Monday, August 24, 2015

The Daily Drift

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Today in 79CE Vesuvius blew its top and destroyed Pompeii ...!
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Today in History

Mount Vesuvius erupts destroying Pompeii, Stabiae, Herculaneum and other smaller settlements.
German barbarians sack Rome.
In South America, Gonzalo Pizarro returns to the mouth of the Amazon River after having sailed the length of the great river as far as the Andes Mountains.
Some 50,000 people are put to death in the ‘Massacre of St. Bartholomew’ as Charles IX of France attempts to rid the country of Huguenots.
King Louis XVI abolishes torture as a means to get suspects to confess.
British troops under General Robert Ross capture Washington, D.C., which they set on fire in retaliation for the American burning of the parliament building in York (Toronto), the capital of Upper Canada.
Charlotte Bronte, using the pseudonym Currer Bell, sends a manuscript of Jane Eyre to her publisher in London.
Cornelius Swarthout of Troy, New York, patents the waffle iron.
Thomas Edison files a patent for the motion picture camera.
Congress passes the first graduated income tax law, which is declared unconstitutional the next year.
Thomas Brooks is shot and killed by an unknown assailant begining a six year feud with the McFarland family.
By an act of Congress, Alaska is given a territorial legislature of two houses.
In the battle of the Eastern Solomons, the third carrier-versus-carrier battle of the war, U.S. naval forces defeat a Japanese force attempting to screen reinforcements for the Guadalcanal fighting.
Edith Mae Irby becomes the first African-American student to attend the University of Arkansas.
Congress outlaws the Communist Party in the United States.
US State Department cables embassy in Saigon that if South Vietnam’s president Ngo Dinh Diem does not remove his brother Ngo Dinh Nhu as his political adviser the US would explore alternative leadership, setting the stage for a coup by ARVN generals.
The principal leaders of Greece’s 1967 coup—Georgios Papadopoulos, Stylianos Pattakos, and Nikolaos Maarezos—sentenced to death for high treason, later commuted to life in prison.
Mark David Chapman sentenced to 20 years to life for murdering former Beatles band member John Lennon.
Colombian drug lords declare "total and absolute war" on Colombia’s government, booming the offices of two political parties and burning two politicians’ homes.
Baseball commissioner A. Bartlett Giamatti bans Pete Rose from baseball for gambling.
Mikhail Gorbachev resigns as head of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union; Ukraine declares its independence from USSR.
Hurricane Andrew makes landfall in Florida. The Category 5 storm, which had already caused extensive damage in the Bahamas, caused $26.5 billion in US damages, caused 65 deaths, and felled 70,000 acres of trees in the Everglades.
Israel and the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) create initial accord regarding partial self-rule for Palestinians living on the West Bank, the Agreement on Preparatory Transfer of Powers and Responsibilities.
Chechnyan suicide bombers blow up two airliners near Moscow, killing 89 passengers.
Pluto is downgraded to a dwarf planet when the International Astronomical Union (IAU) redefines "planet."
The Mexican criminal syndicate Los Zetas kills 72 illegal immigrants from Central and South America in San Fernando, Tamaulipas, Mexico.

