Wednesday, April 12, 2017

The Daily Drift

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Today in History

1204 The Fourth Crusade sacks Constantinople.
1606 England adopts the Union Jack as its flag.
1770 Parliament repeals the Townsend Acts.
1782 The British navy wins its only naval engagement against the colonists in the American Revolution at the Battle of Saints, off Dominica.
1811 The first colonists arrive at Cape Disappointment, Washington.

The Civil war erupts as Confederate forces fire on Fort Sumter in Charleston, South Carolina.
1864 Confederate Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest captures Fort Pillow, in Tennessee.
1877 The first catcher’s mask is used in a baseball game.
1911 Pierre Prier completes the first non-stop London-Paris flight in three hours and 56 minutes.
1916 American cavalrymen and Mexican bandit troops clash at Parral, Mexico.
1927 The British Cabinet comes out in favor of voting rights for women.
1944 The U.S. Twentieth Air Force is activated to begin the strategic bombing of Japan.
1945 President Franklin D. Roosevelt dies at Warm Spring, Georgia. Harry S. Truman becomes president.
1954 Bill Haley records “Rock Around the Clock.”
1955 Dr. Jonas Salk’s discovery of a polio vaccine is announced.
1961 Soviet Yuri Alexeyevich Gagarin becomes first man to orbit the Earth.
1963 Police use dogs and cattle prods on peaceful civil rights demonstrators in Birmingham, Alabama.
1966 Emmett Ashford becomes the first African-American major league umpire.
1983 Harold Washington is elected the first black mayor of Chicago.

Guy Builds NERF Dart Gun That Breaks The Sound Barrier

NERF modders were obsessed with pushing their store-bought NERF guns to the limit, but once those limits were reached they ditched the guns and started making devices built to launch darts further than ever before.Recently YouTuber Giaco Whatever created a pneumatic "gun" that launches NERF darts at such a high speed those little foam and plastic darts actually break the sound barrier, traveling at around 800 meters per second. The NERF wars are about to turn deadly...

Should Scotland Become a Province of Canada?

Scotland narrowly defeated a referendum on leaving the United Kingdom in 2014, but that was before the Brexit vote. Now the Scottish parliament is pushing for another referendum, which would allow them to divorce the UK and stay with the European Union. But there may be another possibility. Canadian writer Ken McGoogan has proposed that Scotland become a part of Canada.
Mr McGoogan says that if Scotland were to join Canada, it would enjoy a lot more independence and hold a lot more power than it currently does with Great Britain.
Scotland would be Canada's third largest province, with 5.3 million people, which would give it significant political sway. Add to that the millions of Canadians who, like Mr McGoogan, have Scottish ancestry, and you'd have a national-ethnic bloc about 10m strong, he reasons.

More importantly, Canadian provinces are in charge of more aspects of governance than Scotland has been afforded as part of the UK.
Sure, there's the whole Atlantic ocean between Scotland and Canada, but Hawaii is even further from the rest of the United States. Read more about McGoogan's plan at BBC News.

Kentucky Coal Mining Museum Embraces Alternative Energy

Benham is a small town in Harlan County, Kentucky. It was founded as a coal camp by International Harvester in the early 20th century. During a year my father taught science at the local school (which is now a hotel), I was born in the company clinic. At the time, my grandfather managed the company store, which is now the Kentucky Coal Mining Museum. The town has replaced coal mining with tourism as its most prominent business, and now it's even replacing coal as its energy source. The coal mining museum is installing 80 solar panels on its roof to provide light and heat for the building.
Tre' Sexton said he was surprised when his company, Bluegrass Solar, was approached about the project. If there was one building in eastern Kentucky that wouldn't have a solar-power system, you'd think it would be the coal museum, he said.
“Really the first time that I sat down and was talking about it with everybody, I was like...are you for real? They’re really going to go for this?” Sexton said. “I mean, that would be like showing up at a bank and they ask you if you’d mind taking some of this money out of the vault.”
But putting solar panels on top of the coal museum makes sense economically, Sexton said. Public attractions like this one can't be profitable if they're dealing with expensive electric bills every month. And people in eastern Kentucky are becoming more interested in alternative energy options.
It's a sign of the times. Local officials welcome the idea. When the solar panel system is completed, any excess energy gathered will be fed back into the grid, which will benefit Benham's 500 or so residents.

Hackers Cause Mayhem In Dallas By Setting Off All Of The City's Tornado Sirens

Unbeknownst to many there are sirens set up throughout the city of Dallas, Texas to warn the citizens in case of tornado or other natural disaster, a total of 156 emergency weather sirens to be exact.
These sirens are designed to go off a section at a time if a tornado decides to rip through the city, but at just before midnight on April 7th every single siren in the city started screaming:
It took city officials an hour and a half to realize they wouldn't be able to fix the problem- because the system had been hacked:
By 1:20 a.m., flummoxed officials had decided the only way to stop the noise was “to unplug the radio systems and the repeater, and pretty much turn the siren system completely off,” as emergency management director Rocky Vaz explained to reporters the next day.
At that same news conference (ironically drowned out at one point by ambulance sirens) city spokeswoman Sana Syed announced that the 95 minutes of howling had not been a glitch after all.
“It does appear at this time it was a hack,” she said. “And we do believe it came from the Dallas area.”
Officials have ruled out a remote hack — telling reporters someone gained physical access to a hub connecting all the sirens, which may not be turned on again until Monday as the city tries to figure out who, how and why.

Octopuses Are Big Weirdos

We all know octopuses and squid are weird. What you might not know is just how weird they are. In fact, these creatures actually use their RNA in a quite different way than practically any other animal on earth:
Stanford University geneticist Jin Billy Li heard about Joshua Rosenthal’s work on RNA editing in squid, his jaw dropped. That’s because the work, published today in the journal Cell, revealed that many cephalopods present a monumental exception to how living things use the information in DNA to make proteins. In nearly every other animal, RNA—the middleman in that process—faithfully transmits the message in the genes. But octopuses, squid, and cuttlefish (but not their dumber relatives, the nautiluses) edit their RNA, changing the message that gets read out to make proteins.
But there is a dropback to the adaptation -it means that octopuses and squid slow down their genome evolution.
You can read more about what these findings mean over on Wired.