Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Confused By Something

I was reading another forum and one new poster posted their perplexing and mystical internal debate as to why ...

Whereas, there is a society called the "Barefoot Society", and as the name implies its members go about their daily lives unshod but otherwise fully clothed; yet there is a society called the "Naturist Society", in which its members go about their daily lives sans raiment, shod in varying types of 'footwear', but are otherwise nude.

From a philosophical perspective it is a good question ... one worth further debate and development.

From a practical standpoint it is quite logical why someone who is nude may opt for some type of footwear ... The places available for them to be nude outdoors are limited and usually in hard to reach places and over less than congenial ground surfaces at times as well. The feet be delicate and stuff.

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