Monday, August 15, 2016

The Daily Drift

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Carolina Naturally
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Today in History

Constantinople falls to Michael VIII of Nicea and his army.
John of Portugal defeats John of Castile at the Battle of Aljubarrota.
Hugh O’Neill, the Earl of Tyrone, leads an Irish force to victory over the British at Battle of Yellow Ford.
Frederick II defeats the Austrians at the Battle of Liegnitz.
The Confederate raider Tallahassee captures six Federal ships off New England.
The first ballot voting in England is conducted.
The Panama Canal opens to traffic.
American comedian and “cowboy philosopher” Will Rogers dies in an airplane accident, along with American aviation pioneer Wiley Post.
The Japanese submarine I-25 departs Japan with a floatplane in its hold which will be assembled upon arriving off the West Coast of the United States, and used to bomb U.S. forests.
American, British and French forces land on the southern coast of France, between Toulon and Cannes, in Operation Dragoon.
Gasoline and fuel oil rationing ends in the United States.
Britain grants independence to India and Pakistan.
Two U.S. divisions are badly mauled by the North Korean Army at the Battle of the Bowling Alley in South Korea, which rages on for five more days.
Over 400,000 young people attend a weekend of rock music at Woodstock, New York.
Nixon announces a 90-day freeze on wages and prices in an attempt to halt rapid inflation.
Ignoring objections from Reagan‘s junta, US Senate approves economic sanctions against South Africa to protest that country’s apartheid policies.
US Social Security Administration, previously part of the Department of Health and Human Services, becomes an independent government agency.
Infamous terrorist Carlos the Jackal captured in Khartoum, Sudan.
Astronomers announce the first solar system discovered outside our own; two planets had been found orbiting a star in the Big Dipper.
An earthquake of 8.0 magnitude kills over 500 and injures more than 1,000 in Peru

The Teen Girl Who Met With President Lincoln 30 Minutes A Day

Hearing about a teen girl who met with President Abraham Lincoln for thirty minutes a day over a five month period may make you think of affairs, scandals and inappropriate behavior.
But there was nothing untoward about 17-year-old Lavinia “Vinnie” Ream's relationship with President Lincoln, she was simply an amazing young artist who was given the chance to create sculptures of Lincoln.
Abraham Lincoln was a very busy man in 1864, so granting someone half an hour of his precious time a day was a big deal, but Lincoln didn't do it for posterity or the sake of art- he sat for Lavinia because she was in need:
Her friends in the Senate personally asked Lincoln to pose for the sculpture, but he declined. After hearing that she was a struggling artist from a Midwestern background not dissimilar to his own, however, Lincoln relented. “He granted me sittings for no other reason than that I was in need,” she later wrote. “Had I been the greatest sculptor in the world I am quite sure I would have been refused.”
Lavinia created a bust of Lincoln during that five month of half-hour sittings, and after his passing she agreed to make a full sized memorial statue of the President, becoming the youngest artist and first woman to receive a commission from the U.S. government.

The Rules About How to Address the U.S. Flag Came About Because No One Wanted to Look Like a Nazi

Both swimmer Michael Phelps and gymnast Gabby Douglas were spotted during Olympic medal ceremonies standing with their hands to their sides while the Star Spangled Banner was played. Some social media users called them rude or unpatriotic for not holding their hands over the hearts, but that was not the intention. It was just a temporary oversight, and both had been to the winner’s podium several times before. So why do we do it, anyway? According to the U.S. Flag Code, Americans are supposed to face the flag during the National Anthem and place the right hand over the heart. However, the code is not law, and there are no penalties for not following it. Free speech and all that, you know. The code was enacted in 1942, and it changed the way we saluted the flag before then.
Originally known as the Bellamy Salute, the gesture came to be in the 1890s, when the Pledge of Allegiance was written by Francis J. Bellamy. The christian socialist minister was recruited to write a patriotic pledge to the American flag as part of magazine mogul Daniel Sharp Ford’s quest to get the flag into public schools.
At the time, as Jeffrey Owen Jones reported for Smithsonian magazine in 2003, Bellamy and his boss both agreed that the Civil War had divided American loyalties and that the flag might be able to bridge those gaps. His campaign centered around the 400th anniversary of Christopher Columbus’ arrival in the new world. He published his new Pledge as part of a unified Columbus Day ceremony program in September 1892 in the pages of the Youth’s Companion, a popular children’s magazine with a circulation of 500,000.
“At a signal from the Principal,” Bellamy wrote, “the pupils, in ordered ranks, hands to the side, face the Flag. Another signal is given; every pupil gives the flag the military salute—right hand lifted, palm downward, to a line with the forehead and close to it. Standing thus, all repeat together, slowly, 'I pledge allegiance to my Flag…'”
You can see what that salute looked like in the image, which was taken in 1915. Read the story of why and how that was changed at Smithsonian.

McMansion Hell

The new blog McMansion Hell takes a deep look at the large single-family homes built between 1980 and the real estate crash of 2008 (although they are still being built). They filled subdivisions with expensive-looking but poorly-designed houses. The huge common rooms were perfect for socializing, but were placed in neighborhoods in a way that discouraged socializing. They incorporated trendy features that don’t work over the long haul. And they look affluent, although I just learned that they are often constructed poorly compared with older homes.
The blog features deconstructions of specific homes, question and answer posts, and a few that get to the heart of what’s wrong with McMansions, like an explainer on their architectural design, a post on attached garages that dominate the house, and a closer look at the front door. No matter how you feel about McMansions, you’ll learn some fascinating things about architecture.

Fox Promotes Executive Who Reportedly Covered Up Sexual Harassment Claims Under Ailes

Bill Shine reportedly “pushed women into confidential mediation, signing nondisclosure agreements in exchange for their contracts to be paid.”

Dad and his 7-year-old daughter held at gunpoint in terrifying encounter with out-of-control AZ cop

A California man and his 7-year-old daughter had a terrifying run-in with the Arizona Highway Patrol Friday night on their way to visit the Grand Canyon.

Religio-wingnut ‘Christian’ Leader Says Women Should Be Banned From Being Leaders

An insane lunatic religio-wingnut “christian” is calling for women to be prohibited from having any leadership roles in our society whatsoever.