Tuesday, February 28, 2017

The Daily Drift

Welcome to Today's Edition of  
Carolina Naturally
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Pancakes ... !
Today is - International Pancake Day

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National Tooth Fairy Day ...

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Today in History

1066 Westminster Abbey, the most famous church in England, opens its doors.
1574 On the orders of the Holy Office of the Inquisition, two Englishmen and an Irishman are burnt for heresy.
1610 Thomas West is appointed governor of Virginia.
1704 Indians attack Deerfield, Mass. killing 40 and kidnapping 100.
1847 Colonel Alexander Doniphan and his ragtag Missouri Mounted Volunteers ride to victory at the Battle of Sacramento, during the Mexican War.
1861 The territory of Colorado is established.
1900 After a 119-day siege by the Boers, the surrounded British troops in Ladysmith, South Africa, are relieved.
1863 Four Union gunboats destroy the CSS Nashville near Fort McAllister, Georgia.
1916 Haiti becomes the first U.S. protectorate.
1924 U.S. troops are sent to Honduras to protect American interests during an election conflict.
1936 The Japanese Army restores order in Tokyo and arrests officers involved in a coup.
1945 U.S. tanks break the natural defense line west of the Rhine and cross the Erft River.
1946 The U.S. Army declares that it will use V-2 rocket to test radar as an atomic rocket defense system.
1953 Greece, Turkey and Yugoslavia sign a 5-year defense pact in Ankara.
1967 In Mississippi, 19 are indicted in the slayings of three civil rights workers.
1969 A Los Angeles court refuses Robert Kennedy assassin Sirhan Sirhan’s request to be executed.
1971 The male electorate in Lichtenstein refuses to give voting rights to women.
1994 U.S. warplanes shoot down four Serb aircraft over Bosnia in the first NATO use of force in the troubled area.

Stories of Passports From Countries That No Longer Exist

Collecting old passports like holding history in your hands. Tom Topol has learned a lot about geography and history as a passport collector, and he shares his discoveries on his website. While older passports are often unique and can even be works of art, the most fascinating passports are those from bygone nations that once flourished well enough to document its international travelers. One rarity is this passport from British Palestine, issued to Captain Tuve T. Smolensk in 1944. He was regarded as somewhat of a hero for his search-and-rescuw work.
But—with no disrespect meant to Captain Smolensk—that’s not even the best thing about this passport. That honor goes to a purple stamp on page 17, which reads “Haifa”— Israel’s main port. “British Palestine turned into Israel in 1948,” explains Topol. “To find nowadays a British Palestine passport with a stamp of Israel is pretty rare.” For practical reasons, Captain Smolensk was likely allowed to keep his British Palestinian passport for a year or so after the switch, allowing for this strange convergence.  
Read more stories of passports from defunct countries, including one with a picture of a dog, at Atlas Obscura.

How To Turn A Metal Can Lid Into An Emergency Whistle

Tin cans seem too heavy and cumbersome to bring along while camping or backpacking, but there are so many clever uses for an empty can they make a great addition to your pack. Of course, you'll have to pack a can opener too...
Anyhoo, this fun video by Specific Love Creations shows you how to turn a lid from a metal can into a survival whistle, so you won't lose your friends while you're out getting lost in the woods.
Or just make one at home and drive your pets crazy!

Renowned French historian detained for 10 hours by US customs officials

A French historian was detained for 10 hours by US customs officials this week while on his way to an academic conference in Texas. Henry Rousso, 62, a specialist in the history of World War II has taught at the Sorbonne in Paris and Columbia University in New York.

Dumbass Trump’s Deportation War Will Cost the Economy Trillions of Dollars

Undocumented workers contribute 3 percent of GDP, or nearly $5 trillion in economic growth” that will vanish with Dumbass Trump’s “military action” against Mexican workers.…