Here's what the brain of an extremely selfish person looks like

by Tanya Lewis
the dark knight joker Some people are just manipulative jerks. They deceive people for their own benefit, they see others as weak and untrustworthy, and they ignore moral codes.
Psychologists have dubbed these people Machiavellians, after the Italian political philosopher Niccolo Machiavelli, whose book "The Prince" includes many examples of this sort of unsavory character.
Now, a recent study published in the journal Brain and Cognition reveals what goes on in the brains of these social deviants when they're around others who are acting fairly.
Machiavellianism — which is part of the "dark triad" of personality traits, along with narcissism and psychopathy — falls on a spectrum, from low Machs (aka normal people) to high Machs (aka jerks).
Tamas Bereczkei and his colleagues at the University of Pecs in Hungary gave 38 university students (20 men and 18 women) a 20-item questionnaire consisting of short statements about the rules and principles involved in relationships with others. People who scored less than or equal to 88 were defined as low Machs, while those who scored greater than or equal to 114 were defined as high Machs. (You can take a similar test yourself here, but it's on a different scale.)
Twenty-two of the students scored as low Machs and 16 were high Machs.
The trust game
The students played a two-round trust game while their brains were scanned by an MRI machine. The machine measures the amount of blood flowing to different parts of the brain, which corresponds to which parts are most active at one time.
In the first round, a student was given a small sum of real money and allowed to "invest" some portion of it in a trustee (which was actually a computer algorithm). The trustee then returned some of that money to the investor.
In the second round, the investor became the trustee, and vice versa. Now, the student received an investment, and had the choice of how much to give back to the investor.
An offer was considered "fair" if the return was the same amount as the first player's offer, give or take 10%. An unfair offer returned only 30% of the original offer, give or take 10%.
When the high Machs received a fair offer in the first round, they returned an unfair offer, whereas the low Machs returned fair offers with fair offers of their own.
What a selfish brain looks like
High Machs exhibited higher brain activity in certain areas when their partner made a fair return offer, as opposed to an unfair offer.
Specifically, they had increased activity in two parts of their brain: The anterior dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, a region thought to be involved in suppressing emotional responses, and the inferior frontal gyrus, an area responsible for evaluating social behavior and cooperation, as shown below.
machiavellian brain
Those who scored high on the Machiavellian scale also earned more money in the game than their less manipulative colleagues, the researchers found.
The researchers think the reason the high Machs has these spikes in brain activity was because they had to use more mental energy to respond to their partner's cooperative behavior (in order to take advantage of it).
These findings agree with previous studies that show Machiavellians act in their own self-interest and manipulate others for personal gain.
Future studies will be needed to understand how Machiavellians control their emotions and what brain structures are involved in their cold and calculating behavior, the researchers reported.

Pessimism Is Good For You

The constant admonitions to “think positive!” aren’t as useful in achieving your goals as we once thought. Of course, fatalism isn’t much help, either. But tempering one’s optimism with a real-world dose of pessimism may do the trick.
The Science of Us from New York magazine presents the psychological research showing that positive thinking can get in the way of getting where we want to be. 

Breast Milk Soap

It's the perfect gift for any occasion: breast milk soap.
Ah, human breast milk! You can make just about anything with it, including cheese, jewelry, ice cream, and lollipops.
Hand soap made from breast milk is becoming a stylish luxury product in China. The craze can be traced back to a woman named Qi in Wuhan, which is in central China. As a new mother, she produced more milk than her baby could consume. So she stocked up 10 liters of it, bought a soap making kit off the internet, and produced a line of fancy soaps under the brand Ena's Soap. The Daily Mail reports:
There are currently close to 1,000 online outlets in China selling either breast milk soaps or soap-making kits.
Many of the breast milk soaps are shaped into flowers, hearts and Hello Kitty.
Ms Qi says that the soaps not only mark the first time a woman becomes a mother but is also a nice gift for friends.
A recipient of the gift, named only as Ms Ding, said: 'This is the most unique gift I've ever seen'.

Nurse Saves Her Own Legs After Crash

Stacie Reis doesn’t remember the accident she had when driving home from visiting her grandfather in the hospital. All she knew was that she woke up a half-hour later in her upside-down car at the bottom of a ravine. Her phone had no service. Reis is a nurse, and knew she had to perform first aid as best she could, because it might be some time before she was found.
"I don't remember what happened," said Reis from Vancouver General Hospital, six weeks after the July 4 accident that left her with two broken legs, a broken pelvis, a broken sternum, multiple rib and spine fractures and feet that bore mostly broken bones.
In the minutes after she became conscious, she knew it was bad. Both legs twisted awkwardly to the left at the knee.
"The way they were pinned, it wasn't natural," she said. "The nurse in me was like, 'You need to straighten these out otherwise you're going to cut off your blood supply, you'll lose your legs."
So she did.
A group of Reis’ friends found her at 8 the next morning, 14 hours after the crash. Emergency services soon followed. Reis remembers hearing someone say her legs would have to be amputated, but doctors later said that her actions in straightening out her legs, no matter how painful, likely saved them. Reis has undergone several surgeries and is looking forward to the day she can walk again.

