Tuesday, May 2, 2017

The Daily Drift

Welcome to Today's Edition of
Carolina Naturally
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Today in History

The Hudson Bay Company is founded.
Henry IV signs Treaty of Vervins, ending Spain’s interference in France.
Peace of Aix-la-Chapelle ends the War of Devolution in France.
France and Spain agree to donate arms to American rebels fighting the British.
A mutiny in the British navy spreads from Spithead to the rest of the fleet.
The black General Toussaint Louverture forces British troops to agree to evacuate the port of Santo Domingo.
The citizens of Madrid rise up against Napoleon.
Napoleon defeats a Russian and Prussian army at Grossgorschen.
Stonewall Jackson smashes Joseph Hooker’s flank at Chancellorsville, Virginia.
President Andrew Johnson offers a $100,000 reward for the capture of the Confederate President
King Leopold II of Belgium establishes the Congo Free State.
The Territory of Oklahoma is created.
The first U.S. air passenger service starts.
Lieutenants Oakley Kelly and John Macready take off from New York for the West Coast on what will become the first successful nonstop transcontinental flight.
Hostilities break out between British forces in Iraq and that country’s pro-German faction.
Admiral Chester J. Nimitz, convinced that the Japanese will attack Midway Island, visits the island to review its readiness.
Russian forces take Berlin after 12 days of fierce house-to-house fighting.
Prisoners revolt at California’s Alcatraz prison.
The U.S. Army attacks Nhi Ha in South Vietnam and begins a fourteen-day battle to wrestle it away from Vietnamese Communists.
Student anti-war protesters at Ohio’s Kent State University burn down the campus ROTC building. The National Guard takes control of campus.

12-Year-Old Girl Forced to Quit Chess Tournament After Her Dress Was Deemed 'Seductive’

And just who determined the seductiveness of the dress?
A pedophile?
12-year-old girls are only seductive to 12-year-old boys or girls (OK, maybe 11 or 13 year-old boys or girls) and pedophiles.

People With Autism Describe What It's Like

The autistic mind can't be accurately described by someone who doesn't have autism, and even the doctors who study the disorder can't describe its effects on the mind as well as an autistic person can.
While I live a pretty normal life I have a lot of issues with sensory sensitivity. Like loud noises, bright lights, certain food tastes, smells and standing in crowds of people. These things make me feel a bit stressed out resulting in various issues like headaches and digestive problems.
While we're on the subject. Certain non-autistic people have the misconception that those of us on the spectrum would "lack empathy." That is simply not true. We often have a hard time to "read" people, but we certainly do not lack human empathy. That needed to be said.
So if you want to know what it's like to live with autism you must go to the source and ask those who've had their lives and minds disrupted by the disorder.
Emotions can be more extreme, especially the negative ones, unfortunately. There is a sudden trigger and a switch just flips. I usually take a step back and take a breather to get myself to baseline then.
This also ties in with control for me. I have a hard time with unfamiliar situations/places or if I have no way out. What's normal there, how should I behave, what if I do something wrong? What if I need a moment to myself where do I go? I would love to travel but everything about it can get me into a panic. But once I'm there and have assigned a spot as my place to collect myself I'm fine. Getting there is the hard part.
I also want to be really, really sure someone likes a present. I am horrible at giving a gift without them knowing what it is. I only not check if they would like it if there is no doubt in my mind that they would love it.
Hopefully knowledge about autism will teach us how to help autistic people live more normal and therefore more fulfilling lives, as we demystify the disorder and discover it's just another state of mind.
"So if I'm speaking to someone with autism, what can I do to make you feel more comfortable while taking to you?"
For me, I just want to be treated with dignity, patience, and respect. Be aware that I'm probably agonizing over your social cues that I may or may not be interpreting correctly or even noticing.

