Biodiversity hotspots often fall in developing countries, which suffer from a shortage of taxonomists. Furthermore, up to 80 percent of the planet’s life may be hiding out in hard-to-reach places under the sea.
Given these troubles, it’s no wonder there’s a wide variance in expert guesses of how many species are left undiscovered. The most recent ballpark figures place the number between five and 15 million species, which makes the odds of someone discovering a unicorn just slightly better than we’d even dared to dream.

Egyptian teen science whiz defects to US after science fair

Photo: Christopher Reeve for
A teenager from Egypt accused of illegally protesting the Egyptian government defected to the US after participating in an international high school science fair held in Los Angeles.
"Abdullah Assem, 17, decided not to board a Cairo-bound plane Sunday for fear he would be arrested upon landing," reports the LA Times. "For the last four days he has stayed with family friends in Los Angeles County while he seeks asylum in the US." He was one of 1,787 teens who took part in a six-day International Science and Engineering Fair sponsored by Intel at the Los Angeles Convention Center last week.
From Bob Pool at the LAT:
His project, "Eye Detection and Tracking-Based Communication System for Tetraplegia Patients," had qualified for the competition through one of the program's 450 preliminary science fairs. His research involved the use of eyeglasses and motion sensors to enable quadriplegics to use computers.
There's a wonderful article about the young man at, "the first time Assem spoke to the press since making the life-changing decision not to return to Egypt. " Christopher Reeve writes:

Assem said that after his arrest [in Egypt], he spent the first 24 hours in state security detention in downtown Cairo’s Lazoghly. He was handcuffed, blindfolded, and assaulted. One official began to set the boy’s shirt on fire, while it was still covering his torso. Assem jumped up and down until another official doused the flames. He was made it sit in an awkward position on the floor for his interrogation.
Assem made his way from the sofa to the carpeted floor to show me the position he had to maintain. I had to imagine the blindfold and handcuffs.
Officials insulted him. “You are a kaza,” Assem retold, too modest to say the actual curses. One of Assem’s captors, the boy says, caressed his body with a knife, saying, “I can hurt you with this. Stab you here.” The knife’s blade kept moving. “Cut you here.”
Assem was called a terrorist, and told that he had stolen two tanks. The story changed slightly to two police cars. “They found it illogical to say that I stole tanks, so they changed it to cars,” Assem said. He had also been accused of carrying a weapon, perhaps his eye-tracking machine.
After his dark night in Cairo, officials from Assiut took the boy back to Upper Egypt. Still handcuffed, he was transported in the bed of a covered security vehicle, tumbling about like a ragdoll on the five-hour ride.
“I screamed. I cried,” he recalled.

Kinki University in Japan Will Change Its Name to Something Less Naughty-Sounding

The “kinki” in Kinki University means “near the capital,” which is a reference to its proximity to the city of Kyoto, the old capital of Japan. You should not make any inferences about the proclivities of its students, faculty, or staff based on how its name sounds in English.
The school has 32,000 students, 329 of which are foreign. I don’t know how many of them are English speakers. But the school would like to have more of them and is worried about how its name might be perceived by prospective students:
"We aim to get more foreign students coming here, so we've decided to change our English name to ensure there is no misunderstanding," the university told English language newspaper the Japan Times.
The school isn’t changing its name in Japanese. But it will refer to itself in English as Kindai University, which is also a geographic reference:
In Japanese, the institution will continue to be known as Kinki Daigaku (daikgaku being the Japanese word for “university”). The school is also known colloquially as ‘Kindai,’ taken from the first kanji characters in Kinki and Daigaku, and the school has announced that it will be changing its official English name to Kindai University. By the start of the 2016 school year, the new name will be in place on signs around campus, school literature and stationary, and sports uniforms.

Ferrari Pickup Work Truck

It's both beautiful and horrible. The London Motor Group has converted a 1989 Ferrari 412 sports car into an El Camino-like work truck. They made it for the History Channel show Ultimate Wheels.
To build it, they used an angle grinder to remove 30 cm of roof and shifted the interior forward in order to make room for the truck bed. They added a custom scoop hood and exhaust system that lets the driver decide whether the car should be quiet or noisy.

Imaginary Worlds

Isn’t she lovely! This 25-foot tall living sculpture is called “Earth Goddess.” She’s part of the exhibition called Imaginary Worlds at the Atlanta Botanical Garden. She is made up of 18,000 plants!
And these guys? They are made of plants, too.
These artworks were created in Canada by International Mosaiculture of Montreal, the leaders in the art form known as mosaiculture. Just how are these amazing artworks formed? "Each sculpture is a living, sophisticated evolution of the traditional 'stuffed topiary technique," states the Garden. "Thousands of meticulously groomed annuals are planted into soil-and-sphagnum moss filled netting covering the steel forms – hidden works of artisanship themselves – to carpet the skeletons in colorful patterns. Complex irrigation systems beneath the surface of the sculptures allow the plants to grow – and the creatures to flourish – in Atlanta’s summer heat."
Imaginary Worlds will be on display through October. See more pictures of the living sculptures at My Modern Met.

