Monday, July 30, 2007

Sunshine and Thunder

Bright sun shinning and loud thunder sounding!

Like John Fogerty asked many years ago "Have you ever seen the rain coming down on a sunny day?", I ask the same thing as I watch a thunderstorm drop torrents on my lawn in front of my house while I sit in the warm sunshine on the back porch.

This happens daily to thousands of people (there has to be an edge to the storm somewhere you know), yet it is one of those things nobody says they have witnessed first hand and express disbelief when others say the have seen it.

I have witnessed this "phenomena" (as I recount them in my head), eleven times so far in my life, from a drizzle to a deluge.

The one time that stands out in memory the most is the time I was 15 and visiting my grandparents and literally stood by the house and the left side of my body was soaked from the rain coming down and the right side was dry in the sunshine (well, sweaty ... it was better than 90F in the sun that day - the rain side felt 20 degrees cooler though).

So, how many of you have seen the rain coming down on a sunny day?

(Of course John was alluding to bombs dropped from airplanes during the Vietnam War in the lyrics to "Have you ever seen the rain ..." and "Who'll stop the rain ...", but that's beside the point.)

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