Saturday, September 2, 2017

The Daily Drift

Welcome to Today's Edition of
Carolina Naturally
Today happens to be National Tailgating Day ...!
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That's a beard all right ... !
Today is - World Beard Day

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Today in History

The Great Fire of London, which devastates the city, begins.
The Treasury Department, headed by Alexander Hamilton, is created in New York City.
Verdun, France, surrenders to the Prussian Army.
The Maltese people revolt against the French occupation, forcing the French troops to take refuge in the citadel of Valletta in Malta.
Napoleon III capitulates to the Prussians at Sedan, France.
In Rock Springs, Wyoming Territory, 28 Chinese laborers are killed and hundreds more chased out of town by striking coal miners.
Sir Herbert Kitchener leads the British to victory over the Mahdists at Omdurman and takes Khartoum.
Alice Stebbins Wells is admitted to the Los Angeles Police Force as the first woman police officer to receive an appointment based on a civil service exam.
Austro-German armies take Grodno, Poland.
Troops of the U.S. First Army enter Belgium.
Japan signs the document of surrender aboard the USS Missouri, ending World War II
Vietnam declares its independence and Nationalist leader Ho Chi Minh proclaims himself its first president.
Tennessee National Guardsmen halt rioters protesting the admission of 12 African-Americans to schools in Clinton.
Alabama Governor George Wallace calls state troopers to Tuskegee High School to prevent integration.
The US gets its first half-hour TV weeknight national news broadcast when CBS Evening News expands from 15 to 30 minutes.
NASA cancels two planned missions to the moon.
Joseph W. Hatcher of Tallahassee, Florida, becomes the state’s first African-American supreme court justice since Reconstruction.
The US and Russia agree to a joint venture to build a space station.
The Philippine government and Muslim rebels sign a pact, formally ending a 26-year long insurgency.
Jean Paul Akayesu, the former mayor of a small town in Rwanda, is found guilty of nine counts of genocide by the UN’s International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda.

A magic formula to predict attraction is more elusive than ever

A magic formula to predict attraction is more elusive than ever
Dating websites often claim attraction between two people can be predicted from the right combination of traits and preferences, but a new study casts doubt … Read more

Female entrepreneurs create fake male cofounder to avoid sexism

Penelope Gazin and Kate Dwyer faced the typical onslaught of sexist doubt and criticism when the Los Angeles-based duo set out to launch their own digital marketplace for quirky art. They were often viewed as hobbyists instead of entrepreneurs, even though their business model improved on some of the standards already established by tech industry giants like Etsy.

Dumbass Trump shows more compassion for rich people’s tax cuts than for homeless storm victims

Dumbass Trump was criticized on Tuesday for not showing enough empathy for storm victims when he visited Texas. But during Wednesday’s speech on tax reform, the Dumbass was passionate about taking care of rich business owners.

'Nuns' on the run after failed US bank heist

Police are searching for two would-be robbers disguised as nuns, after a failed bank heist in a sleepy Pennsylvania town.

White supremacist police chief’s resignation rejected by town leaders

The town of Colbert, Oklahoma is facing a crisis of confidence in local law enforcement as city officials continue to employ a Police Chief linked to White Power websites.

‘I’m a goddamn human being’

Christopher “Crying Nazi” Cantwell gave his first post-arrest interview to The Daily Beast’s Spencer and said that his new nickname makes him really, really upset.
*No you are not you're a fucking Nazi

How the universe became filled with light

Researchers hypothesize how the universe became filled with light
Researchers hypothesize how the universe became filled with light 

Soon after the Big Bang, the universe went completely dark. The intense, seminal event that created the cosmos churned up so much hot, thick gas that … Read more

Alien laser blasts?

Alien laser blasts? Distant galaxy sends out 15 high-energy radio bursts
Distant galaxy sends out 15 high-energy radio bursts
Breakthrough Listen, an initiative to find signs of intelligent life in the universe, has detected 15 brief but powerful radio pulses emanating from a mysterious … Read more