Thursday, January 26, 2017

The Daily Drift

Welcome to Today's Edition of  
Carolina Naturally
What's bad is most can't do math even WITH a calculator ...!
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Today in History

The Treaty of Karlowitz ends the war between Austria and the Turks.
Guilio Alberoni is ordered out of Spain after his abortive attempt to restore his country’s empire.
A fleet of ships carrying convicts from England lands at Sydney Cove in Australia. The day is since known as Australia’s national day.
Louisiana secedes from the Union.
Lincoln names General Joseph Hooker to replace Burnside as commander of the Army of the Potomac.
Pinkerton agents, hunting Jesse James, kill his 18-year-old half-brother and seriously injure his mother with a bomb.
General “Chinese” Gordon is killed on the palace steps in Khartoum by Sudanese Mahdists in Africa.
Petrograd is renamed Leningrad.
Germany signs a 10-year non-aggression pact with Poland, breaking the French alliance system.
American Expeditionary Force lands in Northern Ireland.
The first OSS (Office of Strategic Services) agent parachutes behind Japanese lines in Burma.
Eighty-four people are arrested in a segregation protest in Atlanta.
California is declared a disaster area after two days of flooding and mud slides.
Condoleezza Rice is appointed to the post of secretary of state. The post makes her the highest ranking African-American woman ever to serve in a U.S. presidential cabinet.

The Myth of the Damsel on the Railroad Tracks

Atlas Obscura is digging into historical and pop culture villains during their Villains Week. The first story is a look back at the damsel-in-distress trope of evil, mustachioed villains tying women to railroad tracks. We've all seen it in silent movies. Or did we? It never made sense that a murderer would go to that much trouble to cause a death delayed just enough for the hero to arrive. Fritzi Kramer, who runs the blog Movies Silently, tells us how that familiar scenario began.
On her site Kramer identifies the first occurrence of this type of scene in an 1867 Victorian stage melodrama called Under The Gaslight. The play’s stage directions call for one of the characters (named Snorkey) to be tied to the train tracks by the villain. It’s close to the scene we’re familiar with save for the fact that the person on the tracks is a man, and he’s saved by the leading lady.
This sort of train-based peril became a regular element of the melodramas as a cheap and easy way to create suspense. Moving into the early-20th century, and the silent film era, many films took their cues from those same 19th-century stage dramas. One of the more famous examples of this type of story was the serial The Perils of Pauline, which saw the titular heroine encounter all kinds of scoundrels and villains each week, who would put her in life-threatening danger—although it is important to note that she was never tied to the railroad tracks. This sort of overblown adventure tale became a well-known story type in its time, but that melodramatic style also inspired some comedies, which spoofed some of the more overused elements of the genre.
In fact, the vision we have of the villain with the top hat and evil mustache tying a woman to a railroad track never actually happened in a serious drama! That trope was cemented in the parodies that made fun of it. Read about the standard plot and how it changed in our minds over the years at Atlas Obscura.

7 True Crimes Solved By Twists Too Ridiculous For Network TV

Forensic science has a few tricks up its sleeve that we would never know about unless they are used to solve some crime we are following. Cracked collected stories of crimes that were pulled off by seemingly competent criminals with little conclusive evidence, until some genius hi-tech crimefighting capability was launched. Solving these crimes took both modern technology and the investigators' imagination to use them. Look deep enough, and they can find their way around even the most clever perpetrator.
Vincent Brothers was a bad man. Not Shaft bad, but "commit mass murder on your own family and then smugly lie about it in court" bad. In July of 2003, the elementary school vice principal flew from California to Ohio to supposedly visit his brother, but in reality, the trip was his planned alibi. Once he landed in Columbus, he rented a car, drove back to Bakersfield, CA, and waited for his wife to come home with his three children and his mother-in-law. He then shot and/or stabbed all of them to death, including his six-week-old son. Once he finished staging a break-in at the house, he drove the rental car back to Ohio and enjoyed the rest of his trip like nothing happened.
So how did they convict Brothers? By bringing in entomologist Lynn Kimsey to examine the insects on the front of the rental car, which told the story of exactly where that car was driven, fortunately before it was washed. She could even tell what time of day he drove by the bugs! That's just one of seven such stories of great detective work, in a list at Cracked.

Five Life Lessons the Show "Moonshiners" Has Taught Us

Moonshiners is a reality TV series on the Discovery Channel that follows several guys who make moonshine. Its fans are divided into those who believe that it's a documentary and they are really manufacturing illegal whiskey, and those who know better but enjoy the drama between the characters. Either way, it's the drama that hooks the viewer. TVOM looks at some of the highlights from the show's stories, and the life lessons from friends and families in the forests of Appalachia. With video evidence for each.

It's Time To Even It Up

Oxfam video that looks at the shocking difference in wealth around the world - with the excesses of the super rich eating gold covered ice cream contrasted with those who live in poverty.Eight billionaires own the same wealth as the poorest half of the world. The extreme gap between rich and poor is holding back the fight to end global poverty.

This Raven Cares Nothing For Your Petty Human Parking Laws

We all know that "my dog ate my homework" is a pretty lousy excuse, but what about "a raven ate my parking ticket?" It seems this bird has a strong opinion on Canadian bureaucracy. The driver still has to pay the ticket, but at least thanks to local Annemieke Mulders, at least he now has this entertaining footage to watch while he writes out his check.

Six Million Years Ago There Were Otters the Size of Wolves

If you've ever seen a giant river otter in person, you might be surprised how big they seem when they're right in front of you. But that's nothing compared to the now extinct otters that lived six million years ago. Scientists working in China recently found the fossils of the previously unknown species that would have weighed in at around 110 pounds. The discovery of a complete skull and a few incomplete skeletons is a big jump forward in the knowledge about otter evolution as before that the only fossils scientists had to go by were a few shattered teeth. Like modern otters, they largely lived on shellfish.
If you're really into the science, you can read all the details in the Journal of Systematic Paleontology. Otherwise, you might want to stick with the summary on Gizmodo

Brussels Sprouts Must be Candy for Guinea Pigs

People tend to be pretty torn about their feelings on brussels sprouts -they either love them or they think they're the grossest things in the world.
Guinea pigs seem to have a drastically different opinion on the strange leafy veggies though. In fact, if this video is any indication, they seem to think brussels sprouts are the best treat in the world. I guess even if you think sprouts are revolting at least now they can bring you some joy.