Wednesday, May 25, 2016

The Daily Drift

Welcome to Today's Edition of Carolina Naturally.
Our Weekends ...! 
Carolina Naturally is read in 208 countries around the world daily.   
Nerd ... !
Today is - Nerd Pride Day

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Today in History

585 BC
Thales of Greece makes the first known prediction of a solar eclipse.
Alfonso VI takes Toledo, Spain from the Muslims.
The Constitutional convention opens at Philadelphia with George Washington presiding.
Argentina declares independence from Napoleonic Spain.
Jose Justo de Urquiza of Argentina leads a rebellion against Juan Manuel de Rosas, his former ally.
Porfirio Diaz, President of Mexico, resigns his office.
The British House of Commons passes Irish Home Rule.
John Scopes is indicted for teaching Darwinian theory in school.
Jesse Owens sets six world records in less than an hour in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Jordan gains independence from Britain.
The first atomic cannon is fired in Nevada.

19 sex scandals and counting?

"He’ll stop at nothing to get back in front of the cameras again, especially because he’s broke and has no prospect of work."