Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Fortune Cookie Say ...

That might just be a wee bit to a Fortune Cookie and its "fortune" for you, because in the last 3 weeks each time I haven eaten at the "Great Wok" I have received the same fortune (and you cannot tell me that it is not against the odds, even if there only 10 "fortunes" and each one repeated 100 times in a case of cookies, the odds of my receiving the same one every time I go into the place are almost nill, what with the volume of business the place does.).

What is that "fortune" you ask?

Well, I don't think it is so much a "fortune" but a comment on my character ...

For the last 5 times I have received the following:

You have inexhaustible wisdom and power!

It's true, I do! (And a keen sense of self depreciating humor to go along with it!)

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