Wednesday, November 8, 2017

The Daily Drift

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Today in History

Theodosius of Rome passes legislation prohibiting all pagan worship in the empire.
Louis IX succeeds Louis VIII as king of France.
The 17 provinces of the Netherlands form a federation to maintain peace.
The King of Bohemia is defeated at the Battle of Prague.
Fredrick William of Brandenburg issues the Edict of Potsdam, offering Huguenots refuge.
The Louvre opens to the pubic in Paris.
Charles Wilkes seizes Confederate commissioners John Slidell and James M. Mason from the British ship Trent.
Lincoln is re-elected in the first wartime election in the United States.
Doc Holliday, who fought on the side of the Earp brothers during the Gunfight at the O.K. Corral 6 years earlier, dies of tuberculosis in Glenwood Springs, Colorado.
Montana becomes the 41st state of the Union.
Theodore Dreiser’s first novel, Sister Carrie, is published by Doubleday, but is recalled from stores shortly due to public sentiment.
President Theodore Roosevelt is elected the 26th president of the United States. He had been vice president until the assassination of President William McKinley.
The Democrats prevail in congressional elections for the first time since 1894.
Adolf Hitler attempts a coup in Munich, the “Beer Hall Putsch,” and proclaims himself chancellor and Ludendorff dictator. .
Franklin D. Roosevelt is elected the 32nd president of the United States.
Crystal Bird Fauset of Pennsylvania, becomes the first African-American woman to be elected to a state legislature.
The United States and Great Britain invade Axis-occupied North Africa.
John F. Kennedy is elected the 35th president, defeating wingnut candidate Nixon in the closest election, by popular vote, since 1880.
In the Vietnam War, Operation Hump takes place: the US 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team is ambushed by over 1,200 Viet Cong in Bien Hoa Province. Nearby, in the Gang Toi Hills, a company of the Royal Australian Regiment also engage Viet Cong forces.
Republican Edward Brooke of Massachusetts becomes the first African-American elected to the Senate in 85 years.
Greek archaeologist Manolis Andronikos discovers what is believed to be the tomb of Philip II of Macedon at Vergina in northern Greece.
Wilson B. Goode is elected as the first black mayor of the city of Philadelphia.
A dozen people are killed and over 60 wounded when the IRA detonates a bomb during a Remembrance Day ceremony in Enniskillen, Northern Ireland, honoring those who had died in wars involving British forces.
A dispute begins over the US presidential election between George W. Bush and Al Gore; a Supreme Court ruling on Dec. 12 results in a 271-266 electoral victory for Bush.
More than 10,000 US troops and a few Iraqi army units besiege an insurgent stronghold at Fallujah.
Super Typhoon Haiyan, one of the strongest storms ever recorded, slams into the Philippines, with sustained winds of 195 mph (315 kph) and gusts up to 235 mph (380 kph); over 5,000 are killed (date is Nov 7 in US).

Giant hidden void in Giza pyramid not a ‘new discovery'

Officials from Egypt’s Ministry of Antiquities have said that the huge void inside the ancient Giza Pyramid is not a “new discovery.”
In a study published in Nature last week, scientists with the ScanPyramids project announced a huge void had been found inside Giza Pyramid above the Grand Gallery. The project aims to create a 3D picture of the internal structure of the 4,500-year-old monument by using cosmic rays to find anomalies in a non-invasive way.

What doxxing really is and advice on how to protect yourself

Remember Gamergate?
Or when the identity of that dentist who killed Cecil the Lion was posted?
Or that man who was wrongly identified as the Boston Marathon bomber?
These were all examples of how making someone’s personal, and sometimes private, information public on the internet led to intense harassment.
Today, each of the cases could easily be termed a form of doxxing — short for “dropping documents.” In the last few years, doxxing has increasingly been used as an online weapon to attack people. People’s “documents” — records of their addresses, relatives, finances — get posted online with the implicit or explicit invitation for others to shame or hector them.

Taxpayers are subsidizing hush money for sexual harassment and assault

Many of the recent stories about sexual abuse claims against disgraced Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein, former Fox 'News' hack O’Reilly and other powerful actors, journalists and executives mention settlements either they or their employers made to silence women who accused them of misconduct.
These settlements often require alleged victims to sign a nondisclosure agreement – essentially a pledge of secrecy – in exchange for a cash payment. They are designed to keep the reputations of allegedly abusive high-flyers intact, an arrangement that can allow repeated wrongdoing.

