Wednesday, December 7, 2016

The Daily Drift

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Carolina Naturally
The 7th Xmas Tree ...! 
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Today in History

43 BC
Cicero, considered one of the greatest sons of Rome, is assassinated on the orders of Marcus Antonius.
Otto III takes the throne after his father’s death in Italy. A power struggle between magnates ensues.
Delaware becomes the first state to ratify the Constitution of the United States.
James Madison is elected president in succession of Thomas Jefferson.
USS Santiago de Cuba, under Commander Daniel B. Ridgely, halts the British schooner Eugenia Smith and captures J.W. Zacharie, a New Orleans merchant and Confederate purchasing agent.
Confederate forces surprise an equal number of Union troops at the Battle of Prairie Grove, Arkansas.
Outlaw George Ives, an alleged member of an outlaw gang known as the “Innocents,” robs and then kills Nick Thiebalt in the Ruby Valley of what would become Montana.
The United States declares war on Austria-Hungary with only one dissenting vote in Congress.
Spartacists call for a German revolution.
A report indicates that Nazis would ensure “Nordic dominance” by sterilizing certain races.
Japanese planes raid Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, in a surprise attack, bringing the US into WWII.
The U.S. Navy launches USS New Jersey, the largest battleship ever built.
The president of the United Mine Workers, John L. Lewis, orders all striking miners back to work.
The A.F.L. and the C.I.O. organize a non-Communist international trade union.
Poland and West Germany sign a pact renouncing the use of force to settle disputes, recognizing the Oder-Neisse River as Poland’s western frontier, and acknowledging the transfer to Poland of 40,000 square miles of former German territory.
The crew of Apollo 17, the last manned mission to the moon, lifts off at Cape Canaveral, Florida.
The Reagan junta predicts a record deficit in 1982 of $109 billion.
An earthquake in Armenia kills an estimated 100,000 people.
Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat recognizes Israel’s right to exist.
Galileo spacecraft arrives at Jupiter after a 6-year journey.
The Recording Industry Association of America files a copyright infringement suit against the file-sharing website Napster.
A tornado in Kensal Green, North West London, damages about 150 properties.

Rose light bulb

This is a vintage Aerolux neon lightbulb, probably from the 1940s.  A video shows it to flicker at a frequency of 60 hz.  More information at Neatorama.

Confronting Freedom of Religion at the Local Level

The First Amendment to the Constitution begins: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…" and goes on about freedom of speech, the press, and assembly. How does that translate to state and smaller governments? The Kenai Peninsula Borough is an area, like a county, south of Anchorage, Alaska. the Kenai Peninsula Borough Assembly is its governing body. In June, one member of the Assembly proposed a new rule that would do away with a prayer before opening Assembly meetings, but it wasn't passed due to lack of interest. So they opened up the invocation to anyone who wanted to give it on a first-come, first-served basis. In August, Satanic Temple member Iris Fontana opened the meeting with a prayer that invoked Satan. At another meeting, an atheist spoke for the invocation. 

In October, the Assembly changed the process of selecting who gives the invocation.
As the new resolution spells out, those eligible to recite an invocation include religious associations "with an established presence in the Kenai Peninsula Borough that regularly meet for the primary purpose of sharing a religious perspective, or chaplains who may serve one or more of the fire departments, law enforcement agencies, hospitals, or other similar organizations in the borough."
In November, the rules were changed again to re-open the invocation to anyone who wanted to give it. That happened after they started thinking about possible lawsuits.
An ordinance that would have appropriated $75,000 in borough money to fight future court battles over the religious rule was withdrawn as a result of the Assembly approving the amendment. Decker said in the past that while the ACLU hopes not to sue, it wouldn't rule it out, "if that's what upholding the Constitution takes."
However, the reversion to the open rules has not yet taken effect, so the story is not over. The simplest thing would be to do away completely with an invocation before Assembly meetings. There's nothing wrong with a good "I call this meeting to order."

Chicago high school students sue after being expelled

According to ABC7 the young women met at a religious retreat and thought their text group would be "strictly confidential.”

Dumbass Trump Sycophants Viciously Cyberbully 7-Year-Old Syrian Girl

Because That’s The Kind Of Low-Life Scum They Are
When Hillary Clinton called them “deplorables” she was being generous.

Are there tsunamis in the Great Lakes?

Tsunamis have been on the news lately with another wave system hitting Japan in November 2016. The Nov. 22 tsunami hit the island country after a magnitude 7.4 earthquake occurred in the ocean offshore of … Read more

Extreme downpours could increase 400% across parts of U.S.

baton-rouge-august-2016-noaa_fBy century’s end, the number of summertime storms that produce extreme downpours could increase by more than 400 percent across parts of the United States — including sections of the Gulf Coast, Atlantic Coast, and … Read more

‘Spooky’ Sightings in Crystal Point to Extremely Rare Quantum Spin Liquid

yb_crystal_2_1Inside a new exotic crystal, physicist Martin Mourigal has observed strong indications of “spooky” action, and lots of it. The results of his experiments, if corroborated over time, would mean that the type of crystal … Read more

"Bycatch" explained

"Bycatch, in the fishing industry, is a fish or other marine species that is caught unintentionally while catching certain target species and target sizes of fish, crabs etc. Bycatch is either of a different species, the wrong sex, or is undersized or juvenile individuals of the target species. The term "bycatch" is also sometimes used for untargeted catch in other forms of animal harvesting or collecting." More at the link.  Here's an example, described by Bill Bryson in The Road to Little Dribbling:
"... in his book, [Callum] Roberts gives a list of all the aquatic life incidentally killed - the bycatch, as it is known - by a fishing boat in the Pacific Ocean in the process of legally catching just 211 Mahi-mahi. Among the aquatic animals hauled aboard and tossed back dead in a single sweep were:
488 Turtles
455 Stingrays and devil Rays
460 sharks
68 Sailfish
34 Marlin
32 Tuna
11 Wahoo
8 Swordfish
4 giant sunfish.
This was legal under international protocols. The hooks on the longlines were certified "Turtle Friendly."  All this to give 211 people a dinner of Mahi Mahi.