Thursday, July 14, 2016

The Daily Drift

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Today in Histroy

In France, Louis VIII succeeds his father, Philip Augustus.
Joan of Arc, taken prisoner by the Burgundians in May, is handed over to Pierre Cauchon, the bishop of Beauvais.
Hungarians defeat the Ottomans at the Battle of Belgrade, in present-day Yugoslavia.
France and Portugal sign the Treaty of Lyons, aligning themselves against Spain.
The Bastille, a fortress in Paris used to hold political prisoners, is stormed by a mob.
The Sedition Act is passed by the U.S. Congress.
At Harrisburg, Mississippi, Federal troops under General Andrew Jackson Smith repulse an attack by General Nathan Bedford Forrest.
European Allies retake Tientsin, China, from the rebelling Boxers.
Nazi Germany promulgates the Law for the Protection of Hereditary Health–the beginning of the Euthanasia program.
Howard Hughes and crew set a new world record for an around-the-world flight.
A force of German bombers attacks Suez, Egypt, from bases in Crete.
Vichy French Foreign Legionaries sign an armistice in Damascus, allowing them to join the Free French Foreign Legion.
American battleships and cruisers bombard the Japanese home islands for the first time.
The George Washington Carver National Monument in Joplin, Missouri becomes the first national park honoring an African American.
The United States sends 600 more troops to Vietnam.

Margot Robbie Defines 50 Australian Slang Terms In Under 4 Minutes

Margot Robbie had to ditch her Australian accent while playing Harley Quinn in the upcoming Suicide Squad movie, but that doesn't mean she has lost touch with her Aussie roots.
She's still every bit the authority on all things Australian that she was before becoming Harley, and one aspect of Australian society which she has truly mastered is the art of Aussie slang.
Here she is demonstrating her laudable knowledge of linguistic lore by defining 50 Australian Slang Terms In Under 4 Minutes for Vanity Fair.
It's ironic Margot didn't know what "doovalacky" meant considering (according to a Google search) it's a word used when you can't remember the name of worries, Miss Robbie, you still proved you're a Fair Dinkum Aussie!

Marvel Kills Off Iconic 'Avenger' and 50-Year-Old Superhero

The latest issue of "Civil War II" is out today, and with it, we said goodbye to another iconic Marvel superhero.
The tease from reads, "This is the one everyone will be talking about! One of the biggest heroes in the Marvel universe will fall! Who it is and how and why will divide fans for years to come. Will the heroes of the Marvel universe survive the unthinkable happening? The fallout to this issue is enormous!"
Read: Marvel Says New Iron Man Will Be a Black Woman Related: Marvel Kills Off 'X-Men' Great Wolverine
Marvel wasn't kidding, as the company killed off the original Incredible Hulk in "Civil War II" issue No. 3.
It should be noted that Bruce Banner, the Hulk for 50 years, was killed off. Amadeus Cho, the new Hulk, was not killed off, but the move continues Marvel's emphasis on diversity and a lack of fear about ending iconic characters.
An Asian-American Hulk, a female Thor and a Captain America vowing his allegiance to Hydra are just a few of the big-time moves Marvel has captivated fans with in its books.
Here's what went down.
The issue opens in a Manhattan courthouse, where Banner's demise is being talked about in flashbacks. Heroes like Iron Man, Captain Marvel, Spider-Man and others had been worried about Banner's losing control and what he's working on.
You have to read the issues to find out all the details, but basically, he hasn't done anything horrible or Hulked out yet. The heroes have a way of knowing what's coming, knowing the future.
So they confront Banner, and eventually an ally and fellow Avenger, Hawkeye, kills him, but there's a twist: Banner asks him to do it with a special arrow he gives him.
"I need you to promise me you'll stop me once and for all," he tells his friend in another flashback.
For more, head over to and check out the fourth issue of the groundbreaking series. The future issues will deal with the possibility of knowing one's future and the ethics associated with that.

10 Forgotten Artifacts That Have Been Rediscovered

Over the years, many artifacts with cultural, historical, and archaeological significance have been lost. What's surprising, though, is that many of these valuable objects were not really lost but simply forgotten.
Either caused by human error or plain carelessness, a number of remarkable relics have remained hidden from the eyes of the public for decades or even centuries. Thankfully, many of these valuable artifacts eventually get rediscovered, often by accident.