Towing Icebergs

An industry was born out of the R.M.S. Titanic's collision with a 500,000-ton iceberg, which famously ripped the holes in the hull of the ship that were her downfall. After the Titanic tragedy in 1912, a group of North American and European nations established the International Ice Patrol (IIP) to prevent such incidents. The IIP utilizes data collected from satellites, radar and airplanes to furnish critical information to the maritime community regarding the location of icebergs and safe detours clear of them.
IIP information is vital to an industry of ice management contractors who are hired by oil companies to keep watch over their oil rig platforms. An estimated 20,000 to 40,000 icebergs a year — massive portions of Greenland glaciers — ride with the current into the North Atlantic, where they become potential dangers to oil installations off Newfoundland's coast. The ice management contractors keep a close eye on bergs in the general vicinity of oil rig structures. When an iceberg is identified as an immediate threat, it is then towed out of the area by the contractors, using specialized anchor handling tug supply vessels.
These contractors use towropes eight inches in diameter and up to 1/4 mile long to tow the immense icebergs. The towrope is attached to a buoy and the tug vessel circles the iceberg, while care is taken to keep a distance of 650 feet or so from the berg. Once the roping is complete,
 the rope is then attached to a tow cable. Between 1/2 and 3/4 of a mile of space is kept between the vessel and the iceberg to avoid a catastrophe if the iceberg flips over during the operation. If an iceberg flips during towing, it can slice through the boat, as well as cause rough seas due to the waves generated after it falls. Towing an iceberg can take up to 72 hours, as the boat needs in the neighborhood of ten hours to reach a speed of just one nautical mile (6076 feet) per hour. 
Learn more and see additional pictures at Amusing Planet.

Man hired to help refurbish bathroom water-boarded after botched renovation

Two men from Stockholm in Sweden faced court on Tuesday after they allegedly kidnapped and tortured a man hired to help renovate a bathroom. A young home-owner in Botkyrka, south of Stockholm, enlisted builders to overhaul his bathroom.
His anger at what he considered an unacceptable job got the better of him, however, leading him and an accomplice to kidnap a 31-year-old agent working for the renovators. The victim said he was choked until he passed out in the bathroom. When he woke up, he said he was being waterboarded, a torture technique that simulates drowning. The man told police he was convinced he would die.
The home-owner then locked him up in the trunk of his own car, drove him away and dumped him in the nearby town of Södertälje. They are now accused of kidnapping and aggravated assault. While the suspect offered an alternative version of events, prosecutor Lizzie Österlund said that evidence supported the victim's tale. "You can see the injuries where he was tied up, just like he said, and they found blood in the house," she said.
"When he was set free he immediately called the police, who found severed cable ties nearby." The two suspects said the renovation was delayed, poorly done, and that the 31-year-old pocketed a huge chunk of the builders' fees. They called the case against them "a joke". The two men have denied the kidnapping charge, but admitted an altercation had taken place, which explained the traces of blood. The case continues.

Iranian billionaire executed over $2.6B bank fraud

In this picture Feb. 18, 2012 photo, released by the Iranian Students News Agency, ISNA, Mahafarid Amir Khosravi speaks at his trial in a court in Tehran, Iran. Khosravi, a billionaire businessman at the heart of a $2.6 billion state bank scam, the largest fraud case since the country's 1979 Islamic Revolution, was executed Saturday, state television reported. Authorities put Mahafarid Amir Khosravi, also known as Amir Mansour Aria, to death at Evin prison, just north of the capital, Tehran, the station reported. The report said the execution came after Iran's Supreme Court upheld his death sentence. (AP Photo/ISNA, Hamid Foroutan)
A billionaire businessman at the heart of a $2.6 billion state bank scam, the largest fraud case since the country's 1979 Islamic Revolution, was executed Saturday, state television reported.
Authorities put Mahafarid Amir Khosravi, also known as Amir Mansour Aria, to death at Evin prison, just north of the capital, Tehran, the station reported. The report said the execution came after Iran's Supreme Court upheld his death sentence.
Khosravi's lawyer, Gholam Ali Riahi, was quoted by news website as saying that his client was put to death without any notice.
"I had not been informed about execution of my client," Riahi said. "All the assets of my client are at the disposal of the prosecutor's office."
State officials did not immediately comment on Riahi's claim.
The fraud involved using forged documents to get credit at one of Iran's top financial institutions, Bank Saderat, to purchase assets including state-owned companies like major steel producer Khuzestan Steel Co.
Khosravi's business empire included more than 35 companies from mineral water production to a football club and meat imports from Brazil. According to Iranian media reports, the bank fraud began in 2007.
A total of 39 defendants were convicted in the case. Four received death sentences, two got life sentences and the rest received sentences of up to 25 years in prison.
The trials raised questions about corruption at senior levels in Iran's tightly controlled economy during the administration of former President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
Mahmoud Reza Khavari, a former head of Bank Melli, another major Iranian bank, escaped to Canada in 2011 after he resigned over the case. He faces charges over the case in Iran and remains on the Islamic Republic's wanted list. Khavari previously admitted that his bank partially was involved in the fraud, but has maintained his innocence.

Man accused of stabbing wife for wearing his socks

A man from Clarksville, Tennessee, was arrested on Friday after allegedly attacking his wife with a "survival style" knife because she was wearing his socks.
The wife told police that Sean Terrance Jones had been drinking, and she was going to leave their apartment when he grabbed her by the neck and told her to give back his socks, according to an arrest warrant.
She said she removed the socks and went to get into a friend’s car, but Jones followed her with a “large survival style knife” and began beating on the windshield. She said she opened the door to try to get him to stop, and he threatened her, then stabbed her in the right side of her neck, behind her ear.
A police officer saw a small puncture wound on her neck. The victim said the knife was large, but the tip seemed to be dull. The warrant did not indicate whether she was treated for the injury. Jones, 20, was charged with aggravated assault. He was booked into Montgomery County Jail on $5,000 bond.

Police ask for help in order to stop plague of snot and booger graffiti

Police in Cary, North Carolina, need the public's help finding some graffiti vandals.

Coming Tomorrow

Coming Tomorrow
  • Senate repugicans throw yet another temper tantrum
  • New study proves that repugicans are significantly more likely to lie than Democrats
  • Workers in Walmart warehouse get $21 million wage theft settlement
  • Walmart's poor sales don't keep top executives from getting millions in 'incentive' pay
And more ...
This lion is our Animal Picture, for today.