Thursday, June 16, 2016

The Daily Drift

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Today in History

Rome is sacked by the Vandal army.
Napoleon defeats the Prussians at the Battle of Ligny.
Abraham Lincoln, in accepting the wingnut nomination for the U.S. Senate in Illinois, declares that, “A house divided against itself cannot stand.”
The siege of Petersburg and Richmond begins after a moonlight skirmish.
The Russian czar dissolves the Duma in St. Petersburg.
The first Father’s Day is celebrated in Spokane, Washington.
France accepts a German proposal for a security pact.
The ban on Nazi storm troopers is lifted by the von Papen government in Germany.
President Franklin Roosevelt‘s New Deal legislation is passed by the House of Representatives.
French Chief of State, Henri Petain asks for an armistice with Germany.
Anne Frank: Diary of a Young Girl is published in the United States.
The U.S. House of Representatives votes to extend Selective Service until 1959.
Ballet star Rudolf Nureyev defects from the Soviet Union while in Paris.
An El Greco sketch, “The Immaculate Conception,” stolen in Spain 35 years earlier, is recovered in New York City by the FBI.
Leonid Brezhnev is named president of the Soviet Union.

Smelly Loved Ones: Close Relatives, Twins, and Sweethearts

Research about kin and romantic partner scents
compiled by Alice Shirell Kaswell
Partner’s Body Odor vs. Relatives’ Body Odor
“Partner’s Body Odor vs. Relatives’ Body Odor: A Comparison of Female Associations,” Agnieszka Sorokowska, Marina Butovskaya, and Elizaveta Veselovskaya, Polish Psychological Bulletin, vol. 46, no. 2, pp. 209–213. The authors, at the University of Wroclaw, Poland, and Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow, explain:
Here we analyzed the relationship between perceived similarity of body odor to the judges’ relatives and their partners, and characteristics attributed to the odor donor. Seventy-six women were asked to smell one of the scents of twenty-nine men, and rate variables related to potential sexual interest in odor donor.... We found that perceived similarity to a partner’s scent was positively correlated with ratings of variables related to potential sexual interest in the odor donor, whereas the resemblance to a close relative’s scent did not correlate with these assessments.
The Common Smell of Human Twins
“Body Odor Similarity in Noncohabiting Twins,” S. Craig Roberts, L. Morris Gosling, Tim D. Spector, Paul Miller, Dustin J. Penn, and Marion Petrie, Chemical Senses, vol. 30, no. 8, 2005, pp. 651-656. The authors, at the University of Liverpool, report:
Here we show that odors of identical twins (but not dizygotic twins) can be matched by human sniffers at rates better than chance, even when the twins are living apart. In addition, matching frequencies for identical twin odors were not significantly different from those for duplicate odors from the same individual. These results indicate an important genetic influence on body odor and the potential for developing technologies for human odor printing.

Smelling Sweetie’s Clothing (2006)
“Olfactory Comfort: Smelling a Partner’s Clothing During Periods of Separation,” Donald H. McBurney, Melanie L. Shoup, and Sybil A. Streeter, Journal of Applied Social Psychology, vol. 36, no. 9, 2006, pp. 2325-2335. The authors, at the University of Pittsburgh, explain:
We demonstrate for the first time that most women, and some men, deliberately smell their partners’ clothing when they are apart. We asked undergraduate men and women who were, or who had ever been, in a committed heterosexual relationship if they had ever slept with an article of a partner’s clothing or deliberately smelled a partner’s clothing during periods of separation. Both men and women reported that smelling an absent partner’s clothing made them feel happy, comfortable, and secure. We suggest that olfactory comfort is a significant component of attachment and is likely to involve family members other than partners.

Detail from the study “Olfactory Comfort: Smelling a Partner’s Clothing During Periods of Separation.
Smelling Sweetie’s Clothing (2008)
“Olfactory Comfort and Attachment Within Relationships,” Melanie L. Shoup, Sybil A. Streeter, and Donald H. McBurney, Journal of Applied Social Psychology, vol. 38, no. 12, 2008, pp. 2954-2963. The authors report:
We replicated a previous study that found that men and women often smell their sexual partners’ clothing when they are apart (McBurney, Shoup, & Streeter, 2006). We found that women tend to perform this behavior across a broader range of relationships than do men. We asked 128 participants if they had ever intentionally smelled another person’s clothing, slept with another person’s clothing because of its smell, or given another person an article of their own clothing. The most common response was a romantic partner’s clothing. However, women more often than men reported smelling the clothing of family members.

Detail from the study “Olfactory Comfort and Attachment Within Relationships.”

Princess for a Day, Disney Bride for Life

What’s it like to get married in the “happiest place in earth”? Disney weddings are so popular that 5,000 couples tie the knot every year in one of Disney’s theme parks or cruises. The biggest number of them happen at Disney's Wedding Pavilion in Florida, where the window behind the couple and their officiant frames Cinderella’s Castle. Those happen before the park opens, or after it closes. Or you can get married in the East Plaza Garden overlooking Cinderella’s castle while hundreds of park visitors watch. You can arrange to arrive in Cinderella’s coach, or have Mickey and Minnie attend, or even arrange for Darth Vader to crash the reception.
But there are downsides: you may have to get married early in the morning and have your reception late that night, your photo session may be several days after the wedding, and none of it is inexpensive. To sort out all the options and keep up with planning, Disney brides, or “Disbrides” have a Facebook group to help each other out. Read about the ins and outs of a Disney fairy tale wedding at Racked.