Peaceful protest led to fish and chip shop being barricaded with wall of fridges

The owners of a fish and chip shop in Maidstone, Kent, were surprised after arriving at the premises to open up on Tuesday morning and finding it had been barricaded with a wall of fridges. Big Ben's Fish & Grill was left inaccessible by the barricade of around 20 fridges which mysteriously popped up overnight. Kevin Wildeman and Paul Stone of neighboring white goods firm Extra Mile have claimed responsibility for the prank, which they say was a peaceful protest about their forthcoming eviction.
The landlord of the property, who also owns the fish and chip shop, had asked them to leave on Tuesday. But rather than go quietly, the two spent 40 minutes that morning creating the wall of fridges as part of a demonstration. Richard Phillips, who works for the landlord, said the tenants of Clutter Box and Extra Mile had breached their contract on numerous occasions and would be evicted. He added: "I'm disgusted at what they've done, this isn't a prank."

Mr Stone, who spoke on behalf of Extra Mile as his business partner Mr Wildeman was asleep following a busy night of fridge gutting, said they were being forced to leave the property for no reason. He added the prank was a response to Big Ben's asking its customers to park on the forecourt of Clutter Box. Mr Stone said: "There's no malice in it, we spent 40 minutes bolting the fridges together but didn't want to cause any damage to the property.

"We're being pushed out of our business and this was the best way of showing the landlord we can't be bullied." He added: "You could say revenge is a dish best served cold." An environment team from Maidstone Borough Council was soon on the scene to inspect the barrier and the police were also called. Soon after the council team arrived Mr Stone set about dismantling the white goods wall. The owner of the fish and chip shop did not wish to comment on the situation.

Nestle Pays A Whopping $524 For 27 Million Gallons Of California’s Most Precious Resource

Nestle Pays A Whopping $524 For 27 Million Gallons Of California’s Most Precious Resource
How they’re exploiting a loophole at the expense of fragile ecosystems for less than what an average Californian pays for half a year of water bills will sicken you.

Religious Bigots Lose More Ground As Illinois Bans Abusive, Anti-Gay Practice

Featured image by Daniel Tobias. Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons: bigots are shedding big crocodile tears tonight as Illinois turns its back on one of their most abusive practices.

Tennessee Pisses Off Wingnuts By Recognizing … Divorce Equality?

Tennessee Pisses Off Right-Wingers By Recognizing… Divorce Equality? (VIDEO)A small change in a Tennessee court form has caused something of a meltdown among wingnuts.

Kansas Wingnut Fires State Employee For Not Being Obsessed With Worshiping dog

Image via A woman in Kansas is raising hell after the Republican-misled Secretary of State’s office fired her because she was deemed not religious enough.

Worker who stormed out of store after colleague said 'good morning' loses unfair dismissal claim

