Sunday, July 15, 2007

Cognitive Dissonance

I have sought to find the appropriate term for the lack of cerebral activity on the part of the neo-cons and have rejected literally thousands, but have settled on Cognitive Dissonance (those suffering from it will need to look it up for themselves - but they won't).

It really is amazing the utter void that is the neo-con mind.

Vincent Price's line from the movie "The Fly" keeps playing over and over in my mind and has been for the past 6 years ... "Be afraid, be very afraid!", when I hear and see the neo-cons at 'work'.


  1. Cognitive dissonence suggests that there is a difference between how a person thinks and how they act. It is an indication that a person has a conscience. Do you really think this is the best description? They are very content with their thinking aren't they?

    Just some ponderings.

  2. Yes I think it is the best description even though one could infer a conscience, one must only look at the actions in relation to the words the neo-con spew to see that no conscience is present. They are forever saying one thing and doing another with blatant disregard for the consequences of their actions as to their effect and affect on others.
