Sunday, January 24, 2016

The Daily Drift

Editorial Note: Great News ... We have been troll free for a week.
The troll attempting to pervert this blog has been banned for its spamming and hate-speech.
Welcome to Today's Edition of Carolina Naturally.
The troll is gone ...!
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Everyone is laughing at the troll today ... !
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Today in History

Shortly after declaring himself a god, Caligula is assassinated by two Praetorian tribunes.
Matthias Corvinus, the son of John Hunyadi, is elected king of Hungary.
Representatives from three Connecticut towns band together to write the Fundamental Orders, the first constitution in the New World.
Czar Peter the Great caps his reforms in Russia with the “Table of Rank” which decrees a commoner can climb on merit to the highest positions.
Gold is discovered by James Wilson Marshall at his partner Johann August Sutter’s sawmill on the South Fork of the American River, near Coloma, California.
U.S. Secretary of State John Hay and British Ambassador Herbert create a joint commission to establish the Alaskan border.
U.S. Cavalry is sent to preserve the neutrality of the Rio Grande during the Mexican Civil War.
The German cruiser Blücher is sunk by a British squadron in the Battle of Dogger Bank.
British expeditionary force of 12,000 is sent to China to protect concessions at Shanghai.
The League of Nations rebukes Poland for the mistreatment of a German minority in Upper Silesia.
A German attempt to relieve the besieged city of Budapest is finally halted by the Soviets.
The UN establishes the International Atomic Energy Commission.
Indian leader Nehru demands that the UN name Peking as an aggressor in Korea.
Winston Churchill dies from a cerebral thrombosis at the age of 90.
In a rebuff to the Soviets, the U.S. announces intentions to sell arms to China.
A draft of Air Force history reports that the U.S. secretly sprayed herbicides on Laos during the Vietnam War.

Five Possible Futures for How We Watch Television

Television is in a state of flux. Everyone watches, but they also complain about the cost. Some people are surprised that their parents still have cable, while the parents are surprised that the grandparents only watch broadcast TV. And your friend wonders why you pay for a subscription while they just pirate the shows they want. What will people do to watch TV ten or twenty years from now? Paul Tassi lays out several scenarios at TVOM, with their advantages, drawbacks, and odds of becoming the standard for the future of television as we know it.

Irish People Taste Test American Beers

American beer has a reputation in other countries as being subpar compared to the "home team," so to speak. In America, the Irish have a reputation as serious beer drinkers, second only to Germany. So what do Irish people think when they try different American beers in a taste test? 
Okay, everyone has their favorites, and there well may be plenty of brands that are better than what these guys were offered. But they went with the most well-known, or at least the most advertised, beer brands: Budweiser, Miller, Brooklyn, Coors Light, and Samuel Adams. Your mileage may vary.

McDonald's Will Offer Chocolate-Covered French Fries

Well, it's time to pack and move to Japan. Actually, there's no need to pack because the only thing that you truly need is already there. Rocket News 24 reports that McDonald's restaurants in Japan will offer to customers French fries as Nature intended: covered with chocolate sauce.
They're called McChocolate Potatoes. Servings go on sale on January 26 for about $2.75 or your first born child. They come dripped with both regular chocolate, white chocolate, and love.

Study links childbearing to accelerated aging

Study links childbearing to accelerated agingStudy links childbearing to accelerated aging
A new study by Yale anthropologists has uncovered the first evidence that childbearing may cause accelerated aging in women. The researchers tested 100 healthy postmenopausal women from five rural villages in southern Poland for biomarkers associated with accelerated...

Man Who Threatened To Shoot Muslims Uses The ‘Fox News Made Me Do It’ Defense

Man Who Threatened To Shoot Muslims Uses The ‘Fox News Made Me Do It’ DefenseHow many acts of violence must be done in Fox’s name before we can state the obvious? Fox News is the REAL destructive force in America.

Federal officer furious after local cops rip apart his car looking for cash

Ronnie and Lisa Hankins were driving back from his grandfather’s funeral in Virginia when they were targeted by a gang of police officers in search of cash.

Racist Joe Arpaio Extorts Money For Re-Election By Threatening To Retire

Racist Joe Arpaio Extorts Money For Re-Election By Threatening To Retire (SCREENSHOTS)This email is one of the most blatant examples of extortion we have ever seen.
Read more

Palin’s son Track arrested on assault and weapons-related charges

The younger Palin was charged with assault, interfering with a report of domestic violence, and possession of a weapon while intoxicated.

Fairy Tales Predate Bible and Greek Myths

Beauty and the Beast and other fairy tales really are tales as old as time, or at least pretty close.

Ohio man ordered to euthanize his vicious pet — but he adopts innocent rescue dog to have it killed instead

Jason Dotson, of Springfield Township, had been placed on probation in October, after his pit bull-type dog attacked and nearly killed a medical therapy dog walking on a leash with its owner.

Ants Leave Building Instructions for Other Ants

The insects use a pheromone that attracts other ants and prompts subsequent moves in the construction process.

Baby Elephant Literally Falls Asleep

VTM News in Belgium caught this funny scene. The baby elephant decided to take a nap while he was still standing upright. He promptly went for a tumble.
A heartwarming note comes immediately after the baby's fall: all of the grown-ups rush over to make sure that he's okay.