Thursday, April 27, 2017

The Daily Drift

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Today in History

Edward I defeats the Scots at the Battle of Dunbar.
Pope Julius II excommunicates the Italian state of Venice.
The first Spanish settlement in Philippines is established in Cebu City.
British Parliament passes the Tea Act.
King George II wins the Battle of Culloden.
American forces capture York (present-day Toronto), the seat of government in Ontario.
Lincoln suspends the writ of habeas corpus.
West Virginia secedes from Virginia after Virginia secedes from the Union.
The Army of the Potomac begins marching on Chancellorsville.
The Sultana, a steam-powered riverboat, catches fire and burns after one of its boilers explodes. At least 1,238 of the 2,031 passengers–mostly former Union POWs–are killed.
The Sultan of Turkey, Abdul Hamid II, is overthrown.
German bombers of the Condor Legion devastate Guernica, Spain.
The Greek army capitulates to the invading Germans.
South Africa passes the Group Areas Act, formally segregating races.
The United Kingdom grants Sierra Leone independence.
Saigon is encircled by North Vietnamese troops.
The Afghanistan revolution begins.
Protesting students take over Tiananmen Square in Beijing, China.

Indoor Plants That Are Hard To Kill

Those lucky nature lovers who have a green thumb make growing and caring for plants look easy, but what can a brown thumb do to turn their bad luck with plants around and bring some living green into their homes?
They can buy an indoor plant that's hard to kill, like the bold and beautiful bromeliad, which likes to be in temperatures around 70 degrees and produces shoots that replace the original plant.
But if the bromeliad is too flashy for you then you may want to start with the basics- the spider plant, the dieffenbachia and the calathea:
The spider plant only needs to be watered once a week, and its shoots produce babies that can be re potted so you can have as many spider plants in your home as you'd like.The dieffenbachia is happy with filtered light and doesn't need regular watering, and the calathea or "peacock plant" thrives in low light and simply needs to be kept moist, so

‘Anumeric’ people: What happens when a language has no words for numbers?

Numbers do not exist in all cultures.
There are numberless hunter-gatherers embedded deep in Amazonia, living along branches of the world’s largest river tree.
Instead of using words for precise quantities, these people rely exclusively on terms analogous to “a few” or “some.” The Conversation
In contrast, our own lives are governed by numbers.
As you read this, you are likely aware of what time it is, how old you are, your checking account balance, your weight and so on.
The exact (and exacting) numbers we think with impact everything from our schedules to our self-esteem.
But, in a historical sense, numerically fixated people like us are the unusual ones.
For the bulk of our species’ approximately 200,000-year lifespan, we had no means of precisely representing quantities.
What’s more, the 7,000 or so languages that exist today vary dramatically in how they utilize numbers.

What medieval sources reveal about the true nature of the Vikings

We’ve seen it all in documentaries and dramas.
The Viking Age begins as hordes of Vikings leap ashore from their long-ships, in a lightening raid against defenseless clerics and lay folk, only to depart as swiftly as they arrive loaded up with slaves and booty.
These hit-and-run raids are seen to have continued for decades before visitors from Scandinavia began to trade, negotiate and found settlements on English soil.
While it can’t be denied that Viking raids were violent, the established narrative of first contact seems oversimplified in the light of contemporary evidence. The Conversation

The True Adventures Of Bill Hitler

Hitler's older half-brother, Alois, lived in England in 1911, where he produced a son named William Hitler. By the time William was grown, the Hitler name was well-known, and Alois had abandoned his British family to return to Germany.
Left without his father, William and his mother struggled back in England. Any job opportunities he could find seemed to vanish into thin air the moment people found out his last name. But there was one place where being a Hitler was your ticket to success: Nazi Germany. So William said goodbye to his mother, left his conscience in his old bedroom, and went over to Uncle Adolf's lair to mooch. Not wanting him to crash on the Eagle's Nest couch, his bestest best uncle eventually got him a gig at the German national bank. That was only his day job, though. By the 1930s, Willy Hitler had found his true calling: professional name-dropper.
William Hitler's dealings with his Nazi uncle is the reason the article's headline refers to him as "Hitler's Idiot Nephew," but after a weird interlude of trying to cash in on his name, he apparently grew up and learned better in his later years. Read the story of William Hitler at Cracked, in the colorful language they are known for. 

Austin's Serial Axe Murderer

Between December 1884 and December 1885, Austin, Texas, had eight axe murders. Six women, and 11-year-old girl, and a man who was with another victim were all killed in horrific ways, and several were also raped. Only the first three were domestic workers, but the unknown perpetrator was dubbed the "Servant Girl Annihilator." The murders did not stop because the killer was caught; they just stopped.
Though around 400 men were arrested in 1885 under suspicion of being the Annihilator, none were ever successfully tried. The list included Walter Spencer (the boyfriend of the first victim—acquitted after a two-day trial), “two suspicious-looking white brothers found with blood on their clothes,” Eula’s husband Jimmy Phillips, and Susan’s husband Moses Hancock. Phillips, the prosecutors claimed, was a copycat killer before the term existed, using the murders of Austin’s black working class as an excuse to kill his unfaithful and beautiful wife. Initially sentenced to seven years, Phillips’s conviction was overturned within six months; Hancock’s trial resulted in a hung jury. The Annihilator was still out there, but what was he—or they—doing?
As time passed, suspicion fell on men who left Austin at the time the murders stopped. More than one of those went to England, and coincidentally or not, that's when the Jack the Ripper murders began. Read what we know -and don't know- about the Servant Girl Annihilator and his victims at mental_floss.

Rachel Maddow Is Poised To Be #1 On Cable News

Rachel Maddow Is Poised To Be #1 On Cable News, And Wingnuts Are Seriously Bummed
With O'Reilly gone from Fox 'News', MSNBC's The Rachel Maddow show is poised to be the top-rated program on cable news, and this new reality is massively bumming out wingnuts.…

Very Bad News For The NRA

While it may not come as much of a surprise that the leadership at the National Rifle Association (NRA) has a different opinion on gun control than the...

Gutfeld Puts Out A Call For Anti-Choice Violence

Greg Gutfeld Puts Out A Call For Anti-Choice Violence: 'They Should Start A War'

He's stepping right into O'Reilly's shoes, calling for violence against pro-choice people. All in good fun, of course.