A worker at a Pak'n Save supermarket walked out of a store in Auckland, New Zealand, after a colleague said "good morning" to him, following an agreement the two men would not speak to each other in the workplace. The arrangement, which supermarket bosses reluctantly agreed to, was put in place after the second man wrote "I am gay" on the first man's name badge. Jacob Abiar resigned from Pak'n Save Glen Innes in September 2013 following the disagreement, saying the supermarket chain had failed to prevent him being harassed at work. Mr Abiar, who had been working at the supermarket since 2011, "took umbrage" that Mobin Ansorali greeted him as he arrived for work on the morning of September 18. Mr Ansorali said it was the same greeting he had given to other staff and customers who walked into the store that day.
But Mr Abiar claimed it was an example of him being subjected to racial abuse and harassment at work, and he resigned saying Pak'n Save was not serious about solving his difficulties with Mr Ansorali. He took his complaint to the Employment Relations Authority (ERA). However, the authority sided with his former employer, and praised the supermarket for its efforts to resolve the dispute between the two men and to keep them both employed. It said accusations of racism and harassment "were not substantiated" during its investigation. "Pak'n Save is a multicultural workplace employing some 34 different nationalities. It is sensitive to cultural and language issues and proactively takes steps to ensure that all employees feel comfortable, welcome and supported in the workplace," the ERA said in its determination. It noted that both Mr Abiar and Mr Ansorali "come from troubled backgrounds", and said it was "satisfied that Pak'n Save was sensitive to that, so wished to support both of them to integrate into their new life in New Zealand". The two men appeared to have a poor relationship from the start, resulting from Mr Ansorali's "teasing" of Mr Abiar.
It came to a head in January 2012 when Mr Ansorali wrote, 'I am gay', on Mr Abiar's name badge. Mr Abiar, who is not gay, was "very upset about this", the authority said. He complained to management, who issued Mr Ansorali with a final written warning and ordered him to apologise to Mr Abiar. The pair were then separated at Mr Abiar's request, with Mr Abiar relocated to the grocery department, and Mr Ansorali remaining in the produce department. An agreement was also reached that they would not speak to each other to avoid further issues. The ERA noted that Pak'n Save "found that undesirable in terms of collegial workplace relations", but nevertheless agreed to it in order to "ensure workplace harmony". No further issues arose until the September 2013 incident, when Mr Ansorali greeted Mr Abiar as he arrived for work. Mr Abiar then left work without telling anyone, and when he was contacted by his manager he was described as "highly agitated and clearly very upset". He refused to return to work, and said he was "so angry that if he came back into work he would get a knife and 'kill' Mr Ansorali, so it was better for him to stay away", the ERA recorded.
His managers tried to persuade him to return, saying he was considered a good worker and the supermarket "did not want to lose him". A formal investigation also took place into all the allegations Mr Abiar set out in a subsequent letter. But, he did not return to work. Authority member Rachel Larmer said she was satisfied that he resigned voluntarily, and that "Pak'n Save did not fundamentally breach a duty to Mr Abiar". Nor did it engage in a concerted course of conduct designed to induce Mr Abiar's resignation. Quite the contrary," Ms Larmer said. "Pak n Save made it very clear to Mr Abiar that it considered that he was a valued employee ... and it is clear from the evidence that Pak'n Save took steps to address Mr Abiar's concerns and to encourage him to return to work." Ms Larmer added: "Although I realise Mr Abiar does not agree with me, my objective view based on the evidence I heard is that Pak'n Save did support Mr Abiar in the workplace and it did take concerns he raised seriously. I consider that Mr Abiar was ill-disposed to Mr Ansorali because of what had occurred in January 2012. Mr Abiar therefore took umbrage when he was greeted by Mr Ansorali in September 2013, so decided he wanted to resign." His claim of unjustified dismissal was rejected.

Disabled Man Sentenced To Be Hung To Death In His Wheelchair

A paraplegic man is facing death by hanging, in his wheelchair, as he is unable to mount the execution platform. Abdul Basit was found guilty of murder...

Sandra Bland’s Jail Cell ‘Suicide’ Prompts Investigations Into Police Custody Deaths least they are making a move to do something about these suspicious jail cell “suicides.” Maybe Sandra Bland didn’t die in vain after all.

Man arrested after leaving trail of small pencil-drawn penises in IKEA

A man found an unconventional way to pass the time during a vist to an IKEA store. A 31-year old man from Aalborg, Denmark, was convicted for an act of vandalism on Tuesday.
On a visit to the local IKEA in Aalborg, the man had taken one of the store’s wooden pencils and proceeded to casually stroll through the store drawing small penises on the walls and pieces of furniture on display. “He drew up to 30 penises on walls and shelves around the warehouse,” Rikke Poulsen from the North Jutland police said.
IKEA staff eventually caught up with the vandal who had left the trail of crudely drawn genitalia in his wake and reported him to the police. Once caught, the man denied that he was responsible for all the drawings, and that his curious crime was inspired by having seen someone else do it first.
“The man has admitted to being behind these drawings, but not as many as 30. He has no prior convictions and he has explained that he did it because he had seen similar drawings in IKEA. He has regretted his actions, but that doesn’t change the fact that he has still committed vandalism,” Poulsen said. The man received a suspended sentence of 20 days.

