Sunday, July 8, 2007


Just thought I'd share some conversational exchanges between our 7 year-old granddaughter "G" and her 12 year-old brother "J". These are actual exchanges from the last week that they have been staying with us.

G: "Bubbie, does Daddy have boy parts?"
J: "No, he has MAN parts. G."
G: "What's the difference Bubbie?"
J: "Several inches."

(This one came out of left field somewhere as they were watching Hannah Montana on the Disney Channel and "J's" deadpan delivery of his line couldn't have been any better nor timed any better, all comedians should be proud.)

G: "How many balls do you have Bubbie?"
J: "Two, G."
G: "Can I play with them Bubbie?"
J: "No, G."

(Ok the 'balls' in question here were those super bouncing rubber ones, but the snicker in my grandson's voice and the look of devilment in his eyes made us think the same as you did when you read the exchange.)


Check out other snippets as they occur!

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