Medieval Graffiti

The medieval history we study is mostly that of the elite people of the time, because they were literate enough to leave records, or powerful enough to hire someone to leave records. We don’t know nearly enough about the commoners, and the vast majority of people were commoners. But a few years ago, a project was begun in England to seek out and record graffiti left on buildings that have survived for several hundred years, particularly churches.
To date, the Norfolk survey has recorded more than 26,000 previously unknown medieval inscriptions. More recent surveys begun in other English counties are revealing similar levels of medieval graffiti. A survey of Norwich Cathedral recently found that the building contained more than 5,000 individual inscriptions. Some of them dated as far back as the 12th century. It has also become clear that the graffiti inscriptions are unlike just about any other kind of source in medieval studies. They are informal. Many of the inscriptions are images rather than text. This means that they could have been made by just about anyone in the Middle Ages, not just princes and priests. In fact, the evidence on the walls suggests that they were made by everyone: from the lord of the manor and parish priest, all the way down to the lowliest of commoners. These newly discovered inscriptions are giving back individual voices to generations of long-dead medieval churchgoers. The inscriptions number in the hundreds of thousands, and they are opening an entire new world of research.
Some of the marks are the “signatures” of the craftsmen who built those churches. Others are “witch marks” that people left as prayers for protection from evil forces. Some are text marking left by the semi-literate. And many markings are pictures of what medieval peasants dealt with in their daily lives, which you can read about at Aeon.

The World’s Dumbest, Greatest Adventure

In 2001, Tom Morgan drove a Fiat 126 from the Czech Republic to Mongolia for the fun of it. It was so much fun that he got some friends to try it in 2004, and the Mongol Rally was born. This year’s rally starts in southern England on July 17th, when 900 participants will take off on a 10,000 mile quest to drive to Mongolia and back. There is no prize money. Most will not finish the race. You have to be somewhat crazy to want to try it. Here are the rules:
Rule 1) If the car looks like it would survive a trek across seven different time zones and multiple deserts, it’s probably not allowed. Specifically, cars must have an engine smaller than 1.2 liters (for reference: most modern Mini Coopers have an engine size between 1.4 and 1.6 liters).
Rule 2) Beyond occasionally posting in a Facebook group, the Adventurists offer no help. They tell where you the Rally starts and where it ends. Teams are on their own to plan a route, obtain visas, and decide what to bring.
Rule 3) Each team has to raise a £1,000 for charity. Half goes to a charity of the team’s choice and the other half supports the Rally’s official charity, The Cool Earth Foundation.
The organizers of the race, a group called The Adventurists, actively discourage any type of planning or preparation. But this year, they are embedding videographers with some of the teams, so we will get to peek into their adventures. Read more about the Mongol Rally at The Awl.

Police called after sex shop refused elderly lady a refund for farting and kissing noise vibrator

When a sex shop wouldn’t refund her for a vibrator an elderly lady in Germany became angry and called the police. On Friday morning the woman asked for an officer to come and meet her in a sex shop in Cologne’s Innenstadt district.
When the police received the call, they thought it was a joke. But two officers were sent to the scene to see what the fuss was about. The unnamed lady was demanding her money back for a sex toy she wasn’t happy with, but the shop was only offering her store credit so that she could buy another.
But the woman claimed that the toy was malfunctioning and found it ridiculous that she couldn't get a refund. “The vibrator cost €169.90 (£145, $190) and makes electronic noises, but they are much too loud!” she complained. “After assembling it at home, the thing started making noise that could be heard all over the house,” she told the officers. “I can’t use something like that.”
According to the police report, the elderly lady found “the suction function and fart and kissing noises were too unerotic for her.” But the shop claim they demonstrated the toy to her before she bought it, and the noise of the instrument hadn’t been a problem back then. In the end, the police were unable to help the woman because no crime was being committed.
Two sheriff’s deputies from North Carolina say they were taunted by employees over the weekend and served overly spicy food at a fast food restaurant.