The Ad Campaign that Convinced Americans to Pay for Water

Why do people spend so much money for bottled water when they can get it out of a tap for almost nothing? In 2016, it’s an in grained habit. It’s often the only way to get water away from home, with fewer public fountains available. And insofar that it’s replaced sugary drinks, that’s a good thing. But how did our bottled water habit get started? Blame Perrier. The French company was languishing in a niche market for most of the 20th century, then beginning in 1977, an American ad campaign declared that Perrier was special, for special people.
Perrier’s advertising was selling a specific message, and it targeted a specific population: well-to-do baby boomers, born between 1945 and 1965, as they entered adulthood. It sought to assure them that those who partook of Perrier’s sparkling waters were sophisticated, classy, and conscientious. It conferred, in a word, status.
“It was a sophisticated way to go to a cocktail party and not drink alcohol,” says Gary Hemphill, the director of research at the Beverage Marketing Corporation. Unlike soda, Perrier wasn’t sweetened. It was the non-alcoholic, fizzy drink for adults.
The price of the water reflected that clout. Nevins lowered the price of a 23-ounce bottle from $1.09 ($4.30 today) to 69 cents ($2.72 in 2016 dollars) — within the reach of a certain strata of society, but significant enough that buying it still constituted a statement. It rested in that sweet spot of being simultaneously aspirational and accessible.
“It fairly sparkles with snobby cachet,” People magazine declared of Perrier in 1978.
As expensive as Perrier was, it was cheaper than cocaine for the jet-set wannabes of the era. And when fitness became cool, the bottled water industry was ready to cater to that, too. Read about the rise of bottled water at Pricenomics

George Takei has a warning for the NRA from the LGBT community

George Takei via Shutterstock
George Takei is not just famous for playing Star Trek helmsman Hikaru Sulu. He is also a fierce activist for LGBT rights.

Wingnuts desperate to do stupid shit after Orlando attack

Mushroom cloud from nuclear bomb (Shutterstock)
Before the bodies in Orlando had time to cool, the wingnuts were already claiming that the attack is evidence that ISIL is gaining strength – and of course that Obama has been too “soft” in his approach to the self-proclaimed caliphate. As is so often the case, the opposite is true.

Religio-wingnunt 'christians' share the blame for the massacre in Orlando

Radical religio-wingnut 'christians' must recognize the part their anti-gay rhetoric, legislation, hate speech and repeated attacks on the LGBT community played in the slaughter at Pulse Nightclub in Orlando.

Wife Tries to Poison Husband Through His Underwear

Plenty of wives have tried to poison their husbands over the years, but when Mrs. Zhang decided to take care of her matrimonial problem, she didn't want to go the traditional method of poisoning her husband's food. Instead she soaked her husband's underwear in herbicide before he wore the briefs to his daughter's wedding.
I can't say if Mrs. Zhang wanted to kill her husband or just teach him a lesson, but her husband did survive. Unfortunately for Mr. Zhang, he didn't get treatment until he noticed his genitals were "rotting." He has since recovered from his injuries and no one knows if he yet plans to file charges.

Asymmetric molecule, key to life, detected in space for first time

A depiction of the complex organic molecule propylene oxide is seen over a background image of the center of the Milky Way galaxy in an undated composite image provided by the U.S. National Radio Astronomy Observatory. Scientists said on Tuesday they detected propylene oxide near the center of our Galaxy in Sagittarius. B. Saxton, NRAO/AUI/NSF from data provided by N.E. Kassim, Naval Research Laboratory, Sloan Digital Sky Survey/Handout
by Irene Klotz
Scientists for the first time have found a complex organic molecule in space that bears the same asymmetric structure as molecules that are key to life on Earth.
The researchers said on Tuesday they detected the complex organic molecule called propylene oxide in a giant cloud of gas and dust near the center of the Milky Way galaxy.
Akin to a pair of human hands, certain organic molecules including propylene oxide possess mirror-like versions of themselves, a chemical property called chirality. Scientists have long pondered why living things make use of only one version of certain molecules, such as the "right-handed" form of the sugar ribose, which is the backbone of DNA.
The discovery of propylene oxide in space boosts theories that chirality has cosmic origins.
"It is a pioneering leap forward in our understanding of how prebiotic molecules are made in the universe and the effects they may have on the origins of life," chemist Brett McGuire of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory in Charlottesville, Virginia said in a statement.
These types of molecules, vital for biology, previously have been discovered in meteorites on Earth and in comets in our own solar system but never before in the enormous expanse of interstellar space.
The findings boost the notion that the chemical building blocks for life were delivered to Earth early in its history by celestial bodies like meteorites and comets that incorporated such molecules from space.
In May, researchers for the first time found the amino acid glycine, used by living organisms to make proteins, on a comet.
The scientists in the new study used radio telescopes to ferret out the chemical details of molecules in the distant, star-forming cloud of gas and dust. As molecules move around in the vacuum of space they emit telltale vibrations that appear as distinctive radio waves.
The complex signals tied to propylene oxide were not precise enough for the researchers to determine whether the molecules were orientated to the left or to the right.
Like a hand's shadow, "it's impossible to tell if the left or the right hand is casting the shadow," said California Institute of Technology chemistry graduate student Brandon Carroll.
Future studies of how polarized light interacts with the molecules may reveal if one version of propylene oxide dominates in space, the researchers said.
The research was published in the journal Science. The scientists presented it on Tuesday at the American Astronomical Society meeting in San Diego.