Saturday, July 7, 2007

The Old Fart

Spent some time today with the 'Old Fart', well it was his 79th birthday today.
And to think he claims to be my father.
I was good to see mom though.
The day was dampened by the news that some crazy bitch pulled in front of my little brother forcing him to hit her then driving off with him sitting in a totaled car. Luckily for him another fellow was able to get her tag number so by now she's behind bars (my brother's wife's brother is a detective for the police department so expediting the investigation was not a worry).

Why do some think they can cause automobile wrecks and 'walk' away from them?

But what is so 'funny' about this wreck is that it happened within 100 yards from where he was hit a while back by another crazy bitch pulling out in front of him (and driving off), when he was driving the car he had before that wreck 'bought' him the car he was driving today.
It is on the most direct route from his home to our parents home, but maybe he ought to go by a less direct route from now on!

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