Saturday, December 3, 2016

The Daily Drift

Welcome to Today's Edition of  
Carolina Naturally
The 3rd Xmas Tree ...! 
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Today in History

Lorenzo the Magnificent and his brother Giuliano succeed their father, Piero de Medici, as rulers of Florence, Italy.
France cedes to Spain all lands west of the Mississippi–the territory known as Upper Louisiana.
Illinois admitted into the Union as the 21st state.
The French defeat an Austrian army at the Battle of Hohenlinden, near Munich.
Frederick Douglass and Martin R. Delaney establish the North Star, and anti-slavery paper.
Confederate raiders attack a Federal forage train on the Hardin Pike near Nashville, Tenn.
Confederate General James Longstreet moves his army east and north toward Greeneville. This withdrawal marks the end of the Fall Campaign in Tennessee.
Major General William Tecumseh Sherman meets with slight resistance from Confederate troops at Thomas Station on his march to the sea.
The U.S. Supreme Court orders Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) leaders extradited to Idaho for trial in the Steunenberg murder case.
The United States expels German attaches on spy charges.
French commander Joseph Joffre is dismissed after his failure at the Somme. General Robert Nivelle is the new French commander in chief.
The Allied Conference ends in London where they decide that Germany must pay for the war.
The League of Nations orders Greece to pay an indemnity for the October invasion of Bulgaria.
British reports claim that German soldiers are being trained in the Soviet Union.
The Chinese close in on Pyongyang, Korea, and UN forces withdraw southward.
The National Council of Churches asks the United States to halt the massive bombings in North Vietnam.
The State Department proposes the admission of 10,000 more Vietnamese refugees to the United States.
Eleven are dead and eight injured in a mad rush to see a rock band (The Who) at a concert in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Toxic gas leaks from a Union Carbide plant and results in the deaths of thousands in Bhopal, India.
Presidents George H. W. Bush and Mikhail Gorbachev announce the official end to the Cold War at a meeting in Malta.
A test engineer for Sema Group sends the world’s first text message, using a personal computer and the Vodafone network.
Representatives of 121 nations sign the Ottawa Treaty prohibiting the manufacture or deployment of antipersonnel landmines; the People’s Republic of China, the US and the USSR do not sign.
First manned rocket aircraft delivery of US Mail takes place in Mojave, Cal.
Suicide bombing in Mogadishu, Somalia, kills 25 people, including three ministries of the Transitional Federal Government.

American Workers Talk About Their Jobs

The Atlantic has published a fascinating set of interviews with 100 American workers who talk about their jobs. They include business owners, artists, politicians, military, service workers you see every day, and occupations you've never heard of. They include a woman who works 65 hours a week at two jobs to make ends meet, a teacher and rap artist who combined the two to become a children's songwriter, a tattoo artist who started work when tattooing was still illegal in her state, and a guy who climbs up on wind turbines. The interviewees are listed in this index.

Werner Herzog Gets Shot During An Interview, Says It's "Not Significant"

Werner Herzog makes Alfred Hitchcock look like a big softie, and his broody demeanor is so inscrutable it almost seems like an act he's spent decades practicing and refining.But proving Werner is every bit as unflappable as he seems is as easy as pulling the trigger and seeing how many f@#ks he gives.
Luckily, Werner was only shot with a pellet gun while taping this interview for The Culture Show back in 2006, and the pellet only embedded itself in his skin rather than blowing his guts out.
But judging by Werner's reaction afterwards you'd think the man had just been bitten by a flea! They should give that man an Oscar just for being such a badass!

Emailing Your Teacher While High

Abby Jo Hamele is a student at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. She got her wisdom teeth removed last week. Hamele emailed her philosophy teacher about an assignment that she was afraid she'd miss. Because she remembered the deadline wrong. Here's the text of that email.

I believe that i relmebmer you said we, as us students, would be able to send you our papers for classss for you to look at over before we turn them in to cColin if we got them to you by the 22nd of Novermber.
I unfortmately got my wisdom teeth sliced outr and have not not been reacting very well to the surgeryy nor the medicatioon i were given/ so I do not thimk that I will be able to habe my paper finisherd by Tuesday at all.
Is tehere any way I would be able to send you my paper at any later date??? I wnt to do very good on this paper you know becayse i like to do well in my classes.
please sir I workled very hard and thouught that I would be abel to finish it on timme but my doctor said I will most likelly not be normal again until at least Thanksginvg turkey. If you say no then that is okay but i would be sad and i would reallyyyy lik e it if you said yes. Thank you Kevin, my dude.
Abby Jo Hamele (pronounced hah-mil-lee) (if you were wondering)
P.S. I will answer youpr questions in class forever so theere are not any more awkard silence. and i will buy you expo markers that work (even thougjh our tuition should pay for markers that work)
love you bye
Hamele later Tweeted the email and blamed it on her pain medication. I don't think so. She was obviously still under a cloud of anesthesia, which can take quite a few hours to wear off. Kevin Patton, the philosophy TA, reacted exactly as the rest of us did, by laughing hysterically. And he answered the email. See more of Hamele in her drug-induced state at Buzzfeed.

2,000 Veterans Just Arrived At Standing Rock To Form "Human Shield" Around Protesters

Will the media finally start to pay attention?
A two legion strong group of veterans, some having walked thousands of miles to reach the site, will “self-deploy” themselves in a “human shield” to protect the innocent protesters.
“We want to offer them a moment of peace and, if we can, take a little bit of pressure off,” said veterans spokesperson Ashleigh Jennifer Parker. People are being brutalized; concussion grenades are being thrown into crowds. They’re spraying people, even old women, and other elders of the tribe with tear gas and pepper spray and all of this is just unconstitutional. I can’t believe the media hasn’t taken more of an interest in this.”
While the media obsesses over Dumbass Trump’s tweets, unconstitutional brutality has been playing out in North Dakota. We applaud our brave veterans for their determination and wish them the best of luck in the face of the unfeeling boots of an oppressive wingnut regime.

White man who gunned down black ex-NFL player in road rage case released without charges

Witnesses said Gasser, who is white, pulled McKnight, who is black, from his Audi, argued with him and then shot him more than once as he stood over him.

This Beaver Went Xmas Shopping at the 99 Cent Store

Everyone gets so into the Xmas shopping rush this time of year -even critters. This cute little furball was discovered browsing the Xmas aisles of a Dollar General in Maryland on Monday. Unfortunately, he didn't seem to find anything he was looking for, so instead he just messed up some of the shelf displays and left. I guess they just don't sell quality wood at Dollar General.
He was eventually caught by Animal Control and released back to a wildlife rehabilitation center -though I have to wonder if they would have let him keep shopping at local strip malls if he actually bought some items like a civilized creature.
See more pictures of the busy beaver over at the Daily Mail