Tuesday, October 3, 2017

The Daily Drift

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Today in History

1739 Russia signs a treaty with the Turks, ending a three-year conflict between the two countries.
1776 Congress borrows five million dollars to halt the rapid depreciation of paper money in the colonies.
1862 At the Battle of Corinth, in Mississippi, a Union army defeats the Confederates.
1906 The first conference on wireless telegraphy in Berlin adopts SOS as a warning signal.
1929 The Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes officially changes its name to Yugoslavia.
1940 The U.S. Army adopts airborne, or parachute, soldiers. Airborne troops are later used in World War II for landing troops in combat and infiltrating agents into enemy territory.
The German Wehrmacht successfully launches a V-2 /A4-rocket from Test Stand VII at Peenemünde, Germany. It will become the first manmade object to reach space. The Germans have developed the missile, which features a liquid-propellant rocket engine, as a “vengeance weapon” assigned to attack Allied cities in retaliation for the Allied bombings of German cities in World War II.
1944 German troops evacuate Athens, Greece.
1952 The UK successfully develops a nuclear weapon, becoming the world’s third nuclear power.
1963 A violent coup in Honduras ends a period of political reform and ushers in two decades of military rule.
1985 The Space Shuttle Atlantis makes its maiden flight.
1990 After 40 years of division, East and West Germany are reunited as one nation.
1993 The Battle of Mogadishu takes place, in which 18 US soldiers and some 1,000 Somalis are killed during an attempt to capture officials of the warlord Mohamed Farrah Aidid’s organization.

Mona Lisa unveiled?

Nude sketch may have link to masterpiece
There's something vaguely familiar about this charcoal sketch of a woman's face and nude torso — could it be an unclothed precursor to the Mona Lisa by the master himself?
French government art experts are trying to find out, analyzing the sketch in a laboratory beneath the Louvre, the museum where the Mona Lisa hangs, to see if Leonardo da Vinci drew it before painting his 16th century masterpiece.
The sketch, previously attributed to Leonardo's students, is part of a collection at the Musee Conde du Domaine de Chantilly, north of Paris.
"This drawing is quite mysterious because we know it was made in Italy, maybe in the studio of Leonardo da Vinci or by the master himself," said museum curator Mathieu Deldicque.
There are tempting clues that Leonardo's hand could have been behind the sketch.
"For the moment we know that the paper on which this (sketch) is drawn was dated from the time of Leonardo da Vinci ... that is to say the beginning of the 16th century," Deldicque said in an interview Friday with The Associated Press. "We know that this paper comes from Italy, between Venice and Florence, so it is similar."
Imagery picked up other signs that may point to a sketch by Leonardo despite its "very worn elements," he said, noting the "quality" of the face and arms, which recalls the master.
"The position of the arms is very important because it is literally (like) the position of the arms of the Louvre painting," Deldicque said.
However, Deldicque has said there were differences, including the way the subject holds her chest and the hairstyle.
Art historians believe Leonardo drew or painted a nude version of the Mona Lisa. Deldicque acknowledged that the belief is feeding hopes that the Chantilly museum's sketch was indeed made by Leonardo's hand.
Among the array of clues under study is whether the artist of the sketch was left-handed.
"We know that Leonardo da Vinci was left-handed and now we are just looking for the left-handed features," the curator said. But the task is difficult. "The drawing is very old, very fragile," he said, making it uncertain firm evidence will be uncovered showing that the charcoal nude was sketched with a left hand.
The government-run Center for Research and Restoration of the Museums of France says the sketch will stay out of the public eye until the examination by experts is complete.

Las Vegas gunman killed and identified

Police fatally shot the gunman who killed at least 50 concert goers and wounded more than 400 others late Sunday in Las Vegas. One person of interest is still at large.

Nobel Prize for Medicine 2017 for research into circadian rhythm

American scientists Jeffrey C Hall, Michael Rosbash and Michael Young have been awarded the 2017 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine “for their discoveries of molecular mechanisms controlling the circadian rhythm"—the internal body clock that regulates our sleep patterns and helps us adapt to day and night cycles. 

Hewlett Packard Enterprise let Russia scrutinize cyberdefense system used by Pentagon

Hewlett Packard Enterprise allowed a Russian defense agency to review the inner workings of cyber defense software used by the Pentagon to guard its computer networks, according to Russian regulatory records and interviews with people with direct knowledge of the issue.

Denny’s employees fired for making black patrons pay before eating

Several employees at a Washington Denny’s have been fired after they insisted black patrons pay for their food in advance while letting white customers eat first and pay on the way out.

Tropical forests may be carbon sources, not sinks

Combination of satellite images and on-the-ground data enables more complete tracking of forest carbon flows.

Oldest traces of life on Earth may lurk in Canadian rocks

Researchers report chemical evidence of organisms that lived 3.95 billion years ago, but scepticism abounds.

Science-Backed Advice On How To Avoid Bringing Home Bedbugs

Bedbug infestations are a living nightmare, and those little bloodsuckers love to hitch a ride on people so they can spread the infestation all over town, or in the case of international travelers spread it across the globe.Scientists have focused on learning how bedbugs are attracted to humans and how they get around apartment blocks in an effort to stop them from spreading.
But William Hentley from the University of Sheffield thinks their focus should change to the dirty laundry we bring back with us from our trip:
“Stopping people from bringing bed bugs home can be a big step in preventing them spreading throughout the world.”
Scientists already know that human odor attracts bed bugs, though not which chemicals in the odor specifically. But for the newest study, researchers prepared a mock bedroom with laundry bags containing clean and dirty clothes—in other words, there were no humans in the room. The critters were “twice as likely to aggregate on bags containing soiled clothes compared to bags containing clean clothes,” according to the paper published today in the journal Scientific Reports. Contrary to the researchers’ hypothesis, the amount of carbon dioxide in the room did not affect their results—the CO2 source would represent a human, since some bugs like mosquitoes are specifically attracted to the carbon dioxide you exhale.
These results were enough to convince the researchers that bed bugs could travel throughout the world by hitching a ride in luggage containing dirty clothes.
the authors “demonstrate a striking pattern that bags containing clothes with human odor were more frequently used as refuges than those without. This result emphases the importance of making sure luggage and other belongings are made as inaccessible to bed bugs as possible when staying in increased risk places, for example by making sure bags are fully closed and secured and kept away from the bed.” Hentley agreed with this advice.

A Spider with a Pikachu Butt

National Geographic Explorer Jonathan Kolby was in the jungle in Honduras researching amphibians when he spotted a spider with a spectacular rear end. The spider (Micrathena sagittata) is red, except for an abdomen that resembles the head of the Pokémon character Pikachu. It's not a rare species, just tiny and hard to spot even if you're looking for them. But why the coloring that acts like a safety vest? A 2002 experiment on similarly colored spider in Australia hints that standing out actually attracts prey.
Using a black marker, the researchers "erased" the spiders' bright yellow color. The spiders whose colors had been thus muted were on average less successful at catching prey. Like arrow-shaped micrathenas, the Australian spiders are "sit-and-wait" predators that ensnare prey in large webs.
Maybe when insects see this, they don't think "Pikachu" as much as they think "flower." Read more about the PIkachu spider at National Geographic News.