Does the NFL need Kaepernick for ratings?

Colin Kaepernick, the National Football League’s lightning-rod, continues to pursue litigation alleging collusion on the part of team owners.

Paradise Papers leak

A bevy of leaked financial documents released Sunday unveil how the rich and powerful use offshore accounts to avoid taxes or to obscure investments and assets. The leak, dubbed the Paradise Papers, is a follow-up to last year’s Panama Papers and revealed some notable names in addition to state-run Russian corporations' investments in Facebook and Twitter.

Supreme Court reverses ruling sparing killer who forgot the crime

The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday overturned a lower court ruling that an Alabama man convicted of killing a police officer in 1985 was no longer legally eligible to be executed because strokes wiped out his memory of committing the murder.
The nine justices ruled unanimously that Alabama can execute 67-year-old Vernon Madison, who has spent decades on death row. They said Supreme Court precedent had not established “that a prisoner is incompetent to be executed because of a failure to remember his commission of the crime.”
Madison has suffered several strokes in recent years, resulting in dementia and memory impairment, court papers said. He is legally blind, cannot walk on his own and speaks with a slur.

Dumbass Trump’s FEMA is bashing the celebrity chef

The Dumbass Trump junta has found itself in a public feud with celebrity chef Jose Andrés, who has helped cook and deliver more than 2 million meals to help out the citizens of hurricane-devastated Puerto Rico.

Two children sue over Dumbass Trump effort to roll back Clean Power Plan

Two children, backed by the Clean Air Council environmental group, sued Dumbass Trump and two of his Cabinet members on Monday to try to stop them from scrapping a package of pollution-reduction rules known as the Clean Power Plan.
The lawsuit, filed in federal court in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, says the United States is “relying on junk science” and ignoring “clear and present dangers of climate change, knowingly increasing its resulting damages, death and destruction.”

Dumbass Trump is quickly racking up the worst record on the environment since Reagan

In 1906, President Theodore Roosevelt, a progressive by his own definition, promoted the passage through Congress of the Antiquities Act, permitting him and future Presidents to utilize their executive powers to create or expand National Monuments, preventing the mining, drilling or logging of wide swaths of land on the American continent, and preserving those areas of natural beauty for future generations of Americans to enjoy.

Why are US mass shootings getting deadlier?

Another day, another mass shooting in the United States.
A lone gunman entered a baptist cult in Sutherland Springs, Texas, and opened fire with a Ruger assault rifle on Sunday morning. The result: 26 people dead—including children as young as five years old—and at least 20 more wounded in what is thought to be the fifth-deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history.

Lax Texas Gun Laws, the NRA and Another Horrendous Deadly Mass Shooting

A gunman opened fire Sunday at a small baptist cult in the tiny town of Sutherland, Texas, killing at least 26 people and wounding close to 30 more. 

Texas cult shooter Devin P. Kelley’s court martial was for violence against his wife and child

Texas cult shooter Devin Patrick Kelley was discharged from the Air Force over accusations of domestic violence against his wife and child. Kelley falls in with a pattern noted by researchers who say that the overwhelming majority of mass shooters and terrorist attackers have a history of violence and threats against women.

Texas Cult Shooter Devin P. Kelley Had a History of Domestic Violence

Texas cult shooter Devin Patrick Kelley was discharged from the Air Force over accusations of domestic violence against his wife and child. Kelley falls in with a pattern noted by researchers who say that the overwhelming majority of mass shooters and terrorist attackers have a history of violence and threats against women.

Far-right launches fraudulent campaign to associate Sutherland Springs shooter Devin P. Kelley with Antifa

For anyone monitoring America’s far-right, it was only a matter of time before Devin Patrick Kelley, the man identified as the Sutherland Springs, Texas, shooter, became “antifa.”

Torch-carrying white supremacists chased off University of Texas campus

A group of white supremacists were chased off campus by University of Texas police over the weekend before they could circle jerk.
The demonstrators, some masked and carrying torches, were told to leave shortly after midnight Friday by university police officers, reported The Daily Texan.
Officers said nearly two dozen demonstrators were gathering and lighting tiki torches on the Main Mall, but police ordered them to remove their American flag masks and leave campus before the circle jerk started.