Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Nude Pastor

Someone asked the question, "Can a naturist be hired as a Pastor for a church?".

Simply put, Yes. Now before getting one's dander up, think about it. Many clergy are naturists just as many non-clergy are. (And the numbers would surprise you.)
Some let it be known, some do not.
Some don't care if it is known they are naturists, some do, just like non-clergy.

See the theme here?

It doesn't matter if a Pastor is a naturist or not, if they are the right person for the church in question.
But the Prunella Prudes and Pearcey Prigsniffs of the world make a big "issue" of such non-consequential things as this and therefore all suffer for it.

As an ordained minister, I find this insecurity on the part of the Prunellas and Pearceys of the world sad.
As a naturist, I find them - more so their words and actions - reprehensible.

BTW, I am available to officiate weddings and hand-fastings, nude or otherwise.

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