Friday, October 7, 2016

The Daily Drift

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Today in History

In the last great clash of galleys, the Ottoman navy is defeated at Lepanto, Greece, by a naval coalition under the overall command of Spain’s Don Juan de Austria.
Delegates from nine of the American colonies meet in New York to discuss the Stamp Act Crisis and colonial response to it.
Edgar Allan Poe, aged 40, dies a tragic death in Baltimore. Never able to overcome his drinking habits, he is found in a delirious condition outside a saloon that was used as a voting place.
French Minister of the Interior Leon Gambetta escapes besieged Paris by balloon, reaching the French provisional government in Tours.
In attempting to find ways to lower the cost of the automobile and make it more affordable to ordinary Americans, Henry Ford took note of the work of efficiency experts like Frederick Taylor, the “father of scientific management.” The result was the assembly line that reduced the time it took to manufacture a car, from 12 hours to 93 minutes.
A Prisoner uprising takes place at Birkenau concentration camp.
Iva Toguri D’Aquino, better known as Tokyo Rose, is sentenced to 10 years in prison for treason.
East Germany, the German Democratic Republic, is formed.
A fire in the Windscale plutonium production reactor (later called Sellafield) north of Liverpool, England, spreads radioactive iodine and polonium through the countryside and into the Irish Sea. Livestock in the immediate area are destroyed, along with 500,000 gallons of milk. At least 30, and possibly as many as 1,000, cancer deaths were subsequently linked to the accident.
Hua Guofeng, premier of the People’s Republic of China, succeeds the late Mao Zedong as chairman of the Communist Party of China.
Four Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) hijackers seize the Italian cruise ship Achille Lauro and demand the release of 50 Palestinians held by Israel.
The Great Flood of 1993 on the Mississippi and Missouri rivers ends, the worst US flood since 1927.
Fox News Channel begins broadcasting.
US invasion of Afghanistan in reaction to the terrorist attacks of 9/11 begins; it will become the longest war in US history.
California voters remove Democratic governor Gray Davis from office in the state’s first successful recall of a sitting governor (only the second successful recall of a governor in US history); a Republican candidate, bodybuilder/actor Arnold Schwarzenegger wins the election to replace Davis 17 days later.

How Ed Gein Inspired Classic Horror Movies

You remember Psycho, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and Silence of the Lambs: all classic horror movies from different decades. All terrifying in their own way. Another thing they all have in common is that they were all inspired by Ed Gein, a real killer from Wisconsin. The diverse plots of those films each centered on a different aspect of Gein’s crimes. He had an obsession with his mother, like Norman Bates in Psycho. He made clothing out of the skin he took from corpses, like Buffalo Bill in Silence of the Lambs. And he stored body parts in his home just like Leatherface in The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Read about the man who did all those things at Den of Geek.

Rare Salvador Dali Surrealist Cookbook Republished for the First Time in over 40 Years

Did you know Salvador Dali authored a cookbook? Les Diners de Gala was published one time in 1973, and has been out of print since then. The book is full of Dali’s surrealist illustrations. It has unusual recipes from some of the top chefs in France, although Dali warns us they are “uniquely devoted to the pleasures of Taste.” That means they aren’t geared toward healthy eating or calorie-counting. And now Dali’s cookbook has been resurrected and will be available November 20, just in time for Christmas shopping. But you can see some of Dali’s illustrations from Les Diners de Gala right now at Unreality.

Mystery over 43-year-old man who apparently never left home for three decades

Police in Germany are investigating a couple who reportedly kept their son at home in a village near the Bavarian town of Bayreuth for 30 years. The man, who is now 43, has rarely been seen since he stopped attending school at the age of 13. Police say he looked neglected but not underfed, and stress they may not press charges. The mother said "he didn't want to go out", and she had only wanted to protect him. The police were alerted to the mysterious case by a tip-off last month, and took the man from his home to hospital. He has not been identified because of strict German privacy laws.
They refused to speak of a "rescue", and said it was more likely to be a family tragedy than a criminal case. "We do not know exactly since when the man lived there without regular contact with the outside world, nor do we know what the situation really looked like, for example, whether or not he had the opportunity to leave the premises," police spokesman Juergen Stadter said on Tuesday. "Maybe the man himself wanted it that way," he added. In a later briefing on Wednesday police said the evidence suggested the man had been able to move freely through the house, and had not been chained.
When the emergency services went to collect him, he was reportedly unwilling to leave. "He obviously felt well protected there," said Mr Stadter. The only documentation the police say they have found so far is about 30 years old, showing he attended primary school and then a comprehensive. Paperwork dating back to when he was 13 appears to suggest that the school authorities deemed he was no longer fit to attend classes there, police said. But the mother said in no way was he rescued. "He just didn't want to go out", she said, adding that and she and her husband had never locked him in.
They had just wanted to protect him, she insisted, pointing out that he had been registered at the local residents' office. The regional hospital in Bayreuth where he has been taken has said he is as well as can be expected "under the circumstances", without elaborating further. He was being looked after by a specialized team of doctors, nurses and therapists, a spokesman said. The hospital will try to determine whether he is ill or has mental health issues. Questions are now being asked about how the man could have slipped through the net of youth, social and health services.