Police arrest man suspected of being serial bank robber 'The Bandage Bandit'

A bank robbery suspect nicknamed "The Bandage Bandit" has been arrested in Columbia, Maryland, according to an FBI spokesperson.
The man earned the title in October 2015, during the first reported robbery, when surveillance video captured him with bandages that covered a portion of his face.
27-year-old Carlo Mckenzie Languerre was arrested on Friday, according to authorities. Languerre is suspected of robbing nine Maryland banks since October. He's also suspected of other bank robberies in Carroll, Frederick, Harford and Howard counties, police said.

Languerre is currently only being charged with the most recent robbery that occurred on May 25, 2016, at the 1st Mariner Bank in Rosedale. FBI spokesperson David Fitz said Languerre "is currently being held by Baltimore County Police Department on armed robbery, theft $1,000 to under $10,000, and a firearm violation."

Road rage woman could avoid jail sentence if she can prove knitting prowess

A woman from Dundee, Scotland, has been given six months to knit her way out of a prison sen­tence. The unusual chal­lenge was laid down to An­gela McCabe af­ter she pleaded guilty to a road rage at­tack. The 47-year-old ad­mit­ted box­ing-in her vic­tim’s car, haul­ing open her driver’s side door and punch­ing her in the face fol­low­ing an ar­gu­ment over her driv­ing. McCabe, how­ever, de­nied tail­ing her vic­tim for sev­eral miles through the city’s streets, claim­ing that the pur­suit had been a co­in­ci­dence and that she was sim­ply a “keen knit­ter” who hap­pened to have been driv­ing to a spe­cial­ist wool shop near to where the as­sault took place.
Leap­ing on that claim, Sher­iff John Raf­ferty told her she must re­turn to Dundee Sher­iff Court in De­cem­ber hav­ing knit­ted nu­mer­ous items ca­pa­ble of be­ing sold in char­ity shops to raise money for good causes. He said her abil­ity and will­ing­ness to do so could be the dif­fer­ence be­tween prison and a sen­tence of com­mu­nity ser­vice. A road rage woman who punched a mo­torist across the face has been told her only hope of avoid­ing prison is to prove she is an ex­pert knit­ter. Amanda McCabe tailed her vic­tim, Claire Smith, for sev­eral miles be­fore box­ing her in, haul­ing open her driver’s side door and punch­ing her. At Dundee Sher­iff Court, McCabe claimed the pur­suit was a sim­ple co­in­ci­dence, as she was a “keen knit­ter” and planned to visit a wool shop near to where the as­sault took place.
On hear­ing that, Sher­iff Raf­ferty laid down a chal­lenge – one that he said could be the dif­fer­ence be­tween lib­erty and prison. He told McCabe she would re­turn to court on De­cem­ber 14 with “mul­ti­ple knit­ted items” ca­pa­ble of be­ing sold in a char­ity shop. De­pute Fis­cal John Adams said Ms Smith and a friend had been driv­ing along the Kingsway when the ac­cused en­tered from a slip road. “Ms Smith was not very im­pressed with the ac­cused’s driv­ing and made her feel­ings known,” he said. “Un­for­tu­nately this led to the ac­cused fol­low­ing Ms Smith for around five to 10 min­utes.” When Ms Smith took a wrong turn and en­tered a car park to per­form a U-turn, McCabe pounced. She boxed-in her car and leapt from her driver’s seat be­fore open­ing her door and punch­ing her once on the face. Ms Smith was left with a red mark but did not re­quire med­i­cal at­ten­tion.
So­lic­i­tor Jim Laverty told the court: “She is ut­terly ashamed of her­self and says that it was sim­ply a loss of con­trol. As for fol­low­ing the com­plainer, she in­di­cates that Cardean Street was her in­tended jour­ney’s end. She is a keen knit­ter and a nearby spe­cial­ist wool shop was her des­ti­na­tion...” Sher­iff Raf­ferty told McCabe: “This was a quite shock­ing in­ci­dent. You went in the same di­rec­tion as your vic­tim, at the very least, and then went to her car door and as­saulted her, though I ac­cept that it was out of char­ac­ter. If you are a skilled knit­ter then I am sure that you could pro­duce some goods for char­ity. You will bring to court sev­eral items that you have knit­ted that you are pre­pared to do­nate to a char­ity shop. You have com­mit­ted se­ri­ous of­fenses but you have a chance to do some­thing use­ful with your time. Take this chance.” McCabe ad­mit­ted as­sault­ing Claire Smith on Jan­uary 8 this year by punch­ing her on the head. Sen­tence was de­ferred un­til De­cem­ber for her to be of good behavioral and to pro­duce the knit­ted items.

