Thursday, July 12, 2007

The Reading Room

Just was thinking of the last visit to our son's home and the flash of another of our granddaughter "G's" gems got a laugh out of me again.

Like a lot of people our son "needs" to take some reading material with him when he has the urge to commune with the cold gods of the shinning white pedestal in the 'reading room'. On this particular occasion when he stood up without a word and looked around and found a copy of the 'Collected Works of Shakespeare' and picked it up while heading down the hall, our granddaughter said ...
"Daddy, don't stink the whole house up this time, PLEASE!"

At which the entire house erupted in howls of laughter as our son answered her ... "G, I am only going to read some." To which she replied "Uh uh, you're going to stink up the house, again!"

Meanwhile the rest of us were rolling on the floor, holding our sides and curling into little balls we were laughing so hard. Well, except for "G" she didn't understand why we thought it was so funny. But even as I type this I am having to wipe tears from my eyes as I remember the moment and have another belly laugh to break-up the morning,

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