Woman who broke into business to eat a sandwich passed out when she noticed police

A woman from Arkansas who broke into a business in Mobile, Alabama, to eat a sandwich was arrested.
The Mobile Police Department reported that on Friday at around 5:29am officers responded to an alarm at the Stewart Law Firm. When officers arrived, they discovered an open window.
Once inside, officers found 22-year-old Raven Ashton of Ward, Arkansas in the kitchen of the law firm eating a sandwich. After noticing the officers approaching, she passed out on the couch.
Ashton was transported to a local hospital to be treated. After determining that there were no medical issues, she was transported to Metro Jail. Ashton was charged with third-degree burglary.

Strummin' on the Old Banjo

How an African Instrument Got a Racist Reinvention
You might not know it, but the banjo came from Africa. Several African nations have a traditional stringed instrument with resonance provided by a stretched animal skin. Slaves captured in those nations remembered those instruments and recreated them in America. But that history was deliberately covered up, according to Laurent Dubois, author of the book The Banjo: America’s African Instrument. The development of the instrument was attributed to white luthiers and musicians, in order to sell banjos to white people.
The lies perpetrated about the banjo varied, but they all reinforced the proposition that the instrument’s connection with enslaved people was tenuous. In his history of the instrument, banjo maker George Dobson admitted that the banjo had African antecedents, but he also imagined that “Negro slaves, seeing and hearing their mistresses playing on the guitar, were seized by that emulative and imitative spirit characteristic of the race, and proceeded to make a guitar of their own out of a hollow gourd, with a coon-skin stretched across for a head.” Stewart, after first claiming that the banjo “was not of negro origin,” relented a few years later, explaining somewhat apologetically that “Truth has often come into the world through lowly channels.”
“You can actually track the history of how the idea of the banjo has evolved,” Dubois says of the instrument’s whitewashing. “These ideas weren’t just ‘in the air.’ Nineteenth-century boosters like Stewart worked really hard to make the banjo not African, to unhinge it from its history. We’re still living with that.”
Harris and Converse were even more full-throated in their racism. Citing the banjo’s use in blackface minstrel shows, Harris suggested that “The whole idea of its origins on the plantations was a theatrical fantasy,” as Dubois puts it in The Banjo. Converse, who made his living publishing manuals for white audiences to teach them how to play the banjo, flattered his readers by assuring them that “There were no players among the slaves capable of arousing its slumbering powers,” insisting that only “white admirers in the North” could awaken the instrument’s “inherent beauties.” Never mind that the techniques in his book were as stolen from enslaved people as the banjo itself. The banjo’s destiny, Converse wrote, need not be as “an accompaniment to the darkey song that told of the cotton fields, cane brakes, ‘possum hunts, sweet tobacco posies, or ‘Gwine to Alabama wid banjo on my knee,’ etc.”
Dubois tells us about the history of the banjo, which is entwined with the history of slavery in the US, from the instrument’s African roots to the suppression of its story, at Collectors Weekly.

Ancient Cannabis 'Burial Shroud' Discovered

An ancient burial site in northwest Chin ahas yielded some surprising discoveries. A team led by archaeologist Hongen Jiang are analyzing a grave that contained a 35-year-old man with Caucasian features who was buried over 2,000 years ago. One of the treasures buried with him was a stash of marijuana plants.
Thirteen cannabis plants, each up to almost three feet long, were placed diagonally across the man's chest, with the roots oriented beneath his pelvis and the tops of the plants extending from just under his chin, up and alongside the left side of his face. (Read how Eurasian gold artifacts tell the tale of drug-fueled rituals.)
Radiocarbon dating of the tomb's contents indicates that the burial occurred approximately 2,400 to 2,800 years ago.
This discovery adds to a growing collection of archaeological evidence showing that cannabis consumption was "very popular" across the Eurasian steppe thousands of years ago, says Jiang.
The burial site is at the Turpan oasis, which was an important stop on the ancient Silk Road trade route. Cannabis seeds have been found at burial sites before, but this is the first from the period that contained whole plants. Read more about the discovery at National Geographic. -via reddit, where the author from National Geographic is taking part in the discussion.

Bull moose engaged in long battle on opposite sides of fence

A pair of bull moose battled each other from opposite sides of a chain-link fence near Kincaid Park in Alaska, on Sunday, with neither animal able to break completely through the barrier.
The fight went on from mid-morning until mid-afternoon. The moose caused significant damage to the fence and the "inside" bull nearly made it all the way through the fence.

The "outside" bull ended up getting tangled up in the fence's barbed wire and had to be tranquilized by biologists, allowing them to move in and cut the wire free from the animal.
Usually, there's an eventual winner and loser in rutting matches like this one, but in this case, with the fence in between them, there was no real winner. They just kept fighting until one bull became tangled in the wire, at which point it wandered off and lay down until the wire could be removed.