Female motorist who crashed car into house told police she was praying with her eyes closed

A 28-year-old woman was taken to the hospital for evaluation after driving into a house in Mary Esther, Florida, on Thursday morning.
The woman told Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Office deputies she was praying at the time and had her eyes closed, according to the OCSO.
The Fort Walton Beach woman was traveling eastbound when she failed to stop at a stop sign, went through an intersection and into the yard of a home.
She tried to back out but got stuck in the sand, the OCSO said. She was cited for reckless driving with property damage. No one in the house was injured.

Daddy Bullfrog Protects His Tadpoles

The African Bullfrog (Pyxicephalus adspersus) is the biggest in Africa and noted for his aggressiveness. He's big and tough, but a complete sweetheart when it comes to caring for his kids.
In this video from the TV series Nature, his tadpoles grow up in a puddle next to a pond. The sun is drying up the puddle, placing his kids in mortal peril. So he digs a channel from the puddle to the main pond, providing them a means of escape.

Extremely rare blue and brown eyed koala found after being hit by a car

A koala with an extremely rare genetic condition giving it two different colored eyes has been discovered in Queensland, Australia, after being hit by a car north of Brisbane.
The marsupial dubbed 'Bowie' has heterochromia - giving it a bright blue right eye while the left one is brown. It is a condition similar to the one that helped define the unique look of the koala's namesake, the late David Bowie.
The young female koala was taken to Australia Zoo Wildlife Hospital on the Sunshine Coast last month after it was hit by what was thought to be a car near Brendale, north of Brisbane. Treating veterinarian Dr Sharon Griffiths said Bowie's different colored eyes do not affect its vision.
"Apart from being extremely lucky in avoiding injury on the road, she's also incredibly unique as heterochromia isn't a common occurrence in koalas; it's more often found in domestic mammal species such as dogs and cats," Dr Griffiths said. The hospital said the condition was the result of a recessive gene inherited from parents that affects the pigmentation in the iris. Bowie has also been treated for mild cystitis. She will eventually be released back into the wild.

Eagle tried to carry off boy at bird of prey show

A wedge-tailed eagle tried to fly away with a terrified boy at a popular wildlife show in central Australia. A crowd of stunned onlookers watched the enormous bird latch its talons on to the screaming boy's head during a show at Alice Springs Desert Park. Witnesses said the bird attempted to pick him up "like a small animal".
The boy, believed to be between six and eight years old, escaped with a "superficial" gash to his face. Christine O'Connell from Horsham in Victoria state was visiting the park with her husband on 6 July when the attack occurred. She said the eagle flew straight for the boy from about 15m away. "A fellow who was sitting closer said the little boy kept running his zipper up and down," said Mrs O'Connell, who caught the attack on her camera.
Distracted by the noise, the eagle grabbed the boy's green hoodie and attempted to him lift away before park staff moved in. The attack left the boy crying and bleeding, but his injuries were not severe. A Victorian man who was in the crowd, Keenan Lucas, said the show was ended quickly after the attack. "We're at the bird show in the afternoon, having a great time and looking forward to seeing the wedge-tailed eagle come out for the finale," he said.
"The bird then flew over the crowd and tried to grab on to a young boy's head. He screamed, the mother was distraught and the presenters wrapped up the show very quickly." The park issued a statement after being contacted about the event. "On Wednesday, 6 July, an incident occurred at the Alice Springs Desert Park where an eagle made contact with an audience member. A thorough investigation regarding the circumstances behind this incident is under way and the eagle will be removed from the show while this investigation is ongoing."

Animal Pictures

Looks like they heard Dumbass Trump speak!