One of the Earliest Industrial Spies Was a French Missionary Stationed in China

Fine porcelain originated in China (that's why it's called china), and in the 17th century, Europe couldn't get enough of it. French potters would have loved to get in on that business, but they did not know how to produce porcelain. The Chinese weren't about to give away their secret techniques. The Jesuits sent missionaries to win souls around the world, and they were also into gathering knowledge from every culture they visited. So they assigned Francois Xavier d’Entrecolles to figure out how porcelain was made when he was sent as a missionary to China. D’Entrecolles had to learn the language, gain the trust of the Chinese, and then learn how to make porcelain. It took him ten years. Then he set it all down in a long letter. 
But by the end of the letter, he has taught his interlocutor exactly what porcelain is made of, how those materials are mixed, separated, and purified, and how the resulting clay is rolled, kneaded, molded, and fired. He has gone over special cases (extra-large pieces; glaze preparation; crackling) and speculated about how to reconstruct various techniques that the Chinese artisans considered “lost secrets,” including kia-tsim—a glazing technique in which illustrations appear on a bowl only when it’s full of water.
A modern reader comes away with a good understanding of the porcelain-making process, as well as an appreciation for the creativity on display. D’Entrecolles tells of porcelain ducks and turtles that float on water, and realistic porcelain cats with eyes that glow when candles are put inside. (Those were meant to scare rats.)
Did this satisfy his superiors? No, ten years of work on one project wasn't enough for them. Read the story of D’Entrecolles and his industrial spying at Atlas Obscura.

10 Tiny Mistakes That Caused Massive Disasters

We all make mistakes. I make mistakes in my work every day, as many of you know. Some jobs demand more precision than others, and some have expensive or dangerous risks. If you are working with space ships or military campaigns, a tiny mistake could have large consequences. It's happened.
Here we have ten true stories of mistakes that had far-ranging consequences. In other words, "oops!"

"Black market insulin"

As reported by NBC News:
Gabriella is allergic to the kind of insulin her insurer covers at a $25 out-of-pocket cost. She can only take Apidra, but her insurance only covers 25 percent of the price, leaving the family to pay hundreds of dollars a month they can't afford.
So her mom has turned to the black market, trading for the medication with other families with diabetes she meets online, a tactic that regulators and health experts warn is a health risk...
The class of rapid-acting insulin Gabriella depends upon comes at a price — one that's risen 1,123 percent since 1996, according to data from Truven Health Analytics, even as more competitors have entered the market.
Her parents' insurer, West Virginia Public Employees Insurance Agency (PEIA), considers Gabriella's insulin Apidra "Tier 3," which means the family has to pay 75 percent of the price. A copay-reduction card from drugmaker Sanofi would help some, but would still leave them to pay $270 for one vial, which would last them about a month...
Since they're not uninsured, the Corleys don't qualify for free insulin under Sanofi's patient assistance program...
As far as the industry is concerned, Humalog, Novolog, and Apidra are all equivalent insulins in terms of how they lower blood sugar levels. So whether or not your insurer covers it comes down to the deal they can cut.
But not every patient can use the drug their insurer has decided they can take, or afford the one they want to. Drugs' formulations vary. Some patients may have a reaction to the inactive ingredients or find that one kind works differently in their body, forcing them to relearn years of mental math performed at every mealtime.
The American healthcare system is a complete, total and utter cluster-fuck.

US lunatic fringe is getting duped by Russia

In recent years, certain members of the U.S. far right have found sympathetic “kindred spirits” among Russia’s well-connected elite. A bombshell report published Sunday night suggests the Russian government is using these disaffected wingnuts as "useful idiots."

‘Stray’ black hole found hiding nearby has scientists puzzled

Finding a black hole when it is floating all alone in space is nearly impossible because there are no emissions to be seen. So imagine the surprise researchers must have felt when, while examining molecular clouds around the supernova remnant W44, they stumbled across signs of a hidden black hole.

The Nemertea

"The proboscis is an infolding of the body wall, and sits in the rhynchocoel when inactive. When muscles in the wall of the rhynchocoel compress the fluid in the rhynchocoel, the pressure makes the proboscis jump inside-out to attack the animal's prey along a canal called the rhynchodeum and through an orifice, the proboscis pore. The proboscis has a muscle which attaches to the back of the rhynchocoel, and which can stretch up to 30 times its inactive length and then retract the proboscis.
Some Anopla have branched proboscises which can be described as "a mass of sticky spaghetti".  The animal then draws its prey into its mouth...
Although most are less than 20 centimeters (7.9 in) long, one specimen has been estimated at 54 meters (177 ft).