Man who told police officer his name was Fuck You cited for providing false information

An intoxicated man in Cottage Grove, Minnesota, was cited for providing a police officer with a false name after claiming his name was Fuck You. According to a police report, officers were dispatched to a home at around 3:40am on July 26 on a report that Daniel Danielson, 24, was intoxicated and lying in a random front yard after banging on the front door.
Upon arrival, the man was “obviously intoxicated as he was slurring his speech, he had bloodshot, watery eyes, and an odor of an alcoholic beverage was also emitting from him,” the report said. Danielson first told the officers his name was Dennis Robin, then when an officer asked him what his first name was he looked up at him and stated, “my first name is Fuck You.”
Officers spoke to the homeowner who said “I don’t know him, and I’ve never seen him before, but he was digging in my trailer that has trash in it.” The police report said the officer then grabbed Danielson to put him in the back of a squad car, “at which time Officer Shaver stated that Daniel had wet shorts as he had urinated in his pants.”
While en route to Ramsey County Detox, Danielson leaned over to his left as he was talking and vomited on the driver’s side of the back seat. Police then chose to take him to Regions Hospital instead due to his “extreme intoxication.” The officer then issued Danielson a citation for “giving a peace officer a false name”.

Perry the Corpse Flower

Titan Arum (Amorphophallus titanum), also known as the Corpse Flower, is the biggest unbranched flower in the world. It also smells like rotting meat, which is where it got its nickname. It takes years to come into bloom. Would you like to see one bloom without having to experience the smell? 
This Corpse Flower is named Perry T. Titan, and it lives at Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter, Minnesota. This time-lapse video was taken over 45 days as the plant grew from a corm to its full flower in the fall of 2013. The accompanying music is, appropriately enough, “Dance of the Flowers” from The Nutcracker Suite.

Cat that attends school issued with student body card

Like many members of the student body at Leland High School in San Jose, California, Bubba is a social animal. He attends sporting events, hangs out on campus with his buddies and has a Facebook page dedicated to his exploits. But unlike most who have been issued a Leland student body card, Bubba can roam the school's halls freely during class. And if he wants to be excused, he doesn't have to raise his paw; he just meows. "He's really loud," says Amber Marienthal, whose family adopted Bubba the cat in 2009. The family initially tried to make Bubba an indoor cat, but he let them know loudly and often that he was unhappy in his confinement.
Their home sits behind both Leland and Bret Harte Middle School, and Bubba became a frequent visitor to both campuses. Marienthal says she still gets calls from staff and students who see him on campus and think he's lost. Bubba is known and loved by many at both schools, as his 600-plus Facebook followers attest. "The students at Bret Harte petitioned to have a statue erected in his honor," Marienthal says, adding that their petition was denied. Both of Marienthal's sons attended Bret Harte and are now at Leland. She says Bubba started hanging out on campus about a year before her oldest son Matthew, who just started his sophomore year at Leland, entered sixth grade at the middle school.
And she says the cat is likely to stay in school even after both of "his boys" graduate. "He's more there for everyone," she adds. Marienthal says she's received no complaints from staff or students at either school about Bubba prowling the campuses. Her main worry is that Bubba has come close to shaving off one of his nine lives on several occasions. She's seen him lay down on Leland's football field in the middle of practice and wait for one of the players to pet him. "He's really social and he has no fear," Marienthal says. "I'm surprised he's still around." While he usually makes it home at night, Bubba did have a scare when he wandered onto the Leland campus during registration last month and accidentally got locked inside a classroom for 36 hours.
Luckily, a security guard heard him meowing and set him free. Since Bubba meanders freely in and out of classrooms, teachers have learned how to deal with his presence. "One teacher made the mistake of buying treats for him," Marienthal recalls, which led Bubba to sit by his classroom door and wait to be fed. "Bubba would meow for treats. [The teacher] got sick of the noise." While Bubba's supporters managed to get a student body card issued for him for the new school year, Marienthal says she'd like to see her cat included in another important campus activity. "We'd love it if they let him do cap and gown in 2017," she says. Meanwhile, Bubba has developed attendance habits that students may want to emulate. "He waits for school to start, and he doesn't come home until all the sports are done," Marienthal says. "As long as he's alive, I think he'll hang out at the school."